by Cab Davidson
Stat Baracus* AC: 5 HD: 10* Move: 120’(40’) Attacks: 2 fists Damage: 1d6/1d6 + knockout Number Appearing: 1(1) Save As: F 10 Morale: 11 Treasure Type: Special Intelligence: 10 Alignment: Neutral XPV: 1750 The Baracus is roughly human sized, but with a surprising amont of muscle, resembling a dark skinned, adult human male with a mohawk haircut. Indeed, the fool who mistakes a Baracus for such easy prey as a typical human is to be pitied.
The Baracus is immune to all normal and silver weapons, and is entirely immune to all missile weapons. Such missiles invariably impact the ground somewhere near their feet, kicking up clods of dirt and making a ricocheting sound. They attack their foes using ring-clad fists, and strike with such force that a punched opponent must make a save vs. death ray with a -2 penalty to the roll or be knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds, being hurled backwards, in slow motion, for 2d6 feet in the process.
Baracus desire gold over all other treasures, and adorn themselves with as many gold chains and rings as they can find. Each carries 1d4 thousand GP worth of gold jewellery, typically worn around the neck.
While not the most intelligent of monsters, the Baracus has a natural aptitude for machinery, and can typically make any and all machines work, often in surprising ways. They will not, however, fix gnomish or other flying machines under any circumstances. Sages have long speculated as to why flying and flying machines scare the otherwise fearless Baracus, and some theorise that several incidents involving drugged milk may be somehow linked this.
Despite a fearsome appearance, Baracus are rarely hostile to good, honest people. They are surprisingly gentle around human children, who fascinate them, and can occasionally be found helping to educate them. They are, however, tireless in their pursuit of suckers who cause harm in the communities of humans who they value.