Alphatia in Dracopolis
by Lance Duncan from Threshold Magazine issue 30Alphatia in Dracopolis
An alternate Alphatia by Lance Duncan
This is how Alphatia is presented in The Known World of Dracopolis (my home campaign)1.
At the time of conflict between the Followers of Air and the Followers of Fire on the Alphatian homeworld (whose name has been lost to the ages), the Alphatian people were at a high level of scientific and technological advancement, and on the verge of discovering the secrets of Ascension, the process of leaving the corporeal body behind and gaining Immortality. The Followers of Air theorized that Ascension could be obtained through focus of the mind and the power of thought. In opposition to this the Followers of Fire thought the application of technology and the direct infusion of energy into the body could release the spirit as a shortcut and more efficient means of Ascension. There were also Followers of Water, who believed the application of genetic manipulation would lead to the desired Immortality. And Followers of Earth who believed in remaining grounded in the natural world. The followers of Earth and Water had minor followings and remained neutral during the conflict between Air and Fire, ultimately becoming victims to the destruction of their homeworld.
[Image: Skyship]
Caption: Done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingDuring this period of conflict a famed scientist among the Followers of Air, called Kerothar, foresaw the coming destruction and built a great city-ship that could traverse the stars to escape the disaster and save any who would listen to his warnings. He and his followers fled the Alphatian homeworld and arrived on Mystara to find the land inhabited by “primitive” humans, called the Cypri (though Alphatian legend places the Cypri as natives of the Alphatian homeworld, this is not true). The Alphatians made Kerothar king in this new land, and he fell in love with one of the humans of the new world named Klete (known as Cleito to the Thyatians). She bore him five sets of twin sons (Alphas and Theran, Randel and Bettelyn, Arogonsa and Eadrin, Ar and Ambur, Hossetta and Wyllareth) and one set of twin daughters (Aasla and Frisia). The children of Kerothar each conquered portions of this new land and established themselves as kings and queens of their respective dominions. Kerothar established laws by which his children should govern themselves and settle disputes. After the death of Kerothar, the eldest son, Alphas, established himself as ruler over his brethren in the place of his father.
Over time the city-ship that brought the Alphatians to Mystara came to be called Alphatia, after the first king of kings, Alphas. The City of Alphatia is located in the center of a large protected estuary called Alphas Lake fed by the Alphas River, and surrounded by the city of Aasla on the surrounding shores of the lake. The City of Alphatia is a wonder to behold, filled with many technological marvels that appear magical to the outsider; these include self-moving carriages, flying ships, holographic devices, weapons of curious design, and living automatons to perform menial labor. However, to the disappointment of many outsiders, all of these devices can only be operated by someone of pure Alphatian stock, and sometimes limited to specific family bloodlines. When a person of the right heritage touches a device it will activate by illuminating a series of patterned lines with a pale blue light, while a matching pattern, called a skymark, will brighten on the Alphatian’s skin. Once activated all of these devices are controlled simply by thought. There are many ancient wonders in the city whose purpose and design have been long forgotten.
The city itself is a jumble of many architectural materials and styles that have accumulated over the years. The oldest buildings, the walls, and the foundation of the city are built of a white, red, and black stone which was placed in various designs to make the colors pleasing to the eye; these old stone buildings have not decayed at all over the centuries and seem indestructible. As one journeys closer to the center of the city, the buildings will become taller and more crowded until they blot out the sun for anyone walking among the lowest levels of the city, forming a veritable jungle. Newer tower-like buildings, reaching toward the sky, pile atop the stone buildings on the lower levels of the old city. Many of these so-called “sky-scrapers” are constructed of glass, steel, and a unique metal called orichalcum. The newest buildings in the city are brick or lumber additions built haphazardly where space permits. Among the highest levels of the city, bridges, open balconies and platforms connecting the towers form a latticework that creates a sense of being on solid ground high in the air; this level is known as The Skyway. The Skyway is only available to the wealthiest families and guests. Each lower section of a tower is noticeably poorer than the one above it. The lowest levels of the city are ruled by organized crime and rampant corruption. Strict laws are enforced by automaton guards among the towers of the wealthy elite, while the lower city is completely lawless and subject to the strongest arm. The deepest level is below the city itself, under the submerged water of Alphas Lake; this is called The Cogs. The most miserable citizens work down here mining for orichalcum, the key to Alphatian technology, below the lakebed. Many outlaws or other citizens down on their luck take refuge in The Cogs from time to time.
Tourists come from all over the Empire and beyond to see the wonders of the floating city of towers, and to experience the many cultural and culinary delights of the city. Alphatia and its sister city Aasla are the center of trade in the Empire; anything from the most exotic lands can be found here for purchase, legally or on the blackmarket. Visitors can travel about the city on sky coaches, using lifts to reach the upper levels, walking among the many bridges and walkways, or by taking mundane mounts or carriages. The upper levels of the city are always lit by street lamps that never extinguish. These everburning lamps are also present in many of the homes of the wealthy, giving Alphatia the moniker “the city that never sleeps.”
[Image: Floating city]
Caption: Map of the Floating city of Alphatia, original drawing by authorDescriptions
The Citadel
There is a great wall covered in glistening orichalcum surrounding this innermost section of the city. Each of the three entrances are guarded by massive gatehouses. These gatehouses and various guard posts are manned by the largest and the most intelligent automatons of the Empire. Anyone entering the Citadel must provide proper up-to-date paperwork to be allowed entry inside because it is the personal domain of the Imperial Family.
In the center of the citadel stands a hill, which is enclosed by a fence of gold. Within the enclosure is the Palace of the Emperor, which began as the simple home of Kerothar and has been expanded and built on by each successive emperor. Also within the enclosure is the grand Temple of Kerothar, the springs of Kerothar, and gardens.
All of the outside of the temple, with the exception of the pinnacles, is covered with silver, and the pinnacles are covered with gold. In the interior of the temple the roof is of ivory, curiously wrought everywhere with gold and silver and orichalcum; and all the other parts, the walls and pillars and floor, are coated with orichalcum. In the temple are placed statues of gold: there is Kerothar standing in a chariot pulled by six pegasi of such a size that he touches the roof of the building with his head; around him there are a hundred nereids riding on dolphins. There are also in the interior of the temple other images which have been dedicated by private persons. And around the temple on the outside are placed statues of gold of all the kings and queens of the great houses through the ages, and there are many other great offerings of kings and of private persons, coming both from the city itself and from across the Empire. There is an altar too, which in size and workmanship corresponds to this magnificence.
Near to the temple there are twin fountains, one of cold and another of hot water. Around the fountains are many buildings and baths both public and private, with the grandest reserved for the imperial family. All of these are fed by the waters of the springs. The water runs off to the gardens of Kerothar, while the remainder is conveyed by aqueducts along the bridges to the outer circles.
The Inner City
The tin-covered wall surrounding the inner city is not quite as large as the citadel wall, but is still massive. This section is controlled in various parts by the other eleven great houses of Alphatia that claim descent from Kerothar and Klete. There are many universities and temples spread throughout the inner city, along with open “greeneries,” areas of open fields and gardens reserved for the elite to enjoy.
The Outer City
The outermost section of the city proper is surrounded by a great wall coated in brass. The inhabitants of this section of the city are members of lesser or common Alphatian houses. This section is crowded and bustling, and each family no matter how small is always vying for more control of the towers and the streets.
The Piers
The Piers of the city are built up and not part of the original city ship. The base of the piers are constructed mostly of wood, along with a majority of the buildings, yet they still seem to reach the staggering heights of the city proper, with each building stacked upon another and tied together with the mysterious technology of the Alphatians. The common Cypri residents of Alphatia are exiled to these sections and compose the majority of the population of the city. In times of danger a sea wall can be raised (from below water) as protection between the gaps in the piers.
The Naval Docks
The warships of the Imperial Navy, both water-bound and airships, are docked here when not under sail. The facilities here have stockpiles of supplies and munitions for many years in the case of a siege.
The Fortresses
These are massive fortifications constructed as the first line of defense for the city. Each fortress is self-sustaining, manned completely by automatons save for a few senior ranking Alphatian officers and technicians. (Note the entire imperial military is composed of automaton soldiery and pure-blood Alphatian officers.) These fortresses are made of a solid concrete construction, with orichalcum runes throughout giving greater strength to the natural material. Each fortress commander, acting in unison with his fellows, can activate the orichalcum runes that are carved on the walls to raise a protective dome around the entire city. The full strength of the dome has never been tested, yet it has been designed to be completely protective against both the vacuum of space and the deepest depths of the ocean, should the need for launching or sinking the city-ship ever arise. A more primitive version of this dome can be raised around each of the inner walls. The city of Seashield was built and sunk as a pressure test of the great dome of the city under the waves of the ocean.
The Lightning Rail
This technological wonder is made of long lengths of orichalcum about 4 inches in diameter which float high above the ground. When activated these “rails” appear to be a never-ending line of lightning in the sky. Carriages, with an orichalcum “hook” especially built for the purpose of grabbing the rails, travel along the lightning rails transporting food, raw materials, people, military supplies, and any manner of other goods. Each carriage is constructed with a specific purpose; passenger carriages are made almost entirely of transparent glass, military carriages have thick steel walls with no windows and are designed to be nearly impenetrable, carriages carrying foodstuffs are temperature- and humidity-controlled, etc. These carriages are often hooked together to form “trains” that travel along the rails on tight schedules. The lightning rails are always built in pairs, so that trains can travel in opposite directions on the same line at the same time. In the City of Alphatia each line from the citadel to the fortresses (called a spoke) are built with 6 rails, 2 pairs are put to civilian use, and 1 pair is reserved for the military. The central hub in the outer city is built with 4 pairs of rails, and those inside the fortresses themselves are only 2 pairs. Underneath the hub, in the central city, is a massive racecourse for horses and chariots that doubles as a fairground and greenway. Underneath each spoke crossing the outer and inner city are canals wide enough for a single Alphatian warship to pass through, allowing the military to keep the water both inside and outside the city in control; these canals are overlaid by stone forming a tunnel beneath the city.
[Image: Alphatian city]
Caption: Done by Midjourney at Senarch's prompting
The City of Aasla
The daughter of Kerothar chafed under the rule of her brothers and so settled on the mainland and took compassion on the local primitive humans which were being enslaved by her brothers. Her small settlement soon grew into a city to rival Alphatia itself, and before the death of her father, he granted her dominion over the city of Aasla and the Kingdom of Haven. Now the city of Aasla is the largest metropolis in the Empire; it may not boast as many skyscrapers or technological wonders as Alphatia, but it still staggers the mind of any visitor by its sheer size. Its outer walls completely encircle well over 100 square miles completely surrounding Alphas Lake until they meet the sea.
The Bloodlines and Great Houses of Alphatia
All Alphatians (pure-blooded that is) are members of either a great house or a lesser house, and their lineage through bloodlines are meticulously tracked. Each Alphatian is born with a skymark; these skymarks delineate the house to which an individual belongs, even if their parents have a different skymark (an ancient bloodline may be dominant over more recent heritage). Skymarks appear as beautiful blue patterns on the skin, resembling tattoos more than birthmarks. When an Alphatian learns to use a skymark they shine with a shimmering pale blue light any time an ability is activated. There are four castes within Alphatian nobility: those with a least skymark, a lesser skymark, a greater skymark, or a mark of the heavens, the rarest of all. The purer the bloodline of an Alphatian, the greater the skymark and the more power the skymark grants. A least skymark is no bigger than a couple inches in diameter, a lesser skymark is about the size of the palm of a hand, a greater skymark may be as large as to cover a person’s entire face, and a mark of the heavens will extend across the entire body. A skymark may appear anywhere on a person’s body, so when an Alphatian is born they are immediately inspected for a mark and assigned to a house and station for their lives.
There are twelve great houses, each claiming descent from one of the children of Kerothar and Klete, and many lesser houses descended from one of the many Alphatians who joined Kerothar in his flight from the Alphatian homeworld. The laws by which his children are to govern themselves are inscribed on a pillar of orichalcum at the temple of Kerothar in the city of Alphatia. By tradition, alternating every fifth or sixth year the heads of each house and the kings of each province gather at the temple of Kerothar. Here they meet together, settle disputes between themselves, and consult for common cause. From this practice the Council of Alphatia has developed over the years. To inaugurate each council a bull hunt is held and each council member swears a sacred oath on the inscription of the pillar, upon which the blood of the bull is shed, to abide by the laws of Kerothar and punish any who transgress them. During the night following the sacrifice, the kings and other council members hear accusations and their judgment is recorded on gold tablets in the morning. The most important laws of Kerothar are thus: the different houses are forbidden from making war on each other; they are to support the imperial house if any other house tries to overthrow the imperial house; they are to consult together in matters of war and state, with the voice of the House of Alphas being supreme; the emperor is not to have any authority over the life or death of another pure-blood Alphatian without the consent of the council.
The House of Alphas
Those Alphatians born with the mark of scribing belong to House Alphas. This house is involved in every aspect of the bureaucracy of the Empire. From this house all identification papers for a citizen of the Empire are issued; bank notes and other official documents are notarized; many diplomats, lawyers, accountants and translators of the Empire belong to this house.
The Kingdom of Greenspur is ruled by the House of Alphas. The royal family, the direct descendants of Alphas, once ruled the kingdom from the city of Eagret. From Eagret the Kings of Greenspur protected the entry to the Gulf of Aasla with the greatest navy of the Empire. In the Kingdom of Greenspur, the common people both gentry and soldiery are treated better than elsewhere in the Empire as they were vital to the first line of defense of the young Empire. Eventually the royal house died out with the imperial seat passing to House Theran, and the bureaucracy of the kingdom took over governance with the Magistratar at the head.
The House of Theran
Those Alphatians born with the mark of the sentinel belong to House Theran. Those with the mark of the sentinel are gifted in the ways of combat; many become bodyguards and soldiers. The Kingdom of Theranderol is ruled by the House of Theran, and currently Empress Eriadna holds the imperial seat. The noble families of House Theran are great knights of the Empire, the elite officers of the army, and follow a strict chivalric code, making use of enchanted banners and heraldic devices to give an advantage in warfare.
The House of Randel
Those Alphatians born with the mark of handling belong to House Randel. The mark of handling gives members of this house an affinity towards beasts and animals. The best livestock is bred by this house, and many members become successful animal trainers, grooms, shepherds, cattle drivers, and teamsters. House Randel rules the kingdom of the same name. The most elite with the mark of handling even form bonds with dragons and are called mage knights. These mage knights are each a member of a draconic order, and are the main military power of the Kingdom of Randel.
The House of Bettelyn
Those Alphatians born with the mark of healing belong to House Bettelyn. Alphatians of House Bettelyn are the best healers in the Empire; they staff hospitals throughout the Empire. The royal family, who rule the Kingdom of Bettelyn, are devout followers of the Seven, a pantheon of archons that have achieved immortality. The kingdom pays homage to the Empire, but is willing to force the worship of the Seven on the Alphatians and commoners alike of the neighboring kingdoms when the time is right.
The House of Arogansa
Those Alphatians born with the mark of hospitality belong to House Arogansa. The best chefs, restaurateurs, innkeepers, and hostelers come from this house. The kings of Arogansa take advantage of this aptitude and have transformed the kingdom into a vacation and tourist destination for all the elite of the Empire. The realm itself is ruled by autocratic nobles of pure Alphatian blood, with the monarch being elected by a council of the seven greatest nobles in the realm, while any common people are low servants treated as chattel.
[Image: Alphatian skyship landing]
Caption: Done by Stable Diffusion at Senarch's promptingThe House of Eadrin
Those Alphatians born with the mark of shadow belong to House Eadrin. The mark of shadows is beneficial to those practicing all forms of espionage. Those with the mark of shadow are different from other Alphatians; they have ashen skin, and are often driven mad by their gifts. It is said that Eadrin, the son of Kerothar, stumbled upon a place called The Well of Shadows during his exploration of this new land, and it transformed him into a creature of shadow. Now all his descendants bear his curse. His direct descendants rule the Kingdom of Eadrin, and the current ruler is known as the Queen of Dusk.
The House of Ar
Those Alphatians born with the mark of the storm belong to House Ar. Those with this mark have an ability to manipulate the winds and weather. Soon after the Alphatian landfall, Ar, the son of Kerothar, poured his energies into the research of flight and levitation, and far to the northeast of the continent discovered a special mineral which he called cloudstone. It is these cloudstones which are the secret to all the levitation technology of the Empire, airships, impossibly high skyscrapers, the floating rails of the lightning rail, etc. During his experiments Ar caused entire islands to float above the land that would later become the Kingdom of Floating Ar above the ground and the Kingdom of Ar on the surface. These islands are now inhabited exclusively by pure-blooded Alphatians and their servants, while the lower Kingdom of Ar is mostly common folks eking out a living through agriculture. Some of the House of Ar have deigned to live among the common people on the surface and use their gifts to assist the farmers; these members of House Ar are called “rain callers” by the common folk, and considered as lowly peasants by those living high above them among the clouds. The shipping industry both by sea and air is completely dominated by House Ar.
The House of Ambur
Those Alphatians born with the mark of detection belong to House Ambur. The mark of detection allows these gifted Alphatians to see things others cannot or just may not notice. Perhaps this is why so many born into the house look towards the stars; maybe they glimpse something in the firmament that others do not. These “astromancers” make use of the stars as a way to enhance the technology and magic found in the small Kingdom of Ambur, making the city of Starpoint one of the most wondrous to behold in the Empire.
The House of Hossetta
Those Alphatians born with the mark of warding belong to House Hossetta. This house has always been insular and isolated, more concerned about protecting its own interests than anything else. The mark of warding reflects this, enhancing any protective measures, be they traps, shields, locks or anything else. These talents have led to a reliance upon House Hossetta as the most trusted bankers in the Empire. House Hossetta has never ruled a large realm, being a small kingdom at the base of the Kerothar mountains staying out of the many wars and conquests of its neighbors until eventually being annexed by the Empire and given the status of county within the Kingdom of Frisland.
The House of Wyllareth
Those Alphatians born with the mark of passage belong to House Wyllareth. Alphatians of House Wyllareth are the most likely to be encountered outside of their home territory, the Duchy of Wyllareth in the Kingdom of Frisland, because the mark of passage allows them to travel vast distances at much greater speeds than most others. With this gift House Wyllareth has established a renowned and reliable mail service with waystations throughout the Empire. The most wealthy individuals, and not just their mail, may even be instantaneously transported between locations through this courier service. Most mundane caravans and caravansaries are dominated by Wyllareth; the lightning rail was also developed by House Wyllareth and all operators are specially trained by the house, enforcing the Wyllareths’ monopoly on the movement of freight and passengers overland. House Wyllareth is always trying to find ways to improve the speed and efficiency of their transports as a way of competing with the shipping business of House Ar.
The House of Aasla
Those Alphatians born with the mark of making belong to House Aasla. Some would say that House Aasla is obsessed with the creative arts. The mark of making enhances the ability of any artist or craftsman to create masterpieces, and thus the Kingdom of Haven is littered in art both grand and insignificant. All things practical, such as ships, the most advanced Alphatian technology, gadgets, and things of pure artistry, such as sculptures, new fashionable clothes, murals, and mosaics, and other works of art are produced in the Kingdom of Haven. All artists, whether of the common variety or pure-blooded Alphatian, are respected in Haven.
The House of Frisia
Those Alphatians born with the mark of finding belong to House Frisia. Many of House Frisia are individualistic rovers, who variously act as explorers, bounty hunters, and treasure hunters, who rely on their gifts of locating hidden things to bring them fortune. Many also take up a life of smuggling forbidden substances from the Kingdom of Frisland out to the rest of the Empire, while the kingdom officially hires bounty hunters to stop this smuggling activity, though much of the wealth of Frisland comes from these “exports.”
The House of Ozafreth
There are rumors among the most learned of Alphatians of an ancient thirteenth house, though nearly all traces of it have been expunged from imperial records, and no surviving members of this house are found in the Empire today. In truth Ozafreth was a bastard son of Kerothar. His descendants dabbled with strange magics used by a native tribe called the Ogam, and destroyed themselves. In fact a few managed to survive and are born with the mark of death; these few remain in hiding on Alphak’s Volcano serving their dark master and plotting revenge on the Empire.
[Image: Alphatian port]
Caption: Done by Midjourney at Senarch's prompting
The Guild
Everything presented above is the state of Alphatia at AC 1000. After that things begin to change. Note that I have never used or played the Wrath of Immortals campaign in my world, so that timeline is ignored. All of these events were either summarized during play or actually played out by PCs.
Around the year AC 1010 an otherwise unknown automaton is lost in the wilds of the Empire away from any masters or structure of command. In the wilderness they undergo a spiritual transformation and is visited by the immortal goddess Terra who teaches them the way of the guild, naming the automaton Xean-hu. This is the first automaton that gains sentience.
Upon their return to civilization in AC 1011 Xean-hu begins preaching the way of the guild among other automatons and quickly gains a following. The new behavior of automatons acting independently bewilders their Alphatian masters.
By AC 1013 the Guild has spread among the common, non-Alphatian, class of humans within the Empire. In some places whole towns follow Xean-hu and practice the way of the guild and supplant the bureaucracy of the Empire, refusing to pay tribute or obeisance to the Empress.
By AC 1014 many of the lesser nobles within the great houses, chafing under the centuries-long tyranny of the kings and royal families have secretly become followers of Xean-hu. When the Empress orders a massive purge of followers of Xean-hu, both automaton and human, she is surprised by the extent of the networks of guild followers even among the pureblood Alphatians. This purge results in an uprising of the guild all over the Empire. The Empress and the kings of great houses are forced to flee from the city of Alphatia to Sundsvall. (Note Sundsvall was originally built by Alphas I as a vacation home for the Imperial Family. With the exodus of the royalty and those loyal to them from the city of Alphatia, it has become a city in its own right. Its location is now kept secret as described by Bruce Heard.)
The Guild quickly begins to spread beyond the Empire of Alphatia and onto the continent of Brun. In the year 1016 the followers of the guild overthrow the King of Norwold, who sends a plea for help to the nearby federation of Denagoth. The Federation army drives out the guild forces from the Norwold capital of Alpha during the battle of Norwold. A few months later, special agents from the Federation assassinate Xean-hu, halting their plans for a counterstrike. These same agents forge an alliance with the Empress of Alphatia in hiding. Due to this alliance the Empress and those loyal to her are able to fight back against the guild.
At present the Empress controls the Kingdom of Vertiloch and the Imperial Territories, and the kings of Bellissaria and the elves, dwarves, and gnomes remain loyal to the Empress. The guild controls the rest of the continent of Alphatia. There has been an uneasy truce between the Guild and the Empire for the last twenty years; rumors abound among both sides that forces are being martialed for a final great clash.
The Guild itself is organized along an egalitarian basis. There is no single leader now that Xean-hu has perished. Each worker is given tasks appropriate to their talents, and in return receives an equal share of the necessities of life. Display of wealth or luxuries are forbidden, only the basic needs of food (for organics) and housing and entertainment are allowed. The great houses have been replaced by guilds. There is a yearly conference among the guilds where each town or city guild sends a representative; during this conference differences and grievances are settled (or pushed aside) and each guild is assigned tasks by a central committee. (Yes the Guild is supposed to be an analog of the Soviet Union, but without a central leader like Lenin or Stalin.)
Rules for playing a skymarked Alphatian, an Alphatian follower of air, an Alphatian automaton, and Alphatian artificers are to follow in a later article.
1A thread by the author on the Piazza forum https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?t=28864 is dedicated to this Alternate Mystara