Arcane Emulation
by David KnottTo help them with their subversive activities, here is a feat that was developed by and for divine spellcasters during the time when they would have been executed if caught:
Arcane Emulation [General]:
Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells.
Benefit: This feat gives a divine spellcaster the chance to pass off his divine spells as arcane spells. Details are as follows:
Preparing spells: Multi-classed Treekeeper/Wizards and others who prepare their arcane and divine spells simultaneously will never be caught as divine spellcasters by anyone who happens to witness them preparing their daily spells. Other users of divine magic would be dead meat in such a situation.
Casting spells: The spellcaster is able to keep his divine focus out of sight and thus runs no risk of being detected as a divine spellcasters when they cast their spells. However, the extra gestures that they throw into their spells for this purpose create a risk of arcane spell failure if they are wearing any armour or shield, even if they have access to feats such as Still Spell that might otherwise negate that chance for real arcane spells. A spellcaster may opt not to use this feat while casting a spell if he considers avoiding that arcane spell failure check more important than they risk of being caught as a divine spellcaster -- in such a case he would be treated as though he lacked this feat.
Explaining spells: For the purpose of passing examinations by bureaucrats and/or teachers at the Great School of Magic, divine spellcasters may have to explain how they researched a given spell. To do so they must pass a Bluff skill check at a DC of 15 + spell level.
Resist Detect Thoughts: Because the use of this feat pushes the forbidden aspects of divine magic below surface thoughts, this spell will never catch a divine spellcaster who is consciously using this feat to disguise the preparation, casting, or explanation of his divine spells.
Normal: Without this feat, a divine spellcaster deals with the conditions that this feat protects against as follows:
Preparing spells: Multi-classed Treekeeper/Wizards and others who prepare their arcane and divine spells simultaneously are caught as divine spellcasters on a successful Knowledge (Religion) or Spellcraft skill check at DC 20.
Casting spells: Casting a divine spell runs no risk of discovery unless it requires a divine focus, in which case a successful Knowledge (Religion) or Spellcraft skill check at a DC of 10 will reveal that the spell is divine and not arcane.
Explaining spells: A divine spellcaster who tries to explain the mechanics behind his supposed research of a divine spell would automatically fail to convince any examiner that the spell in question is divine in origin.
Resist Detect Thoughts: Any spellcaster who uses this spell to read the surface thoughts of a divine spellcaster while the latter is preparing, casting, or attempting to explain his spells will catch the divine nature of the spells in his surface thoughts automatically.