Alternate Skill Mechanics
by Håvard
Dragon Magazine #165 included the article "Can You Juggle, Can You Swim? At the Same Time?"
This article introduced a skill system for Classic D&D using a roll below % based mechanic. Lately I have been toying with a similar system, though it is somewhat different from what was described in that article. One thing I changed was to add a % bonus based on level ranges, derived from what boxed set the character belongs to. This system can be used with my alternate skill list here or with the standard Gazetteer/RC skills or any other list.
Basic Mechanics
When you are attempting any non-combat action, roll d% below a number.
Unskilled (Ability Check): Roll below Ability Score +10%
If you possess a relevant skill, roll d% below your Ability Score and add a bonus from the following chart:
LEVEL RANGE % Bonus d20 Bonus 1st-3rd level +30% +6 4-14th level + 50% +10 15-25th level +60% +12 26th+36th level +70% +14 The system above should replace all ability scores and general skill checks.
Optional Rule: Expertise
The DM may allow for characters to add 1 additional skill slot into a selected skill to gain expertise in that skill. This allows the character to add double his ability score to the number he has to roll below on d%.
Example: Bob the 1st level Dwarf buys the Athletics skill and adds an additional skill slot. He then adds double his strenght (2x18)32 + 30% = 62%. At 26th level, his chance of success will be 102%.
Optional Rule: Thief Skills
Using these optional added rules, the mechanics above can also be used to simulate Thief Skills. This will change the probabilities of success for Thief Skills quite a bit, but how much does that really matter? An added benefit is that this also allows for other characters to select Thief Skills as General Skills. Taking this one step further, I am toying with the following revised list for Thief Skills:
Revised Thief Skills
New Thief Skill Replaces Notes Sleight of Hands (Dex) Pick Pockets, Escape Perception (Wis) Find Traps, Hear Noise Athletics (Strength) Climb Walls Stealth (Dex) Hide In Shadows, Move Silently Acrobatics (Dex) Previously a General Skill Devices (Dex) Remove Traps, Pick Locks Read Languages (4th Level) (Int) Read Languages The only change is chance of success. Available at 4th Level Other Thief abilities such as Backstab and Use Scrolls are not affected by this change.
These changes mean that Thieves go from 8 to 6 skills at 1st level. Other characters are also allowed to select these skills by spending General Skill slots. To compensate for this I add the following benefits to the Thief Class:
- Thieves are allowed to select two additional skills from the Special Skill List.
- Thieves may choose to forego one or more Thief Skill replacing them with any other General Skill (not including Special Skills).*
*=Borrowing this one from 5E.