Beastmen (Lands of the)
Location: Northern portion of the continent of Iciria, south of the Bay of Gam. HW
Area: 1,413,353 sq. mi. (3,660,585 sq. km.).
Population: 102,500 living in small bands of 10-50.
Languages: Grruuk (a.k.a. Beastman), Neathar.
Coinage: None (barter only).
Taxes: None really.
Government Type: Independent family bands lead by a chieftain.
Industries: Fishing, hunting, trapping.
Important Figures: Krogada the Itchy (War Chieftainess).
Flora and Fauna: Arctic tundra; seals, walrus, polar bears, white dragons, frost giants, ice toads, yeti, whales.
Further Reading: Hollow World boxed set, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.