by John Walter BilesArchaeopteryx, Level 4 Skirmisher
Small natural beast (Dinosaur) XP 175
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +4
HP 55; Bloodied 27
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 16
Speed 2; Fly 10
m Joint-injuring Bite (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage and slowed (save ends)
Mobile Skirmisher
+1d6 damage if the Archaeopteryx moves 4 or more squares before attacking.
Alignment Unaligned Languages ---
Skills Athletics +9; Acrobatics +11
Str 14 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 15 (+4) Int 4 (-1) Cha 4 (-1)The Archaeopteryx is basically a flying reptile, though it is the ancestor of modern birds. It has colourful feathers and basically feeds on vermin; it flees combat with anything PC sized, unless given no other choice.