Alphaks converted to a 2E power
by Brian CarawayAlphaks
(The Dark One, Lord of Darkness, Master of Murder, The Evil One)
Intermediate Power of Hades, NEPortfolio: Death by murder, darkness, evil, hatred.
Aliases: None.
Domain Name: Shadowkeep
Superior: None.
Allies: Loviatar, Loki, Martokk.
Foes: Mirrah, Sif, Talimyra, Odin, Thor, Tarastia, Diulanna, Valerias, Tyr, Koryis.
Symbol: A clenched black gauntleted fist.
Worshippers’ Alignment: CE, LE, NE
Followers and Strongholds: The priest's followers are received at 8th level, and consist of three 3rd level priests and twelve 1st level priests of Alphaks, along with one 3rd level fighter and six 1st level fighters to act as temple guards. The priesthood will pay half for construction of the stronghold.
The Church
Clergy: Clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, monks, arrikhans (NE paladins), maladons (CE paladins), illriggers (LE paladins).Clergy's Alignment: CE, LE, NE
Turn Undead: C: No, SP: No, Cru: No, AP: No, Ill: No, Arr: No.
Command Undead: C: Yes, SP: Yes, Cru: Yes, AP: Yes, Ill: Yes, Arr: Yes.
Dogma: Fear and respect the darkness, because it always comes. It is always lurking, waiting to consume those who do not yield to its power, and to subsume those who will give themselves to the darkness. Always plot and plan to bring the weak-willed servants of good to ruin or better yet, turn them to the darkness, and use whatever tools that it takes to accomplish the task. Every action you take is to further the power of Alphaks before your own. Failure is forgiven once, but failing a second time is punishable by death. Do not fail the Dark Lord, and your position is secure.
Day-to-Day Activities: As the various aligned faiths of Alphaks are rather independent of each other, the daily routine can differ greatly. The lawfully aligned churches may have a strict, regimented routine as opposed to the ever-changing practices of a chaotically aligned one, yet they all are unshaking in their reverence and fear of their deity. Though they are firm in their worship, reverence and fear of Alphaks, they all plot against one another as much as against the good and neutral deities, much to Alphaks’ consternation. This one fact has kept Alphaks from ascending to greater godhood status for centuries, and most likely will for all time.
Relationship with Other Deities and Faiths: Alphaks is almost universally despised by almost all of the good and neutral powers, because at one time or another he has attempted to destroy, dominate, manipulate or suborn them and their faithful to achieve his own ends. As one might think, Ixion is his eternal foe. The battles they have fought over the centuries have been wide-spanning and legendary, and will always be so. Alphaks know that he is not powerful enough to defeat Ixion, so he tries to weaken Ixion by attempting to seduce his faithful with dark promises of power, wealth and similar things, trying to appeal to the dark side of every being’s soul.
Most of the evil powers will not associate with Alphaks either, mostly for the same reasons, but if they are in need of assistance (especially the lesser powers) they will attempt to court him. There are a few whom he considers equals (Loki and Amatsu-Mikaboshi being two of them), and will lend assistance to them if they request it. Alphaks and Loviatar have a complicated relationship as the two are constantly jockeying with each other for dominance in their joint endeavours, which tends to hamper their success.
Major Centres of Worship: As Alphaks is usually proscribed in most civilised lands, most churches are hidden away from prying eyes, secreted away in hidden chambers in homes, shops and other businesses.
Affiliated Orders:
Priestly Vestments:
Adventuring Garb: Priests of Alphaks usually dress in all black armour and clothing, with little variation between individual priests.
All priests of Alphaks receive religion as a bonus proficiency. Their temples are usually hidden away in large cities, as their faith has been proscribed in most civilised lands. The clergy is mostly male and human (98% for both), though those of dark, evil intent of any race or gender are welcome. The priesthood has an equal number of clerics and specialty priests (35% each), with the balance made up of arrikhans, illriggers, anti-paladins, crusaders, and monks. Through subversion, manipulation, coercion, and outright brute force, the priesthood look to destroy and corrupt those of goodly intent and deed. They look to control and dominate others through displays of power, force and intimidation. Excepting their allied faiths, the worshippers of Alphaks are universally loathed and despised.
Specialty Priests (Dark Knights)
Requirements: Wis 13, Int 13.
Prime Requisite: Wisdom, Intelligence.
Alignment: NE
Weapons: All blunt weapons plus battle axe, scythe, sickle, dagger, knife.
Armour: Any.
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Healing, Summoning, Protection, Sun (reversed only).
Minor Spheres: Creation, Charm, War.
Magical Items: As clerics, including enchanted weapons that they may use.
Required Proficiencies: Scythe, Sickle, or Dagger
Bonus Proficiencies: Blind-Fighting, Direction Sense
Dark Knights have the ability to operate normally in natural or magical darkness without any penalties. For every four levels the dark knight attains he receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage, and saving throws when fighting in natural or magical darkness.
Dark Knights may consecrate one weapon of their choice. Once per day, when they strike a blow against a foe with that weapon, there is a 1% chance per level that it is a death blow, instantly reducing the foe to 0 hp and knocking him unconscious. If the weapon is edged, the victim will begin to bleed to death until he or she reaches -10 hp, at which point the victim dies. A successful saving throw vs. Death at a -2 penalty negates this effect.
At 5th level, dark knights can create continual darkness (reverse of continual light, Player's Handbook, pg 209) once per day. For each five additional levels, the priest gains the ability to create continual darkness once again that day.
At 7th level, dark knights can cast dark aura (Faiths & Avatars, pg 53) once per day.
At 9th level, dark knights can summon an area of darkness, 10 feet in diameter for every two levels the priest has, which also acts as a fear spell for as long as anyone is in the area and lasts for 1 round per level of the priest. Also, the priest can cast nightmare (reverse of the spell dream, Player's Handbook, pg 168) once per day.
At 11th level, dark knights can cast shadow door (Player's Handbook, pg 171), eyebite (Player's Handbook, pg 177), or veil (Player's Handbook, pg 182) once per day.
At 13th level, dark knights can cast strike of darkness once per week.
Strike of Darkness (Alteration, Necromantic)
7th level priest spellSphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level or until used
Area of Effect: The Caster
Save: SpecialThis spell covers the caster’s body with a wispy, shadowy aura of negative life-energy, which lasts one round per level or until the caster touches a victim, which requires a successful attack roll. If the victim is touched by the caster he must make a saving throw vs. death magic or die instantly, and even if the saving throw is made he loses one level of experience. The component for this spell is the ichor from a spectre that has been slain within the past month.
Special Spells: Armour of Darkness, Whip of Alphaks (Shar), Creature of Darkness, Darkbolt, Strike of Darkness.