This one is from Armenian myth. Extraordinarily dangerous to evil or even neutral characters, but if the party are going to the planes of powerful Lawful immortals and kicking off then they're likely to be pretty powerful by that point anyway. If the party run foul of aralez on one of their rare visits to the Prime Plane then things are probably going pretty pear shaped anyway.
You can use these creatures as servitors of the immortals, companions of archons perhaps, as a tool for imparting information to PC's or even just a weird random encounter.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Aralez* AC: 3 HD: 8** Move, Running: 180'(60') Move, Flying: 360’(120’) Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite or special Damage: 1d8/1d8/2d8 No. Appearing: 1d6 (3d6) Save As: F8 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: M Intelligence: 8 Alignment: Lawful XP Value: 1750 Aralez are the legendary winged dogs of the immortals, most commonly found on outer planes of the good and lawful heroic beings and quite rarely seen elsewhere. They appear as huge, long-haired wolves with the wings of golden eagles. They are not aggressive, unless attacked, but will fight to defend their masters or to drive off any evil creatures in the lands they’ve been asked by said masters to protect.
Once per day an arelez may choose to howl, which has the effect of a holy word spell. And they may choose to lick the wounds of any injured or killed lawful creature, being able to cast raise dead fully, cureall, cure disease, cure blindness and remove curse once each per day. If, however, they lick the wounds of a chaotic or neutral foe (with a normal chance to attack any wounded foe) they may cast the reverse of those spells instead, with normal saving throws applying as appropriate. Aralez are immune to normal and silver weapons, and can only be hit with magical weapons.
On rare occasions aralez may be sent to aid the cause of good on the prime plane, where they come to the rescue of the most noble warriors of all should they fall to the powers of darkness.