Assorted Spells
by Geoff GanderMages Only
Cassius' Mnemonic Aide
Level: 1
Range: 0' (caster only)
Duration: 2 rounds/level of caster
Effect: Allows caster to memorise one page of writings or imagery per round.
Created by the Thyatian mage Cassius as an aide in memorising his spells, Cassius' mnemonic aide allows the caster to instantly memorise one page of writings, imagery, maps, or runes per round. The caster need only skim the page, and a perfect mental image of what he or she saw will be retained. Even if the caster does not understand the language in which the original work was written, he or she will remember it perfectly, and will be able to recopy it without error. The memory of what the caster saw will be retained indefinitely, until either it is recopied, or it is discussed. While the caster is reading the work to be memorised, there can be no disturbances; a sneeze would be loud enough to disrupt the caster's concentration. It is possible to use this spell to aid in spell memorisation, in which case it is suggested that a given spell will take a number of rounds to memorise equivalent to its level (i.e.: a third level spell would take three rounds to memorise).Cassius' Deceptive Aura
Level: 2
Range: 60'
Duration: 1 turn/level of caster
Effect: Imbues any single object within range with a false aura of magic.
This spell, when cast on any one object with 60' of the caster, places upon it a false aura of magic, such that, if detect magic is cast within range of that object before the spell expires, it will register as a magic item. This deception can be uncovered through the use of true sight (whether by spell or through a magic item), or analyse (which will not be able to provide any information about the item's enchantments). If dispel magic is cast near an object affected by this spell, the false aura of enchantment dissipates.Strangling Mists
Level: 3
Range: 150'
Duration: 2 rounds/level of caster
Effect: Creates a 20' x 20' x 20' cloud of strangling vapours.
This spell produces an opaque cloud of greenish-grey noxious vapours, measuring up to 20' cubed. The mists that compose the cloud writhe about like tentacles, seemingly with a mind of their own. Anyone passing through the cloud, or who are caught within it, will take 1d10 points of damage for every round they are within it from strangling damage. This damage can be halved with a successful save vs. Poison. The only way to avoid the effects of this cloud is to flee it, since spellcasting is not possible within the choking vapours. To do so, everyone within the cloud must make a successful Strength check to fight their way out of the mists' wispy appendages, with failure meaning that they did not succeed in doing so. It should be noted that one Strength check may not be enough to escape the mists, depending on the movement rate of the victim, and where in the mists they are situated. Although this spell produces a cloud of mists up to 20' cubed, if the area in which it is cast does not permit these dimensions, the cloud may assume any dimensions, so long as the total volume does not exceed 8000 feet cubed. For example, it would be possible to fill a 100' long tunnel with this cloud, so long as its height and width do not exceed 10' and 8', respectively.Create Pocket Dimension
Level: 5
Range: 0' (caster only)
Duration: 1 turn/level of caster
Effect: Creates a temporary pocket dimension in any bag, pocket, or sack.
This spell, when cast upon any bag, pocket, or sack, converts the area within into a pocket dimension, having a capacity of up to 10,000 cn. The only real limitation is the size of the aperture of the container, and in this regard sacks are often the best targets for this spell. As long as the item can fit through the opening, and there is enough capacity within the pocket dimension for it, it can fit inside. All items placed within the pocket dimension can be retrieved simply by reaching inside it and wishing to obtain it. If the item serving as the container for the pocket dimension is destroyed, or if the spell elapses while items are still within it, all items contained within the pocket dimension are lost forever.Clerics & Mages
Increased Perception
Level: 1
Range: 0' (caster only)
Duration: 3 rounds/level of caster
Effect: Allows caster to detect any physical presence within 100' of their person.
This spell allows the caster to become aware of all living creatures up to 100' away in all directions. The caster is able to determine the general direction of travel and location of all creatures detected by this spell, but he or she will not be able to determine their size, alignment, velocity, level of ability, or whether or not they are on an upper or lower level of the place they are in (this is especially apparent in a dungeon or cavern). This spell detects only living creatures; undead beings are not detected, and neither are any creatures not native to the Prime Plane. As this spell detects living things, it will also detect fungi, plants, mundane insects, and normal animals in addition to humanoids and other creatures. As a result, an area registered as being full of creatures may in fact contain a large patch of toadstools and an ant colony. Finally, though this spell does indicate where other living creatures are in relation to the caster, it does not provide any information concerning the layout of the place he or she is in; it does not, therefore, provide a map of the surrounding area.Know Intent
Level: 3
Range: 10' +10'/level of caster
Duration: 1 round/level of caster
Effect: Reveals the basic intentions of the spell's target.
This spell is a slight modification of the 2nd-level clerical spell know alignment. Instead of revealing a target's alignment, this spell reveals to the caster the target's basic intentions. This could be hostility, friendliness, ambivalence, or anything in between. The target may be an individual or creature, but the caster must be able to see them clearly. Examining a target's intentions takes a full round, during which the caster may do nothing else. At the end of a round, and until the spell's duration expires, the caster may shift the focus of the spell to another target. The caster may end this spell before its allotted duration. The DM should keep in mind that a target's intentions may change at any given moment, and in accordance with any number of outside factors. Therefore, the caster's reading may be inaccurate.Renew*
Level: 7
Range: 30'/level of caster
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Renews or destroys any 10' x 10' x 10' area of non-living material.
When cast, this spell will restore any area of non-living material up to ten feet cubed in size. Rotting beams will straighten and become whole, eroded statues will regain their form, and corroded piles of rust will once again be intact pieces of metal. For any ruined piece of material less than 100 years old, the spell succeeds on a percentile roll of 90 or less, but for every additional 50 years the object or area was in a ruined state, the chance of success is reduced by 10%. This is a basic reflection of the difficulty of undoing centuries of ruin or disuse, and the fact that 100 years of neglect is much easier to repair than 500 years. Thus, an ivy-covered, eroded statue that has lain forgotten in an overgrown field for 350 years would have a chance of 40% of being restored. Regardless of the age of the object being renewed, if the spell was successful, it will be fully restored, with inscriptions freshly written on it, paint fresh and vibrant, and any metallic elements shining. For any object or area left in ruin for more than 500 years, there is always a 1% chance that the spell will succeed. It should be noted that, as this spell only affects an area up to ten feet cubed, repeated castings may be required to renew large objects, such as bridges or buildings.This reversed version of this spell, ruin, ages an object up to ten feet cubed in size by an amount determined by the caster. Chances of success are identical to those for renewing something, such that ageing a statue by 100 years, for example, has a base chance of 90% for success. For most human-built structures (except those of stone) ageing them 100 years is sufficient to ruin them. Elvish structures could survive up to 300 years or ageing before falling into ruin, while dwarvish structures could withstand up to 400 years of ageing. Stone or magical structures are typically more resistant, and could incur a penalty of up to -20% on any attempt. As with renewing an object, rolling 1% is always a success. As with renew, the reversed version may have to be cast several times to bring a larger structure into ruin.
Clerics Only
False Aura
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level of caster
Effect: Provides target with false aura.
This spell protects the target from having his or her alignment, intentions, or emotions read by anyone else. Any attempt to use such spells as know alignment or know intent will provide unreliable readings. While the spell is in effect, the spell recipient may radiate any aura he or she wishes, such as a highly lawful alignment, and an openly friendly intent.Restore Senses*
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Restores all deadened senses.
When cast, this spell allows the cleric to touch a person who has lost the use of one or more of their senses, and restore them permanently. Even those senses neutralised magically, such as through a curse, will be restored. Patients who have lost their eyes or their tongues will, after being treated by this spell, regenerate those body parts. The reverse of this spell, deaden senses, allows the cleric to touch a victim and, if a successful attack is made and a save vs. Spells at -4 is failed, deaden all of that person's senses. They will be unable to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel, and as a result will be unable to cast spells, attack, or perform any actions. They will remain in this state until restore senses is cast upon them. Casting deaden senses is considered to be an evil act when cast against non-combatants, though some neutral Immortals may tolerate its use again armed opponents.