Additional spells of Aozy Markov
by AozAozy Markov discovered or recreated a lost spell in the Feywoods.
Discovered a version of 8th Year Stealing* from 2e wu jen.
Markvo's Year Trading
Level: 9
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (Lifespan/blood)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 1 being or 1 being per 6 levels (36 level: 6 maximum targets)
Saving Throw: None; however, the target(s) and wizard must be willingA Contract in their own blood between the wizard and the target(s) must be written. How many years the target is giving up and what the wizard is giving the target in return. Or how many years the caster is giving the target(s) and what the caster is getting. The contract burns upon casting of the spell.
Can drain or given anywhere to minimum 6 months up to 1 year per level (36 years max).
Can also drain multiple targets if all willing and even then a 36 level wizard can still only take a combined max of 36 years from target(s).
The spell reduces the lifespan of the caster/target(s) by agreed amount. The spell doesn't age the caster/target(s) just takes off the years from the lifespan.
Sadie will try hard to get Zoa made Chief of Tholl Votar. However, upon Zoa (A.k.a. Aozy) becoming Chief of Tholl Votar and moving there. He will start shaping the mining city and planning for the future of the region.
Kol's council will believe Zoa saved the Prince to be hopefully be appointed to High Position like this. A few members will send a few spies to watch and monitor him but will have no reason to refuse the request. Plus having a high level wizard invested in the underground "city" would be a great benefit to Kol.
Aozy Markvo will sometimes use Markvo's Year Trading but will prefer spells like soul to gem . I wonder what type of magic Master Greeny likes?? These spells will be developed in the distant future.
Possible Spells for the Lower Broken Lands (New Kolland):
Souls to Gem
Level : 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (Soul)
Casting Time: 1 rd .
Duration : Instantaneous
Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : A Soul gets a save if unbound/No save if trapped
This rare spell creates a gemstone in the casters hand, permanent, cut and polished gem. The gem is always amber (Lawful) or blue (neutral) or red (Chaotic) in hue, and of any type and size visualized by caster, so long as it is small enough to fit in the caster's closed fist . Their value is equal to level x 100 gp, regardless of their size . The component is a captured soul. A wish or Immortal intervention would be need to recover the soul even then the soul will be weakened.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Micky's Mighty Healing
Level : 4
Range : Touch
Components : V, S
Casting Time : 4 | 1 turn with Rad enhancement
Duration : Instantaneous
Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None
This spell uses positive energy to heal wounds . Stops bleeding and cure 2d4* points of damage, but can't heal blindness, disease, insanity, or ongoing poison effects without radiance enhancement.*This Spell can be enhanced Radiance: A Mage spending 2 Rads can heal +1 hp, or 5 Rads cure a minor ailment (Blindness, deafness, poison, paralyzation) 10 Rads cure a disease, or 20 Rads a cure insanity. Maximum enhancement of 20 Rads.
The wizard can spend the Rads in any combination the caster wishes with the same possible backlash chances for using Radiance.
Metamorphose Liquids
Level : 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1'-cube/level
Saving Throw: Special
This spell transmutes one type of liquid into an equal amount of a different, nonmagical fluid (water, wine, blood, oil, apple cider, etc.). The caster must touch the fluid itself (not simply its container) for the spell to take effect.
Magical liquids (such as potions) receive a saving throw vs. disintegration with a +3 bonus to avoid the spell's effect. Fluids can be transmuted only into nonmagical liquids; it is not possible to change a magical liquid into another type of magical liquid. Poisons may be rendered harmless through use of this spell, but the spell has no effect on poisons already consumed.
Living creatures are unaffected by the spell, excluding those from the elemental plane of water. Such creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spell. Failure results in 1d4 points of damage per level of the caster, while success indicates half damage. Only one creature can be affected by a single casting of this spell, regardless of the creature's size.
The material component is a drop of the liquid that the caster intends to create, which must be placed on the wizard's tongue and consumed. Creating poisons through use of this spell is especially dangerous.--Doesn't really need to change any--
Arcane Orb | Markvo Studies the Radiance| Image from staticflickr.com
Markvo experiments with Captured Souls |Image on pinimg.com![]()