Basic D&D Custom Class Template
by Scott W. LudwigThe following is intended to expand the options available to player characters, while remaining true to the mechanics and "feel" of Basic Dungeons & Dragons. The template for the appropriate race is referred to, and ratings are chosen for each category-with the total ratings equalling FOUR points. Those values which appear in parentheses exceed the abilities normally found in Basic D&D, and may therefore be prohibited in a given campaign; they are included here for the sake of completeness, and to provide ideas for personal expansions or changes. A character's allowed weapons and armour, as well as special combat abilities, are determined by the Combat Rating: Fighter allows all; C/T allows a limited selection, comparable to the standard Thief or Cleric; M-U allows for no armour, and a very limited selection of weapons.
Human Template
Hit Die
4 (d12) N/A (3/2 lvl) (200% Spells) M-U 3 (d10) (Monster) Thief (150% Spells) 2/3 lvl 2 d8 Fighter 5 Skills Cleric 1/2 lvl 1 d6 C/T 3 Skills 1/2 lvl 1/3 lvl 0 d4 M-U none none none
- ( _ ): Optional, exceeds normal limits.
- x/y lvl: Treat as Thief, Cleric, or Magic-User of appropriate level; Round 1/2 up and 1/3 down (ex. 2 1/3 -> 2; 2 1/2 -> 3).
- n% Spells: Multiply the number of spells available to be memorised/prepared by this percentage. So, a 4th level Cleric with a rating of 4 would be able to prepare 4-1st level and 2-2nd level spells; while a 4th level Cleric with a rating of 3 would be able to prepare 3-1st level and 2-2nd level spells (you may, of course, choose to round down instead).
- X Skills: Choose X Thief skills, and improve in these as if a Thief of equal level. You may want to allow Backstab to be chosen at the cost of 2 skills (note: Thief skills, as with spell-casting, may be prohibited or penalised while wearing certain armour).
- Combat Specialist Option: I don't allow a character to select a Combat Rating of 3 (Monster); instead, I allow a character to increase his Melee Ability by ONE level by lowering his Missile/Thrown Ability by TWO levels. Similarly, I allow a character to increase his Missile/Thrown Ability by ONE level by lowering his Melee Ability by ONE level. No ability may be raised above "Monster " or lowered below "M-U " in this manner, and the Rating remains the original value.
Sample Human: "Paladin ", HD: d6 (1), Combat: as Fighter (2), Divine: as Cleric of 1/2 level (1). Being a righteous warrior, who eschews missile weapons-considering them fit only for peasants and cowards-he chooses to raise his Melee Ability to that of a Monster, and so lowers his Missile/Thrown Ability to that of a Magic-User (however, his Combat Rating remains 2).
Elf Template
Hit Die
4 (d10) N/A (3/2 lvl) Cleric (200% Spells) 3 (d8) (Monster) Thief 2/3 lvl N/A 2 d6 Fighter 5 skills 1/2 lvl N/A 1 d4 C/T 3 Skills 1/3 lvl N/A 0 d2 M-U none none M-U
- Elves with Arcane Rating (0) may cast spells while wearing armour (alternately, they do not suffer a chance of spell failure for wearing armour).
- Elves with Arcane Rating (4) may not cast spells while wearing armour (alternately, they suffer normal penalties for wearing armour when casting).
- 10th level maximum.
- 50% experience penalty till 10th level.
Dwarf Template
Hit Die
4 (d12) N/A (3/2 lvl) (150% Spells) Option I 3 (d10) (Monster) Thief Cleric -- 2 d8 Fighter 5 Skills 2/3 lvl or 1 d6 C/T 3 Skills 1/3 lvl -- 0 d4 M-U none none Option II
- 12th level maximum.
- 10% experience penalty till 12th level.
- Either the DM or the player chooses between Arcane Options (I) and (II) from below.
Halfling Template
Hit Die
4 (d10) N/A (3/2 lvl) (150% Spells) Option I 3 (d8) (Monster) Thief Cleric -- 2 d6 Fighter 5 Skills 2/3 lvl or 1 d4 C/T 3 Skills 1/3 lvl -- 0 d2 M-U none none Option II
- 8th level maximum.
- Either DM or the player chooses between Arcane Options (I) and (II) from below.
Arcane Options for Dwarves and Halflings
Option I
Option II
4 M-U 2/3 lvl 3 2/3 lvl 1/2 lvl 2 1/2 lvl 1/3 lvl 1 1/3 lvl 1/4 lvl 0 none none
- Option I: Every time a spell is cast roll a d4, if a "1 " is rolled the spell fails and is lost. This represents the character's magically resistant nature exerting itself.
- Option II: The character has learned to overcome the mixed blessing of his magically resistant nature through slow and methodical study.
- You may assign one option to Dwarves and the other to Halflings, assign the same option to each, or allow players to choose based upon character conception. For myself, I prefer Option II for Dwarves-to better reflect their serious natures. While for Halflings I prefer Option I-in order to convey a more whimsical, carefree, or comedic bent.
Base Experience Points for Advancement
Hit Die
4 2000 N/A 1100 1000 2500 3 1500 1500 700 750 1875 2 1000 1000 400 500 1250 1 500 500 200 250 625 0 0 0 0 0 0 To use this table, find the value in each category that corresponds with your rating and add them together. This is the experience required to advance to 2nd level-the rest of the experience table can be extrapolated from this. Note: For Thievery, I multiplied the number of skills minus one by 100. Those with Rating (3) gain an advantage, as I assume Backstab, Read Language, and Use Scrolls to be a single special skill for experience purposes (making for a total of eight "skills "). For Rating (4) I assumed half again as many "skills ".
Example: Elven Scout
· (1) Hit Die: d4 (500exp)
· (2) Melee: as M-U (1000exp)
· (*) Missile: as Monster (*)
· (1) Thievery: HN, HS, MS (200exp)
· (0) Arcane: as M-U (0 exp)
· Exp for 2nd level: 1700 (effectively 3400 w/ exp penalty)
Saving Throw Table Determination
First, the easy part: Demi-Humans always use the table specific to their race. Now, on to Humans...
1. Compare the ratings for Combat, Thievery, Divine, and Arcane;
2. If the rating for one category is highest, use the Saving Throw table for the class which is associated with that category-Fighter for Combat, Thief for Thievery, Cleric for Divine, and Magic-user for Arcane;
3. If two or more abilities are still tied, use the table for the first of the categories to appear on the following list:
i. Arcane
ii. Divine
iii. Thievery
iv. Combat
This is designed, as are the Demi-Human templates, to disadvantage non-standard classes-it serves to explain why they aren't standard (i.e. they're generally less efficient than the optimised standard). You may, of course, choose to determine this differently-perhaps simply basing it on the combat rating or character conception.
(Note: Hit Points gained after 9th level are determined by the Saving Throw table used-(+1) per level for Clerics and Magic-Users, and (+2) for Fighters and Thieves. Demi-Humans use the value given for their race.)
Example: Cleric
- (1) Hit Die: d6 (500exp)
- (1) Combat: as Cleric (500exp)
- (2) Divine: as Cleric (500exp)
- Save: as Cleric
- Exp Base: 1500
Sample Archetypes
- HD: d6
- Combat: as Thief
- Thievery: PP (Read Writing and Read Scrolls when of sufficient level)
- Arcane: as Magic-User of 1/3 level
- Save: as Magic-User
- Prime Req: none
- Exp: 1825
- HD: d6
- Combat: as M-U
- Divine: 150% Spells
- Save: as Cleric
- Prime Req: Wis
- Exp: 1250
- HD: d4
- Combat: as M-U
- Divine: 200% Spells
- Save: as Cleric
- Prime Req: Wis
- Exp: 1000
- HD: d6
- Melee: as Monster
- Missile: as M-U
- Thievery: HS, Backstab
- Save: as Fighter
- Prime Req: Str
- Exp: 1700
- HD: d4
- Combat: as Fighter
- Thievery: Backstab, CW, HS, MS
- Save: as Thief
- Prime Req: Str
- Exp: 1400
Bumbling Halfling "Wizard"
- HD: d4
- Combat: as M-U
- Arcane: as M-U of 2/3 level with 1 in 4 chance of failure
- Save: as Halfling
- Prime Req: none (special, see Halfling, +5% max)
- Exp: 2375
Dwarven Loremaster
- HD: d4
- Combat: as M-U
- Arcane: as M-U of 2/3 level
- Save: as Dwarf
- Prime Req: Int
- Exp: 2500 (plus 10% penalty)
Elven Priestess
- HD: d2
- Combat: as M-U
- Divine: as Cleric
- Arcane: as M-U
- Save: as Elf
- Prime Req: Wis (special, see Elf)
- Exp: 1000 (effectively 2000 with 50% penalty)
Streetwise Urchin
- HD: d4
- Combat: as M-U
- Thievery: as Thief of 3/2 level
- Save: as Thief
- Prime Req: Dex
- Exp: 1100
Unlikely Hero
- HD: d12
- Combat: as M-U
- Save: as M-U
- Prime Req: none
- Exp: 2000
Less Unlikely Hero
- HD: d10
- Melee: as M-U
- Missile: as Fighter
- Save: as Fighter
- Prime Req: none
- Exp: 2000
- HD: d4
- Combat: as Thief
- Thievery: PL, HS, MS
- Divine: as Cleric of 1/2 level
- Arcane: as M-U of 1/3 level
- Save: as M-U
- Prime Req: none
- Exp: 1575