An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer
by Eliyah von Llaunas from Threshold Magazine issue 31Sailors from Ierendi try to avoid Aloysius Reef, a dangerous area for ships. But, under the sea, this reef has many secrets.
Aloysius Reef has five large coral areas and a volcanic island. Each coral area is named after its color: Red Reef, Yellow Reef, Pink, Azure, and Gray. The volcano, originally known as "the volcano of the reef" is called "The Fire's Coral" by Ierendians, and underwater cultures now use that name.
Image: Aloysius reef map https://mystara.thorfmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ierendi-8.png
Image: DM's Map of the Nixie of Undersea and Coralinia http://pandius.com/Mapanixie8.jpg
Caption: DM's Map of the Nixie of Undersea and Coralinia by Pol Ginés
Image: Player's Map of the Nixie of Undersea and Coralinia http://pandius.com/Mapanixie6.jpg
Caption: Player's Map of the Nixie of Undersea and Coralinia by Pol Ginés
Red Reef
This mass of red coral is home to red fish. There is a small islet used as a lair by the famous halfling pirate Captain Panzalonso. The captain and his crew visit the island thrice a year, during the spring and summer. They stay on the island for 2–3 days and depart again in search of swag. Some dragons in the area know that these pirates hide something there, but the pirates keep their treasures in a small cave complex with a very narrow entrance. These dragons are looking for some small minions or servants that can infiltrate that place.
Under the water, the predators are many, but not very varied. The small reef shark (treat as a bull shark without headbutt attack) is the most common. They use their sharp sense of smell to hunt. They are lonely predators, but if they smell blood, many will come. Manta rays (both normal and giant) compete with sharks for food. There are many sea serpents (lesser ones only, 6HD).
The most powerful inhabitant in this reef is the large sea dragon Hurricane (12HD, treat him as an amphibious large green dragon, with clumsy wings and without claws). He serves Thundar, the great sea dragon of Thun. He is not very territorial and allows other predators to hunt in his reef. This is because he considers himself as the superpredator of the reef and no other predator can match him. His lair is a submerged cavern complex with labyrinthine tunnels and he doesn't mind leaving it for long hunting journeys. He enjoys talking with intelligent "dry-skin" creatures, as they can tell him valuable information such as recent shipwrecks, pirates in the vicinity, and skirmishes near the coastal lines. He is often looking for treasure and is ready to pay for useful information, with pearls up to 1,000 gp value.
Yellow Reef
Here there are beautiful yellow fish and corals. There are no islets, but you can find some volcanic boulders that have up to 10 square feet of land, where a shipwreck survivor can stand and wait for help (good luck). Here you can find plenty of reef sharks and manta rays. There are also giant octopi. However, the most feared creature in this reef is the electric eel, both the normal and giant versions. Other predators don't come close because of its aggressiveness.
Here dwells the spectre of a sunken sailor and his former crew, now wights. This Thyatian captain, Julianus, died when his ship was sunk by a red dragon, Flamagon, who inhabits the volcano. His resentment towards the dragon drew upon entropic energy to reanimate him as a specially powerful spectre, and his crew as 20 wights under his control. But this same entropic power is the reason that he can't fulfill his revenge: he can't leave the 3-mile radius of his sunken ship. He looks for intelligent creatures that might help him attract the dragon to an ambush. If they are able to make him believe that they will bring the dragon to him, he will not attack them. If they are not, he will attack them. He has a magical, immaterial short sword +2, +3 against dragons created by the entropic curse. He may attack by spectral touch or with the sword. Due to his hate of the dragon, even if killed or destroyed by a powerful cleric, he will reappear after 3 days somewhere within the 3 miles radius, with his sword. In the same way, his crew will respawn seven days later. Only reliable proof of Flamagon's death will allow Julianus to rest, leaving behind his sword.
Julianus, 10HD, special "spectre"
AC 1; HD 10; HP 65, Mov 300'. Attacks: touch or sword. Damage: Double energy drain plus 1 wisdom or 1d6+5. ST: F10. Note: when attacking with his sword, he has the magical bonus of the sword to attack. May be turned as a phantom. Half damage from fire, as an entropic gift since he died because of the red dragon's breath. Full control of his crew of wights, even if it surpasses his HD limit.
Image: DM's Map of Nixie Kingdom http://pandius.com/MapanixieCoralinia3.jpg
Caption: DM's Map of the Nixie Kingdom by Pol Ginés
Image: Player's Map of the Nixie Kingdom http://pandius.com/MapanixieNoText.jpg
Caption: Player's Map of the Nixie Kingdom by Pol Ginés
Pink Reef, the Nixie Kingdom
This is the reef area nearest to Utter Island and the triton barony of Nortens. It is famous not only for its pink coral, but also for the great variety of intelligent creatures that live there. This is due to a large clan of more than a hundred nixies that maintain there the capital of their "kingdom," a cute underwater village called Coralinia. They charm both surface and underwater "friends" to live there with them, serve them and protect them. Some of those "friends" live in three special colonies: a hidden beach in Utter Island, another one in Aloysius Island, and in the waters surrounding Roc Island.
Nixies have a disordered lifestyle, full of fun, music, dance, and laziness. But they also work hard to obtain "friends," treasure, and jewelry. They enjoy gems and jewels, but also appreciate money's ability to buy security for their kingdom. They have amassed a great treasure; most of it is kept in the bank of Smaar, where it can be used to hire mercenaries when necessary. Another hoard is hidden in their capital in the Pink Reef. And three other treasures are buried near their land colonies.
Nixies live in groups of 10 (the number that allows them their charm effect) in small grottos inside the reefs, beautifully decorated with shells, corals and little (1- to 5-gp) pearls. They ask triton "friends" to work their corals. As they are all female and born from the water, they refer to one another as sisters.
Nixies always wear colorful and extravagant jewels, trying to look better than their sisters. Monthly, they change their outfits and hairstyles, leading to striking combinations. They enjoy their chaotic lives, both day and night, having fun, thanks to eternal light spells that their triton "friends" have cast. When they combine them with colorful crystals, they obtain bright and amazing results.
Magical lights bring predators and curious animals to the Pink Reef, especially by night, but they are scared off by dozens of giant bass, the finned friends of the nixies. When the predator is bigger than usual, the nixies ask their charmed "friends" to help.
Nixies keep their "friends" charmed only for a year. In the last week of the effect, the nixies take the "friends" to Utter Island, to the beach near Southpoint Tower, a place where they can find a permanent group of people to charme, as Minrothaddan pirates usually leave here crews from pillaged ships. Problematic and nasty "friends" of the nixies (such as pirates, troglodytes, or humanoids) are left in the mosquito-infested beaches of Aloysius Island instead.
Nixies have an agreement with the Nortens barony of Undersea. Nixies allow the tritons to "harvest" the coral, and the tritons pay them in pearls and nixie-sized jewels and don't disturb the nixie kingdom. Tritons allow nixies to charm any creature that enters their territory without authorization. Undersea authorities will not try to recover such trespassers for a year. Relatives and families can try to negotiate or pay for the freedom of a family member. Anyway, they know that, after a year, they will return (200-year lifespans makes it seem like a long vacation).
Nixie Commodities
Nixies really appreciate some goods and try hard to obtain them. Sometimes they pay money or pearls, usually in underwater baronies, Smaar or Aquarendi settlements, or to kna traders. Other times, they try to steal them in human towns and villages, or they charm human traders, Makai sailors, or pirates in human trading routes to obtain them.
For the maintenance of their "friends" and happy land colonies they look for: beer, wine, preserved fish, preserved meat, living goats, metal tools (axes, machetes...).
For themselves, nixies want: resistant glass and porcelain, semi-precious stones, raw walrus or elephant ivory and ivory objects, gems and jewelry, water-resistant statues of all sizes.
Nixie Routes
When traveling, nixies and their finned friends usually join triton and merrow caravans and use the official caravan routes, resting in caravansaries, well defended by the triton realm. They can go to Alf Reef, near Alfeisle, to trade with the Aquarendi. They enjoy parties at Calitar barony. They buy pretty things at Smaar.
In caravans, they sometimes bring charmed humans, lizard men, or shark-kin as bodyguards or servants, as they are not Undersea citizens. They can not bring charmed merrows, tritons, nor knas, or they would have troubles with triton authorities, that would cast dispel magic on creatures suspected to be charmed. (Of course, the nixies can bring true friends or paid mercenaries.)
Nixies feel free to do as they want outside Undersea frontiers, to charm, steal or cheat. They sometimes charm monsters and sell them to the tourist industry of Safari Island. They try to charm dwarves in Fortress Island or traders in northern Minrothad. They look for "friends" in Utter Island and Aloysius Island, sometimes even in Roister or Alcove Island. They never go to Honor Island nor White Island, because they think those are cursed and dangerous places.
Nixie Refuges
Nixies have built some refuges or hideouts near their reefs and some other key locations (marked as "R" in the map). Refuges are always hidden and underwater, usually caves with 3 or 4 entrances, only one of them big enough for humans. Some refugees at island coasts have at least one room with air pockets. The entrances have portcullises or grilles: sharks, devilfish or shark-kins can not enter, but some octopuses, serpents and eels can. Nixies usually hide keys near the entrances (with secret signals—colors, shapes—to help find them). Nixies keep in their refuges objects with eternal light effects, but usually hidden under shells when they are not inside.
Each refuge is big enough to accommodate 20 nixies, 20 giant bass, and 4 human-size "friends." They keep there some food (mainly shellfish), 1d4 bags of shark or squid repellent, 1d4 bags of squid ink (also useful against hunters by smell), a first aid kit, 1d3 flasks of sea snake venom antidote, 1d6 daggers, 1d6 spears (useful to fight through the grille), 1d2 potions of cure light wounds, 1d2 potions of ventriloquy, and a flask with a very greasy paralyzing poison (effective for creatures up to 7HD, Save versus Poison). They can anoint up to 6 weapons (usually spears), but poison in the weapon will be dispelled by water action after 10 rounds. When besieged, they use all their tricks to distract or paralyze their enemies, while sending a messenger to ask for help. If they are enough to cast a charm effect, they can wait behind the grille and try once per day.
Similarly, nixies have an unwritten agreement with their kopru neighbors in the volcano: they agree not to charm each other, nor each other's "friends," to keep peace in the reef.
Pink Reef has some predators. The most common is the giant barracuda (AC7, HD 1+1, Bite 1d6, 240' (80'), solitary), the giant bass (which are always friendly to nixies), and the feared giant sturgeon, capable of easily swallowing a nixie. They are rare in the reef and giant basses and nixies' "friends" hunt them quickly.
Nixies and "Friends"
There are 113 nixies in the clan. They organize rotation shifts to watch and take care of their colonies. 78 live in the reef, in Coralinia or very near. There are 12 on guard in the colony of Aloysius Island. A group of 13 are enjoying the beautiful beach colony in Utter Island. A group of 10 stay around Roc Island.
In Coralinia Village are present about 50 charmed "friends" of the nixies: 12 mermen, 5 tritons (2 mages, 3 clerics), 4 knas (they don't have families to miss them), 10 human sailors the nixies find cute, 2 human clerics, 4 halfling sailors, and 4 dwarven merchants (all artisans from Minrothad), 7 lizardmen, 1 black dragon (HD 7; he was passing by and had bad luck). The nixies ask their dwarven and halfling friends to train with underwater crossbows until they are proficient enough. As artisans, they also tell them about jewels and gems and other valuable items.
A neighbor of note is Burbu "the Wise," a merman shaman (Me4/Sh3). He is grumpy, quite deaf, and not very nice. He lives alone on the edge of Coralinia. The nixies allow him to stay as he heals them for free when needed with his magic. Another neighbor is Martinianus, a mage triton, the ambassador from Nortens barony. He is smart and gentle. He acts as negotiator for charmed tritons, ensuring they return home when their year of "holiday" ends. Also, he negotiates the release of illegally charmed tritons.
Important Nixies
Marella, Nixie Shaman (Nx5/Sh4)
Even if Marella isn't the fashionest of the nixies, she is the closest thing to a leader that they have. She is wise (Wis 16) and beautiful (Char 15). She always understands the problems of the community and looks for solutions. All her sisters rely on her. Because of her high level, she is able to cast charm on her own. Her giant bass is called Moon's Sailor.
Bellonia, the Nixie Warrior (Nx6)
Treated by most of the nixies as a freak, Bellonia is considered a tacky butch (Str 15). Even if her 9 partners tried to make her feel loved, she did not feel good about herself. To make her feel better, her friends stitched the most beautiful shell armor a nixie could have. Since then, Bellonia has been aware of the love of her partners and ignored the contempt of her other sisters. She is skilled in both net and trident (by Weapon mastery rules).
Nixie Colonies
The nixies only keep 50 "friends" in Coralinia, but they have more charmed "friends" in their other 3 settlements: a beach on Utter Island, another beach on Aloysius, and the waters around Roc's Island. Those are "friends" that nixies don't want to take to their beautiful reef, but that can be useful or interesting for them. If an enemy were to try to conquer Coralinia, they would gather all their "friends" from the 3 colonies, hire some mercenaries with the money they hide, and take revenge or reconquer their precious reef. Also, their "friends" in the colonies can give information about what is going on in the islands. Nixies especially appreciate lizard men because they are amphibious and obedient, they fight without weapons, have tough skin, and are good at finding their own food.
Image: Nixies charming a man http://pandius.com/Threshold31NixiesCharmingAMan.png
Caption: Nixies charming a man, original digital artwork by Senarch
Aloysius Colony
Here there is a guard of 10 normal nixies and a 3rd level leader. They take care of 4 Makai, 3 Ierendian thieves (all of them are fugitives from the island's penitentiaries); 5 lizard men, and 2 dwarves from the southern mines of the island. Makai and lizard men are good at obtaining food, hunting, foraging, and fishing. The dwarves are good at making jewelry from shells and corals, and the Ierendians are mid-level thieves (3rd, 4th and 6th) and are good at vigilance and searching for potential new "friends."
Utter Colony
The southern point of Utter Island is the place where Minrothaddan pirates usually leave crews and passengers of the ships they steal. It is near the border between countries and there is a Ierendian guard tower not very far. Nixies keep an eye here to make "friends" and hear news. They take new "friends" to a hidden beach where they will be quite happy and relaxed, singing, playing the ukulele, swimming, and making beautiful presents for their little new "friends." Nixies try to obtain wine and some good food for their "friends" here, from ships or towns. The nixie group consists of 10 normal nixies, one 1st level nixie and one shaman (Nix2/Sh2). Among their "friends" at the beach there are 9 Makai, 3 local albinos, 4 lizard men, 1 triton cleric (Undersea government doesn't know about that, and the nixies don't want them to know) and an ex-pirate halfling. Nixies know that albinos, with their good sight in the dark, are good as night guards. The halfling was a pirate whose ship was caught by the navy and he jumped overboard. He was saved by the nixies, who enchanted him, and now he lives with them.
There is a Makai druid on Utter island that knows about the nixies and their camp (but not the exact location). Sometimes he provides the nixies with more "friends" and, in exchange, he gets rid of problematic people without killing or harming them ("come here, there is something pretty cool in this pool"). Nixies know there is a swamp in the northern half of the island and can try to organize "pilgrimages of friendship" there to charm lizard men or troglodytes. They also love Gaamo, the albino city, because of its beauty, and because it is full of springs and waterways. Sometimes they try to take artists or even tourists to their beach community.
Roc's Island Outpost
Nixies know there are dangerous rocs flying over this island. There is a guard of 9 normal nixies and 1 wokani nixie (Nix3/Wok2). This outpost is an underwater settlement where nixies have located a bank of "friendly" shark-kins. There are 40 shark-kins and 15 mako sharks, with half a dozen of the shark-kin leaders charmed by the nixies. The nixies keep this group as a useful fighting force, that they can quickly summon when needed.
The Druid in the Kelp Forest
North of the pink reef, in the Nortens barony, there is a kelp forest. These algae reach almost up to the surface, leaving only about 2 to 3 meters between the surface and the top of the forest. The stems extend up to 12m deep in the deepest zone. In addition, the entire forest has a very strong taste/smell that prevents hunting based on smell (in addition to the fact that the algae themselves hinder visibility), leaving many predators at a disadvantage.
In this ecosystem live the kelp eels (normal and giant), which mimic the forest, and the kelp sharks. These sharks hunt based on the vibration of the water, instead of smell. When they sense a vibration in the water that is different from the usual movement of the sea, they know there is an anomaly and come to look around. Another predator of this kelp forest is the decapus, which, with its great intelligence, its 10 tentacles and mimic abilities, is a dangerous hunter in these waters.
Due to the bad smell of these waters and its silent predators, few intelligent creatures move around. The only interesting inhabitant of the area is a merman druid (Mer12/Dr9) named Kelpier Wisebeard, and his merman apprentice, Minor Sagacioustail (Mer2/Dr1).
Kelpier is 140 years old, has a sea-green beard and long hair pulled back in a braid to keep it from getting tangled in seaweed. He is a wise and pleasant merman, who happily welcomes visitors. He is a good cook and will offer the specialty of the forest, seaweed shark with seaweed spices. It has a strong, but tasty flavor. Minor, his 24-year-old apprentice, is an impulsive young merman with a shaved head, to avoid getting tangled up in the seaweed. His master always tells him: "The wise man's wisdom shows in his beard. However, the young man's hair shows his foolishness." Minor takes this very seriously and does not doubt his master's words. Wisebeard is the merman to whom the nixies talk when they need a powerful shaman but cannot go to the tritons (this happens frequently, due to the non-completely-legal actions that the nixies take). Wisebeard and his apprentice have both an amulet of protection vs charm, something that he obtained during adventures in his youthness.
They live with 2 dolphins, Shininghead and Shiningfin. They have a hut in a clearing inside the kelp forest and rarely receive visitors, as Kelpier wishes to prevent his apprentice from being distracted by the worries of the outside world. Still, Kelpier is well aware of all that is going on in the outside world, as his dolphin friend and the seagulls he talks to, with the speak with animals spell, tell him much information about what is happening on the shores of Ierendi and the waters of the Nortens barony, as well as the happenings in Coralinia.
Once a year, in spring, Kelpier is visited by a sea giant, former adventure companion, Burbatyr (Lv2, HD 10). He stays with him for one week; they celebrate memories about old times while exchanging news.
Azure Reef
This reef, next to the volcano, is both the resting place for a nomadic merrow bank, and the lair of a dragon turtle.
The mermen swim through this reef twice a year: in early winter and early spring. They swim there trying to avoid as much as they can the volcano, the kopru, and the nixies. More than once a youngster decided to "explore" and did not return until the next year. Merrow stay one or two days, hiding in the corals and resting. Then, they continue their travel (to the north in spring, southward in winter).
The dragon sleeps here all the autumn and winter. When spring arrives, he wakes up and goes west to hunt, away from the tritons, leaving his lair empty. To avoid being detected, this dragon turtle has developed the ability to grow corals on his shell, which he uses as camouflage during the slumber season. He avoids the volcano because of the annoying neighbors. He is grumpy and very ill-tempered, spooking with his breath or biting those who pass next to him. Other dragons in the reef are aware of his presence and stay away (very away) from him. He hates human vessels and, during hunting season, he attacks them. If a naval battle happens near him, he probably will go and finish the confrontation, sinking all the vessels from all factions.
The dragon turtle isn't the only predator, of course. Reef sharks and manta rays are common. But here we have one more important predator: the poisonous giant blue-ringed octopus.
Giant Blue-ringed Octopus
AC7, HD 5, mov 90' (30'); 8 tentacles/1 beak; damage: 1d2x8/1d4+poison.
If hit with the beak, ST vs poison or die in 3d6 rounds, and be unable to act from the bite to the death (or recovery, if any). If it feels endangered, it sprays a 40'-radius ink globe and flees. Venom loses its effect 1 round after extraction.
Gray Reef
This is the only reef whose color is not related to its coral, but to volcanic formations. It is more desolate and holds less vegetation than the others. This is due to the underwater magma currents that flow in the bottom, burn repeatedly the sea floor and prevent algae and coral from spreading.
Even more importantly, this reef is the home of the sea dragon Tempest, who claims to dominate Aloysius Reef. Nixies know about her and try to not infuriate her, since she has proved to be immune to their charm powers, but she rarely cares about them. Her lair is inside a cave which twists repeatedly and gets even under the lava flow—a cave of unmelting stone.
She also has a "partner," Mareanor, a stupid sea dragon, incapable of talk, who does whatever she says to him. She tries to keep him away from the nixies and kopru, since he can be charmed by them.
Tempest can't stand the taste of mermen and tritons, so she doesn't hunt them. She has an inflated ego and will easily get infuriated if someone casts doubts about her dominance of the reef (which isn't that extensive). She despises especially the red dragon of the volcano, Flamagon, and wants him dead (and his hoard in her lair, obviously). Since they live in different environments, it is impractical for them to try and kill each other, so they both will use pawns. She is capable of casting clerical spells (as a shaman) and serves the Old Dragon of the Sea (Manwara) instead of The Great One. Finally, she has an amulet of protection vs charm, which has allowed her to not get overwhelmed by the charming powers of other inhabitants of the sea.
Treat her as a large green dragon when applicable (keep in mind that she has no claws, but she has a tail and wings).
Among other predators, here dwell mako sharks, searching for easy food, and giant crabs, who eat the leftovers of the sharks and dragons.
Fire's Coral Island
This small island covers only a few miles around the volcano that gives it its name. It has a main vent in the island and a few more outside the island. These vents are the lairs and homes for several fire-loving creatures and even some natives from the elemental plane of fire, like organized fire giants, lava lizards, and even an efreet.
Volcano's Zones
-Dragon's vent (Flamagon's lair)
-Main vent (forge, store, and giant's lair)
-Island (surface)
-Kopru's vent (kopru's resting lair)
-Efreet vent (Nar Mushtaelia's lair)
-Trading vent (resting point for the knas and meeting place to trade)
Red Dragon's Vent
This vent is connected to the main one by an underground lava river, which makes it impassable to anyone except for some natives of the Plane of Fire.
It's the lair of a large red dragon called Flamagon. He is the culprit in the death of the specter Julian, and possesses a huge hoard. He hunts the ships that travel through the sea route between Aloysius and Utter. To recover their treasures, he employs the lizard men who serve him.
He is cruel and enjoys the suffering of his victims. When attacking a ship, one of his favorite tactics is polymorphing himself into a giant octopus and throwing overboard the sailors, while they battle in odd circumstances against his lizard men. He also charms some sailors to ask them where the treasure is hidden and who has the keys. He avoids sinking ships as he knows that there can be valuable objects (such as scrolls or furs) which can rot in the water. Another tactic he loves is to use hallucinatory terrain to make sailors believe that there are reefs or whirlpools in their route, and make them alter course to his domains.
His cave has a large entrance through the chimney of the vent, another, hidden, on one side, and another from the sea, diving. All of them are guarded by the lizard men. His own cave, where he sleeps on his treasure, is out of reach of the lizard men, across a river of lava, a vestige of the ancient activity of the volcano.
He works with the kopru in his forge using his powerful breath, but will never use more than 2 breaths a day in the forge, saving 1 for self-defense. He also brings them the weapons and armor of the ships he sinks to recast in the forge. In exchange, the kopru give him part of the profits and respect his territory and freedom.
His enemies are the sea dragons that compete with him for the waters of the area and try to steal the spoils of the ships he sinks. He is usually able to spook them, but cannot effectively pursue them underwater.
Flamagon (Large Red Dragon, Spellcaster)
AC -3 (-5 with his ring +2); DG 16*****; PG 110
Spells: 6/4/3/3
1st: magic missile, light, charm person, sleep, read tongues, shield, detect magic.
2nd: eternal light, detect invisible, invisibility, ESP, mirror image.
3rd: lightning ray, breathe underwater, haste, protection vs. normal missiles, infravision.
4th: gaseous form, polymorph self, massmorphia (he knows the underwater version for kelp forests), hallucinatory terrain.
Hoard: Among other things, Flamagon possesses a +2 ring, a ring of protection vs. cold, a medallion of cure-all 1/week, and a lightning wand with 3 charges. The rest of the treasure (Hx2, due to his advanced age and good business) is up to the master.
Lizard Men
They faithfully serve Flamagon as the lord of the volcano. There are 20 NM lizard men and 5 of 3rd level, skilled at trident. They know how to use spears and nets, capturing more effectively the victims of the ships. They lack shamans or wokani. There are always 4 on guard at each entrance, rotating throughout the day. When Flamagon goes hunting he takes about 12 of them with him, leaving at least 2 of the 3rd level lizard men guarding the lair along with the normal ones.
Efreet's Vent
This is another of the volcano's vents and is the domain of an efreet, named Nar Mushtaelia. He lives on the island and spends much of his time on the volcano itself. He arrived when a passage to the Plane of Fire opened inside the volcano, while escaping from an Amir he had angered (he flirted with his wife) and having no intention of returning. Unfortunately for him, he can't cross the sea, so he's stuck on his island. This puts him in a bad mood and he often starts talking to himself. Most likely the PCs will find him in a monologue as he circles around the crater. If they talk to him he will most likely be glad to have someone to talk to and will ask them all sorts of inane questions (What animals do you eat at home? Is it true that humans are short-lived? What does a "'holse" look like?).
He will welcome any story they tell him, but he has become paranoid about his stay and thinks that any other fire creature is an agent sent to bring him back to the Amir. To these he will react with violence if he sees them as weak, or with fear if they seem stronger. This has prevented the kopru from recruiting him for their forge and, in fact, they stay away from his island, as he is annoying and troublesome. Thanks to the volcano's connection to the Plane of Fire, Nar Mushtaelia is able to use some of the powers he would have on his plane. To the adventurers, he is a willing host to give them shelter for a good while, but he won't be able to offer much information beyond that some "talking monster fish" threatened to take him to some fire giants (who he believes serve the Amir) and that he spooked them. He also knows that they did not suffer much from his fire, but that they no longer bother him. He also knows about the red dragon in the area, but hides from it, thinking it is another agent of the Amir.
He lacks the usual treasure, but possesses a scimitar from the City of Brass. It is a +2 scimitar, but in the volcano it is only +1 and outside it lacks a bonus. However, this scimitar does not melt on contact with lava lizards nor by the fire dragon's fire breath, as it originates from the Plane of Fire.
Because of the special situation of the volcano, he has some changed stats:
Nar Mushtaelia (efreet): CA 3; DG 10*, 1 fist (2d8) or scimitar (1d8+2); ST:F15; chaotic.
While in the volcano:
-Immunity to earth-based effects (earthquakes, tremors, landslides...)
-Immunity to 1st level spells
-See invisible
He has all the special abilities of a normal efreet in the Prime Plane.
Treasure: City of Brass's scimitar +2 (non-native, +1 in the volcano, no bonus outside it); turban with emerald, 500 gp; 2 gold bracelets (value 650 gp each).
Kopru's Vent
This vent has 3 entrances: one through the chimney; another through a subway tunnel that connects to the forge; and the last one, through the water. A large part of the vent is flooded and the kopru live inside the grottos. As it is very warm and flooded, it is the ideal place for them to live. Predators do not approach because of the heat, and it is uncomfortable for any other creature, either because of the humidity or because of the heat itself.
In this vent live 15 kopru (10 males and 5 females), of which 5 are learning the work of blacksmithing, 2 already know it, although very rudimentarily, and the rest are guards and hunters. This kopru community is led by Melzzak, a particularly large and intelligent kopru. He knows blacksmithing and has decided to create a forge in the volcano, as it has a constant supply of heat and water, ideal for working metals. He works with the fire giants on the main island, who teach him how to forge better works, as well as teaching his companions. In return, the kopru hunt to feed the giants, who are short of food due to their lack of fishing skills.
Melzzak is especially happy knowing that the giants' lives are in his hands. He is cunning and devious, but above all he is a fish with a keen eye for business. He has a business deal with a kna family, who bring him the raw materials for his forge (iron, copper, and bronze, mainly) and to whom they give the finished product: giant-sized weapons of good quality (they break with difficulty and do +1 to damage). They come twice a year to make exchanges. Knas buy them some giant weapons, commissioned by giant leaders or brave heroes of great size. Among the generic stock are: swords (1- or 2-handed), axes (1- or 2-handed), spears, giant pikes (never been charged by a roc?) and shields (no spikes).
Weapons they usually make: offensive shields, armor (almost custom-made), giant crossbows, giant bolts, cestus, and huge tridents.
At the moment they are focused on selling to giants, as the fire giants dominate smithing at that level. However, Melzzak is looking to expand the market to underwater giants and smaller sea creatures. To this end, they are looking for dwarven blacksmiths to find the best way to ensure that the metal does not rust, or at least takes longer to rust. Since they live so far from them, they are having problems finding one.
The kopru community is not only home to kopru. There are always several charmed minions: lizard men, easy to find on Aloysius Island, or the mermen, wanderers of the place. They take advantage of their enchanted minions to increase the fishing and guard personnel and do not hesitate to use them as spies, scouts, or cannon fodder. As a rule, 5 of the 8 kopru guards, and 3 of the blacksmith apprentices keep an enchanted one. The rest, including Melzzak himself, don't keep charmed ones in order to be able to respond in case of unwanted visitors.
Melzzak (6thLevel Kopru, Leader)
AC 2 (0 when dodging); HD 12+4*; HP 70; Attacks: bite (1d4) and tail (3d6) or by weapon. ST:F13, Chaotic. Str 12, Int 15, Dex 13, Wis 9, Con 12, Cha 15.
General skills: Dodge (Dex), Deception (Cha), Bargaining (Cha), Forgery (Int), Knowledge about giants (Int). Speaks Kopru, trading Kna, and Giantish.
Weapon masteries: Skilled with trident.
Equipment: silver tail pins (1 round to put them on, without disturbance), bronze-headed pike, heavy crossbow, 5 quarrels +1, spear +1, pearl necklace (700 gp), 2 bracelets (400 gp), ring of protection from evil (as the spell, while wearing), 3 rings for the tails (150 gp, 250 for kopru customers).
Kopru community summary:
8 hunters/guards (2 of them are 2nd level)
5 blacksmith apprentices (4 NM and 1 1st level, use spears)
1 blacksmith (NM, uses javelin, Dex 13)
5 lizard men and 3 mermen, all of them dominated, to hunt and gather information.
Trading Vent
This vent of the volcano connects to the main chimney by means of a subway tunnel through which lava used to flow. The conduit is large enough to allow the giants to pass through, albeit a bit crouched, carrying the goods in carts. The structure was reinforced and shored up by the giants, so there is no risk of collapse except in the event of a magical earthquake.
On the seaward side, this vent is accessible by a wide corridor between two reef masses, allowing easy movement for the mashers, and leads to a beach in a wide grotto of the vent. This is where the exchange takes place.
The kopru take the goods and wrap them to protect them from the salt water of the sea and exchange them to the knas, who give them their share of the profit from the deliveries of the last order, bring them the new consignment of material, and tell them the new orders. This kna family has hired a 3rd level Aquarendi, Saliel, to go to the surface, negotiate and talk to the giants.
The knas follow a route passing through all islands and coastal areas with giants, with the exception of the islands of Minrothad. This is because the Guilds persecute them and prevent them from trading in their waters. As a result, no Minrothaddan giants have access to the weapons of the kopru's forge.
The vent contains both underwater and land-based grottoes, so the knas can spend a night or two there. There is a specially enlarged grotto for the masher.
Image: Kna http://pandius.com/Threshold31Kna.png
Caption: Kna, original digital artwork by Senarch
The Kna Family (Hardscale)
1 masher: HD 20, AC7, Bite 3d8, 18+ swallows humans or smaller (3d6/as), ST: F4
5 NM knas: HD 7, CA5, Crossbow (2d4+5) or spear (1d6+5). ST: F7
2 "crossbowman" knas: HD 8, 13 Dex, Crossbow (2d4+5)
4 siege ballista knas: HD 7, CA5, ballista (1d8+9; 60'/120'/180'), 2 in each ballista, if forced melee will use spears.
1 Fighter kna: Lv3, HD 10, Str 16, skilled with spear, spear +1, +2 against goblinoids, 1 potion of superhealing.
1 Shaman kna: Sh4. HD 7-7. Crossbow (2d4+4). He exchanged part of his vitality for faster magical abilities. Spells: 2/1. The family cares about him.
Saliel, the Aquarendi: 3rd level, AC 5. Spells: 2/1; 1st: read languages, light, shield, protection from evil. 2nd: wizard lock, web, mirror image.
Equipment: layered shell armor, spear, short sword, crossbow, net, wand of haste (4 charges). Speaks Kna, Elvish, Giantish, and mermen languages.
Treasure: The knas are always changing what they carry, having a wide variety of products that change throughout the year: one trip they can have magical two-handed swords and 3 months later they have wands of light. You can decide the knas' treasure as you wish or throw it random, but don't hesitate to give them seemingly useless magical items underwater, such as axes or clubs, or useless above water, such as potions of ascension or air-breathing. For reference, the kna family may have up to 30,000 gp in magic items and another 45,000 gp in various combinations of pearls, underwater jewelry, dwarven goldwork, giant skins, small dresses for nixies, and various forms of heavy treasure that is difficult to carry and trade.
Volcano's Island and Main Vent
The island is not too large with a length of 2.5 miles and a width of 4.5 miles. It has a palm forest that occupies the western half of the island. There live some tropical birds, seagulls and turtles. During the day there are about a dozen lava lizards on the island, hunting for food, but they stay away from the shore because they do not like water. They are curious and find it hard to hunt birds, so they will attack the adventurers and fight to the death. During the night they return to the volcano because the temperature becomes too cold for them. It is then that the giant chameleons that were hiding from the lava lizards come out to hunt. These lizards are more cautious and more successful with birds, so they will try to avoid the adventurers.
On the coast there are turtles and seagulls. The coastal waters contain a great variety of fish of different colors and sizes. There is only one predator in the coastal waters: the stingray. They hide in the sand and attack their prey with their stingers as they approach, but will not attack creatures larger than a halfling. There are no sharks near the coast, as they prefer the surrounding coral reefs with better prey. You may also find in the coastal waters some charmed lizard men or mermaids in search of food for their masters. They will prefer to move away and warn their masters rather than attack.
The most interesting part of the island is the volcano itself: the Fire Coral. The volcano is an apparition point for creatures from the Plane of Fire and every 4d12 months it opens for a few hours, allowing some creatures to cross it from there (if any are near). The portal opens suddenly at any of the volcano's vents, though most often at the large one (1d10: 1–6 island, 7 dragon vent, 8 efreet vent, 9 kopru's vent, 10 exchange vent). It is an ever-smoking mountain with a system of caves and grottoes inside where lava lizards and their owners, the fire giants, dwell.
The giants came through the portal, fleeing from a battle against efreets in which much of their army perished. Led by Perennialflame, their great shaman leader, they went to the portal, more stable at the time, and crossed to the other side, ending up in the volcano. They wiped out the then inhabitants of the place, a plague of fire and ash mephits that occupied the place. They settled in the volcano and tamed the lava lizards that lived there. Those left behind on their home plane believe these giants to have been killed in combat.
For a few months they lived by hunting lizards on the island, but the lizards ran out (the reality is that the chameleons hid very well from them and the giants thought there were none left). They also didn't have enough lava lizards to make a hatchery. It was then that the kopru appeared and made them an offer: to build a forge taking advantage of the volcano. The kopru would provide the raw material, give them part of the profit, and get them food based on fish and shellfish. The giants accepted, glad to be able to have food, even if it was seafood.
They produce about 60 stock weapons a year, which the knas then take with them to sell in places they know. All these weapons do +1 damage, break less easily, and do not melt on contact with high temperatures, such as lava lizards, dragon fire, or the like.
The forge has two sections: the dry section, for fire giants' use; and the sunken section, for kopru's use.
Giants in the Volcano (16)
-10 fighters (with good armors and big shields, trained in battle. More powerful than normal ones). 4 of them are the lava lizards' tamers.
AC2, HD 12+2, 1 giant sword or spear (5d6+1) or boulder (3d6). Save as F12.
-4 lieutenants (good gear, as above. They are more skilled and know to disarm. 2 of them are "swordsgiants" and can deflect. The other 2 use giant tusked shields).
"Swordsgiants": AC2, HD 13+2, Deflect (1). With sword, damage 5d6+5. Save as F13. HP 70
"Shield warriors": AC0, HD 13+2, 2 attacks/round, damage 4d6+4. Save as F13, HP 75
-1 captain, Torchgard Cinderbeard (magic weapons, skilled in battle axe and very tough. He hates the nickname "Cinderello").
Torchgard: AC 1, HD 14+2, Stuns with his battle axe (-2 to ST vs Paralysis), damage 4d8+6. Save as F14, HP 95.
Magical gear: Giant plate mail +1, giant battle axe +1, protecting ring +1, necklace of cold resistance, potion of haste, potion of super-healing.
-1 shaman and leader of the giants, Perennialflame (serves Vulcan, the Forger. He is treated with respect by his followers because of his powers. Wise and strong, he can forge magic weapons, but will not sell them. They are only for his people. His most important duty is to protect the other giants, and is ready to die for it).
AC 3, HD 13+2, giant staff, 5d6+3, Deflect (2). Saves as Cl13, HP 78.
Magic gear: Giant staff +2, protection ring +2, giant bronze staff of cure serious wounds (8 charges), giant boulder +1 (3d6+1), potion of prot. from evil.
Spells: 3/3/3/2. He can cast the druidic spell heat metal.
-16 lava lizards. During the day they hunt across the isle. At night they return to the volcano to recover warmth. They don't attack the giants but only obey the tamers.
Forge of the Giants and Kopru
The vast majority of the merchandise is made by the giants, and they always have 10 items in stock in the warehouse for every month that has passed since the last kna visit. The items are randomized and the stock is reduced to 0 when the knas arrive.
The kopru train in the forge with their giant masters. During the day there are at least 8 giants in the forge and 4 kopru, plus 4 lava lizards. The others usually rest in their caves.
There is a night shift, but only with 2 giants. 4 lava lizards sleep here.
Wood and iron are ordered from the knas. There is a shortage of wood here as palm trees are sparse and their wood isn't good.
Prices for Giant-sized Weapons
-Hand axe: 50 gp; Battle Axe: 75 gp; Normal sword: 100 gp; 2-handed sword: 150 gp.
-Pike: 35 gp; Poleaxe: 80 gp; Spear: 30 gp; Shield: 100 gp; 30 quarrels: 100 gp (they have them in stock because those with crossbows require them); Crossbow: 200 gp (1d6+5, 18/36/54m, they take less metal and are cheaper, but they take longer to make because the wood is ordered to the knas); Halberd: 90 gp; Trident: 50 gp (sea giants normally know how to use it); Knife shield: 700 gp; Plate mail: 600 gp; Suit armor: 2,500 gp.
Prices for "pet" barding: Bear (+10% for white bears, +20% for cave bears, bear type must be specified): Chain (AC5): 200 gp; Plate (AC3): 750 gp; Hellhounds (+20% for hellhounds with 6–7 HD): Plate (CA3): 500 gp; Field (CA2): 600 gp.
Business flow: Knas come twice a year and they trade money, raw materials and profits from sales, and also some magical objects-.
Possible Adventures on Aloysius Reef
Basic (Underwater)
Message to Kelpier
An important Undersea personality or an old friend asks the heroes to send a message to Kelpier (engraved on a shell). To do so, they must cross the green algae forest, overcoming sharks and other monsters that may be present, as well as the other reefs they pass through.
Basic (Land)
Return my Relative to Me
A rich lady hires the PCs to look for her husband, who is somewhere in Utter Island. Minrothaddan pirates dropped him in the southern point, with some other passengers. But he disappeared that night. From a communion spell she knows he is alive somewhere on Utter Island. The druid of Utter perhaps can tell them about the nixies in exchange for a service (maybe fighting evil wood imps or troglodytes). The nixies will exchange their "friend" for 2 or 3 useful lizard men that the PCs have to bring alive and healthy to an exchange point.
Expert (Underwater)
The Nixies in Danger
The heroes are sent to the nixie village by Undersea to take away a charmed triton for whom Martinianus, the triton ambassador, has interceded. They have to return him to his parents. Unfortunately, the nixie village has sent their hunting parties to Aloysius Island to look for "friends," and there are only a dozen nixies and a few "friends" left (the black dragon is away doing other things and the larger "friends" have gone to protect the hunting parties).
It is then, when they are in the village, that a giant sturgeon attacks. Will the heroes be able to defend the nixies and spook the creature away?
The Spectre
Julianus, the spectre, should be put to rest. When the adventurers finish him and think the job is done... he returns from the grave! Again! They will need to kill the dragon Flamagon or, if smart enough, trick Julianus to think he is already dead.
Expert (Land)
Stop the Pirates
Captain Panzalonso attacks many merchant ships, either from the Ierendians or Minrothaddans. The heroes are hired by a merchant guild to stop the pirates. Rumors will be spread about an important shipment (false) and the heroes will go as an escort, along with several soldiers (at least 3 skilled in bow or short sword and 10 of 2nd level) to lure and stop the pirates. The plan of attack is up to the heroes (let them approach, attack with ballistas as soon as they are in sight, ...). If they manage to defeat Captain Panzalonso, they can interrogate the survivors to tell them where they are keeping their treasure. If they try to take it, Hurricane, the sea dragon of the Red Reef, will attack them when they have already recovered it . He will fight intelligently and will not hesitate to flee or surrender if things get ugly.
Companion (Underwater or Land)
On the Hunt for the Dragon
Underwater version
The red dragon Flamagon, polymorphed as a nobleman or merchant, hires the heroes to hunt down Hurricane, the sea dragon. He tells them where he lives and what places he frequents, and about his great treasure. He will also tell them that he is resistant to cold magic (this is a lie, in order to later ambush them so that they have no ice magic to harm him). If they ask him where he got all the information from, he will say that he spent several years investigating him because of personal grudges. He will also tell them that, although there are lizard men in the area, they are not hostile and can even guide them for a low price (to protect his lizard-kin minions). The dragon's plan is that once they are weak from the fight and have collected the treasure, Flamagon will attack with his lizard men. He will attack in or out of the water, depending on what he sees as more advantageous to him. Inside the water he will attack polymorphed into an octopus or giant squid, in order to have as many attacks as possible and be able to hold off his enemies. If he is in trouble, he will polymorph into a fast fish and swim away at high speed (barracuda or swordfish). If they attack out of the water (on an islet or similar) he will attack in his dragon form with all his strength, trying to get a breath in in the first round and then using magic to avoid hurting his minions (good minions are hard to come by). He will never fight to the death and will retreat if he sees the situation turning badly, hoping to finish off the heroes another time.
Land version
Torment, the sea dragon of the reef, wishes to finish off Flamagon, the red dragon of the volcano. She is unable to enter his lair so she will pay the adventurers to do this. She will seek powerful mercenaries, tell them about the great hoard and the evil doings of the red dragon, and pay them about 20,000 gp (5,000 before the job, the rest after killing the dragon). She will tell them all that she knows about him (lizardmen minions, magic he wields, ...). If she sees the opportunity, she will try to steal the treasure of Flamagon from the adventurers (or maybe try to reach an agreement: 50–50 or 40–60, who knows?).
The Volcano Forge Should Be Destroyed
Giants of the continent or of the islands are getting much better weapons from unsuspected providers. This is causing trouble for the authorities, or even to the land-owning PCs. The heroes must discover who is the provider (the knas), who is the maker (the giants and the kopru), and stop the forge's work. But this is an uneasy task, as the island is far away and the reef makes navigation difficult. Will the heroes be able to stop the spread of high-quality weapons among the fierce giants?