Keep on the Borderlands The Temple of Chaotic Evil
by Gerry UptonAfter three previous no-goes I finally finished running The Keep on the Borderlands.
As we got into the final part, The Temple of Chaotic Evil, I realized that the floor plan for the Temple complex was really scattered and rather illogical. So I decided to compact it and try to give it some rhyme and reason.
Once the session was finally complete I asked for some feedback on the map. Some good suggestions were made. I reworked the map into something logical, and a href="TempleOfChaoticEvilFloorPlan.jpg">here it is. Only one level, but it made for some good back-and-forth combat, some good tactics, and an almost-TPK when the party went up against the BBEG and his minions. Three of six party members were down when the last armoured skeleton scattered his bones around the floor of the Temple.
The obvious additions were a dining hall and a kitchen, so that the clerics of the Temple and their guests would have a place to eat. You will have to make up your own description of these locations.