Expanding the Atruaghi pantheon
by JTROn the whole, I am in agreement with Traianus. In trying to develop the religion/philosophy/belief system of the Atruaghins, aim for something that feels natural and organic not like a FR portfolio mixer. [FWIW, I favor presentations of spiritual matters as in Gaz1, Gaz4, and Gaz9 vs. DoE and WOTI.]
I'd suggest an Atruaghin view that favors Spirits (The Earth Mother, the Sun Spirit) and personifications (the trickster Coyote) - concepts and personae which certain Immortals might "affiliate with" but do not own. In that light, the listed Atruaghin pantheon is akin to the Traladaran Three as originally presented - i.e. cultural heroes (cf. Hiawatha) not portfolio managers.
Incidentally, Masauwu is an actual Hopi mythological figure - a wandering torch-bearer who lurers people away. Allston kept the motifs, but why he felt the need to retcon him as some Minrothad merchant, I have no idea. I don't remember if Allston or Connors is to blame for the inflated power status of the Atruaghin pantheon's lesser Immortals.
All that said, if you want to do a mythos-Immortal reconstruction based on existing interactions and inheritances, consider this hypothetical scenario:
Oltecs Patrons
Name ........................ Adoption into Pantheon
Otzitiotl (Ixion) ............... Original Guardian*
(Thanatos) .................... Original Guardian*
(Simurgh) ..................... Original Guardian*
Kalaktatla (Ka) ................ Contact with Lizard-Men
Rathanos ...................... Native Hero
Masauwa ...................... Native Hero, under Thanatos (see note above)Atruaghin Patrons
Name ........................ Adoption into Pantheon
Takhati Stormtamer ......... Native Hero
Thunderbird (Simurgh)...... Oltec Import#
Masauwu ...................... Oltec Import##
(Ixion).......................... Oltec Import
Atruaghin ..................... Native Hero
Ahmanni Turtlerider ......... Exalted Hero**
Mahmatti Running Elk ....... Exalted Hero**
Hattani Stoneclaw ........... Exalted Hero**
Danel Tigerstripes ........... Exalted Hero**
[Coyote] Atzanteotl ......... Immortal Contact
[Snake-Man] (Ka)............. Oltec Import***# - Simurgh was an intelligent roc (cf. Ka, Ordana, Protius) - RW inspired
## - Masauwa treated in fashion of the Hopi legend
* - Immortal Guardians are a GazF-ism - the sudden appearance of men in the world worried those Immortals who had survived the Carnifex War, and each tribe of man was assigned monitors to ensure their development was untainted.
** - GazF-ism: I've demoted the lesser Atruaghin patrons to Exalted status in line with what they did in life (cf. Balthac, slayer of Calor the Great, who was made a titan)
*** - possible analog to Atzanteotl (see below)
*** - GazF-ism: Ka is originally not an Immortal Guardian of the human tribes. He is left to supervising the declining lizardmen races. Snake-man is an entry from American Indian Mythos, Dieties & Demigods 1st Ed. That list includes:American Indian Mythos D&D 1st Ed.
Raven - CG creator of the world, great provider but trickster
Coyote - CN arts, crafts, use of fire, greedy, bullying trickster, cowardly
Hastseltsi- TN, the Red Lord, God of Racing
Hastsezini - LE the Fire God, the Black Lord, turned to in times of drought
Heng - LG the Thunder Spirit, bringer of rain and luck
Hotoro - CG the Wind God, assist in the growth and destruction of crops
Shakak - CE the Winter Spirit, brings cold weather
Snake-Man - CG controls reptiles
Tobadzistsini - NE the War Spirit