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Arm of the Immortals subsetting logo

by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe

Here's the design elements I used for my ARM OF THE IMMORTALS logo (aka Immortals' Arm, Arm of God):

-The golden color of the Immortals Gold Box.

-The shape of the peninsula, which I got from one of Thorf's maps. I used Mentzer's mountain shapes though.

-The unknown "wild" font which was used for the AD&D2E Orc's Head Peninsula PDF, which featured sections on the Ee'aar and Enduks. The OHP doc has a rather nice graphic design. I ran the font through several font-matching machines, and had no luck. So I took screenshots and cut and pasted each letter need to spell "A R M O F T H E I M M O R T A L S".

-For the subtitle, I used the "handwriting"-style font used in the map of the Arm of the Immortals in the OHP book: Tekton Pro Bold (freeware)

-Synonyms: the Arm of the Immortal is called "Immortals' Arm" in the HWCS map; and it was originally named "Arm of God" in the Master Set map. Which brings up some curious theological implications. I include them as subtitles so as to bring it all together, from Mentzer to Allston to Nicky Rea!

This logo has quite a distinct feel, don't you think?

I made another version of the AotI logo that doesn't have any subtitles.