The Beast Forge of the Borean Valley
by HåvardCreator: Hel, ca 4500 BC
Magnitude: Major Artifact
Power Limits: TBD
Sphere: Entropy
Suggested Powers:
- Create Any Monster (100 PP)
- Growth of Animals (20 PP)
- Stone to Flesh (50 PP)
- Reincarnation (50? PP)
Activation: Artifact is not active when discovered. It is activated by pouring the blood of a Gold Dragon into the forge.
Suggested Handicaps (3):
- 1. When first used, the user starts turning into an Orc or other humanoid. This process is gradual taking about 3 months. If already an Orc, the user grows other bestial features like massive tusks, horns etc.
2. The third time used, the user changes alignment to Chaotic. If already Chaotic, he must make an ST vs. Spells or be possessed by an agent of Hel as if by the Magic Jar spell.
3. Energy Drain: First time the Reincarnation power is used, the user loses 3 experience levels. If reduced to 0 levels he will rise as a Wraith after 3 days.Suggested Penalties:
1d6 EFFECT 1-2 Spell error: 10% spell failure 3-4. CHA reduced to 3 due to demonic features. 5.-6. Rot. One body part becomes diseased and falls off within one hour. A cure disease spell cast within this time will prevent this effect for this time.
Buried somewhere deep in caverns below the Borean Valley this sinister artifact can still be found. It appears as an enormous forge, but instead of metal, a floating organic mass fills huge basins that can be used to create new or twisted life forms. This is the forge that Hel used when she lured unknowing victims into forming the Beastman Race.