[Paraverses] Official Placements of B8: Journey to the Rock
by Sionainn T. Mac InnéirgheFrom a "paraversal" perspective, all suggested placements co-exist as Official continuties...parallel universes.
B8: Journey to the Rock (1984) has always been problematic in regard to placement. These problems can be untangled via the "paraverse" concept:
Paraverse #1. As presented, the module is a standalone mini-setting:
"After the characters have completed their mission to The Rock, further adventure are possible, using the maps and information contained in the module." p.30
The module is explicitly *not integrated* into the Expert Set map:
"Here are some suggestions for placing the adventure area on the
maps contained in the D&D Expert Set [...] All of these adventure suggestions require
considerable work on the part of the Dungeon Master. However, they are examples of ways
in which the module can be integrated into an existing campaign." B8, p.30So, in its default timeline, B8 is a paraverse to itself, with no reference to a surrounding world.
Yet there are several paraverses which do place B8 on the Expert Maps:
"Placing the Area on the D&D Expert Maps
The maps in the D&D Expert Set offer several possible settings for the adventure area. The following are all locations on the Lands
and Environs of the D&D Wilderness Map #2.""Grand Duchy of Karameikos. The area is in the Cruth Mountains, on the river northwest of Wereskalot, or in the Cruth Mountains on the river northwest of Threshold. The Barkel and Krayzen Mountains are extensions of the Cruth Mountains."
"Republic of Darokin. The area is in the mountain or hill terrain north of Lake Amsorak. The Krevilan River flows into Lake Amsorak south of the wilderness shown on Jenlar Temlin’s Map.
Which makes for these parallel universes:
Paraverse #2A: In the Cruth Mountains of Karameikos [sic], on the river northwest of Wereskalot. Note: The modules says this is in Karameikos, but northwest of Wereskalot would be in the Five Shires. However, in this paraverse, Karameikos really does encompass that area. The border of Karameikos and the Five Shires is further west than in the mainline paraverses.
Paraverse #2B Same as Paraverse #2, but with the proper Five Shires designation.
Paraverse #3: In the Cruth Mountains, on the river northwest of Threshold. Presumably the Krevilan River = the Foamfire.
Paraverse #4: In Darokin. The area is in the mountain or hill terrain north of Lake Amsorak. The Krevilan River flows into Lake Amsorak south of the wilderness shown on Jenlar Temlin’s Map.
Note that B8 explicitly uses the Expert Map rivers as anchor points for the B8 Adventure Map, and that the Krevilan River must flow to the ocean:
"Note that the Adventure Map contains the Krevilan River, which may be navigable if you decide so, and that the suggested locations on Map 2 of the D&D Expert Set also contain rivers. Getting to an ocean is an ideal adventure for higher-level D&D Basic characters[.]" p.30
So those are five different Official Paraverses (parallel universes). They're all Official. They all exist.
As for the adaptation of B8 (1984) to B1-9 (1987). There are two indications about location:
The description of the first route of the Adventure Flow Chart:
"The first [route] has the players operating west of Threshold. It begins with an elementary dungeon exploration [Castle Caldwell], picks up with short overland expedition [The Hall of Rock], continues tp the town of Luln (with a wicked little surprise for the players) [The Great Escape], then comes back along the Westron Road to Specularum." B1-9, p.6
This western orientation vaguely echoes the various westerly suggested placements from B8 (N.W. of Wereskalot, N.W. of Threshold, Lake Amsorak).
The other indication is the starting point:
"The player characters begin the adventure in Threshold, which is several hours south of the Forest of Carm." B1-9, p.13
This is an adaptation of the original starting point described in B8:
"The player characters begin the adventure in a small village two miles off the south edge of the map. This village is directly south of the Forest of Carm." B8, p.4
Note that the original "small village" is "directly" south. Whereas the B1-9 text doesn't say that Threshold is "directly" south, so it may be more southeast or southwest of the Forest of Carm.
Also note that the westerly indication (from the Adventure Flow Chart explanation) and northerly indication (from the starting point of the adventure) aren't necessarily exclusive, since the Forest of Carm (proper) is on the eastern edge of the B8 Adventure Map. So the Forest of Carm could be north of Threshold, which would make the Hall of Rock northwest of Threshold.
One straightforward interpretation of "designer's intent" is that B1-9 appears to have simply chosen the Foamfire River location from B8.
It could be argued whether the "small village" is Threshold or not. Threshold's a town, not a village. And the "small village" is onlyl 2 miles directly south of the edge of the Forest of Carm map, whereas Threshold is "several hours" south. It doesn't take several hours to walk 2 miles, much less on horseback (and there are horse rules in B8). Which would mean that the "small village" is closer to the Forest of Carm than Threshold.
However, 2 miles could be a "several hours" walk if heavily encumbered. And plotwise, both the "small village" and Threshold serve the same role in B8 and B1-9.
Yet, as written, the small village is more likely distinct from Threshold.
Or the "small village" may not exist in the B1-9 paraverse.
Which leads to the problem of how to adapt B8 to the area northwest of Threshold! With the Foamfire River equated to the Krevilan River.Especially since the B8 Adventure Map is a whopping 14 miles (N-S) x 19 miles (E-W)!
One solution is take the word of B8 and B1-9 as canonical as any other, and simply overlay it, and drastically meld the terrain onto the map of Karameikos, with Krevilan/Foamfire as the anchor point.
Another solution would be to say that the whole B8 Adventure Map is located in Faerie / the Feywild. The adventure does have a bit of an otherworldly vibe. And also fits with the fact that B8 is explicitly presented as not "integrated" onto the Expert Map. Faerie is not "integrated" with the earthly world either.
In any case, I haven't yet seen an aficionado map which has fully honored and accounted for the Official statements in regard to placement.