Archon, Mystaran
by John Walter BilesMystaran Archons are champions of Law, rather than of the Elemental Planes. They seek to find sources of evil and then either push adventurers towards the problem or find adventurers to aid against them. They may voluntarily serve as mounts. They form mated pairs with 1d3 young, but their young are rarely encountered by adventurers.
Female Archon of Law, Level 18 Elite Brute
Huge Immortal Beast (Chimera) XP 4000
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +20
Resist Fire 15, Poison 15
HP 428; Bloodied 214
AC 32; Fortitude 32, Reflex 29, Will 29
Saves +2 Action Point 1
Speed 6; Fly 12
m Gore (standard; at-will)
+21 vs. AC; 3d8+7
Fire Breath (standard; at-will) | Fire
Close Blast 3; +19 vs. Reflex; 1d10+7 Fire Damage
Improved Fire Breath (standard; encounter) | Fire
Close Blast 3; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 +7 Fire damage and 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
Multiple Heads (standard; at-will)
The Archon may use two Fire Breaths, two Gores or one Gore and one Fire Breath in a round.
Healing Word (minor; 3/encounter)
Close Burst 10; single target can burn a healing surge and recover 1/4th HP plus 4d6 damage.
Purifying Fire (standard; encounter) | Divine, Fire
Area Burst 2 within 10 squares; +19 vs. Reflex. 3d10+6 Fire damage and ongoing 10 Fire Damage (save ends). During that time, the Archon or any ally who starts a turn adjacent to someone suffering ongoing damage from this power regains 10 HP.
Celestial Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 10th level or higher; at-will) | Mount, Radiant
On charge attacks, a Female Archon of Law’s rider deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage.
Teleport (Move; at-will)
Archons of Law may teleport six squares as a move action.
Alignment Lawful Good Languages Common, Supernal, + 1 other language
Skills Insight +20; Perception + 20, Religion + 20
Str 25 (+16) Dex 14 (+11) Wis 22 (+15)
Con 24 (+16) Int 22 (+15) Cha 16 (+12)Female Archons resemble a giant eagle with a draconic neck from which spring two bull heads and the head of a female human.
Male Archon of Law, Level 18 Elite Soldier
Huge Immortal Beast (Chimera) XP 4000
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +21
Resist Fire 15, Poison 15
HP 344; Bloodied 172
AC 34; Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 29
Saves +2 Action Point 1
Speed 6; Fly 12
m Sword Strike (standard; at-will) | Weapon
+25 vs. AC; 2d8+7 damage
M Righteous Strike (standard; at-will) | Divine, Radiant, Weapon
+25 vs. AC; 2d8+7 radiant damage and one ally within 5 squares gains +6 to hit with their next attack against the same target.
Onslaught (standard; at-will) | Weapon
The Archon takes two Sword Strike attacks at the same or different targets
M Inspiring Strike (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Divine, Healing, Radiant
+25 vs. AC; 3d8+7 radiant damage and the Archon or an ally within 5 squares recovers 20 HP.
Flaming Sword (standard; daily) | Divine, Fire
Until the end of his next turn, all melee attacks do fire damage in addition to normal damage and also 10 ongoing fire damage. Sustain Minor: Extends the duration another turn.
Healing Word (minor; 3/encounter)
Close Burst 10; single target can burn a healing surge and recover 1/4th HP plus 4d6 damage.
Celestial Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 10th level or higher; at-will) | Mount, Radiant
On charge attacks, a Male Archon of Law’s rider deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage.
Teleport (Move; at-will)
Archons of Law may teleport six squares as a move action.
Alignment Lawful Good Languages Common, Supernal, + 1 other language
Skills Insight +21; Perception + 21, Religion + 20
Str 22 (+15) Dex 14 (+11) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 20 (+14) Int 22 (+15) Cha 20 (+14)
Equipment Sword or other weapons; if they have a magic item treasure packet it will likely be an enchanted weapon.Male Archons have the bodies of giant eagles but with the head, arms and torso of a human. They typically fight with weapons.