After the War: Sind
by Marc SaindonIn a future fate, Hule is defeated and Sind is finally free of occupation. What does it become?
Things to consider:
- the failure of the Rajadhiraja to create a united front of resistance means individual Rajahs will push for more autonomy, if not outright independence.
- the country is largely in ruins, both economically and in its infrastructure.
- the arrival of foreign forces to help Sind liberate itself might mean that the people are more open to new ideas.
- the caste system is not doing great for people of the lower castes, so missionaries from Ylaruam might have success in recruiting people into the worship of Al-Kalim, especially if it also combines new commercial ties with Ylari merchants. Some converts might want to set up an Emirate.
- Hulean remnants still haunt the land. Some are mere brigand bands, others are secret societies plotting for the return of the Master. Some Hulean one-time allies like Jaibul are too interesting to remove.
- increased contact with the Darokinian merchant houses might lead some to emulate the system, and promote reforms which gives more influence to tradesmen and merchants instead of Clerics and Fighters (which failed to defend Sind in the first place).
(pic from: https://preview.redd.it/ecefdoiovcbz.jpg?auto=webp&s=750a6a398e3798cdf373fdc664c431d4d50bb526)