Belcadiz, Principality of
by Michael BerryArea:
1,288 sq. milesPopulation:
AC 1000 - 13,444
AC 1014 - 12,210Towns: (population values are given for AC 1000 and AC 1014)
New Alvar: (5,100/4700) is the capital of the Principality of Belcadiz.Selected Villages: (population values are given for AC 1000 and AC 1014)
Xeres: (778/712) is located just to the southwest of New Alvar.
Rota: (510/452) is located 16 miles north of New Alvar in the Colossus Mounts foothills.
Vega: (345/309) is 8 miles southeast of New Alvar.
Medina: (387/354) is located two miles to the south of the Palace of Alhambra.
Montila: (213/190) is in the southeastern hills of Belcadiz 16 miles south of Alhambra.Ethnic groups:
Belcadizan Elf 75%, Belcadizan Human 20%, Fen 3%, Ethengarian 1%, Others 1%Languages:
Thyatian common, BelcadizanRuler:
Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias: Marquesa del Alhambra, Viceroy of Monteleone, Commander of Carnelia’s Division AC 1000-1005, Commander of Army Group South AC 1005- 1009, Commander 3rd Army Corp and Commander of Glantrian 2nd and 10th divisions AC 1010-1014.
Born AC 820, E10 (AC1000), EW20 (AC 1014), High Mistress of Witchcraft, AL - NeutralHouse:
AC 1000 - Voting Power: 18 at the Council, 29 at the Parliament
Allies: Don Fernando de Cassegra (E9) , Marques de Satolas; Dona Isabella de Montebello (E10), Baronesa del EgornAC 1014 – Voting Power 18 at the Council, 32 at the Parliament
Allies: Don Fernando de Cassegra(EW11), Duke del Hightower; Dona Isabella de Montebello (EW11), Countess del Soth KabreeFamily:
Dona Leotina (mother): born AC 663, E6, AL - Lawful
Don Hippolito (brother): born AC 799, E9, AL - Chaotic (Deceased AC 1003)
Don Diego (brother): born AC 820, E9 (AC1000) E10 Attack Class D (AC1014), AL - Lawful
Don Ricardo (brother): born AC 825, E7 (AC1000) E9 (AC1014), AL - Neutral
Don Miguelito (son): born AC 980, E3 (AC1000) E8 (AC1014), AL - Neutral
Dona Maria (daughter): born AC 985, E2 (AC1000) E7 (AC1014), AL - Lawful
Don Sancho (son) born AC 990, E1 (AC1000) E3 (AC 1014), AL - ChaoticMilitary:
Princess Carnelia is the Viceroy of Fort Monteleone. With the death prior to the Great War of Don Hippolito, Princess Carnelia's oldest brother and the castellan of Fort Monteleone, her younger brother Don Diego was appointed the Castellan of Monteleone and he served admirably during the Great War. Prior to the Great War Carnelia had command of one of the eight Glantrian Army divisions. During the war she commanded Army Group South protecting southeast Glantri and saw extensive combat against Thar during his invasion of Glantri. True to her storied family history in combat she proved herself to be an excellent commander, a creative tactician, and brave and level-headed in the heat of combat itself.After the Great War the Glantrian Military Reorganisation Act of AC 1010 was passed. The Glantrian Grand Army was now to consist of 16 Divisions. In times of peace the divisions are organized into 8 2-division sections, with the further tactical flexibility available in times of need to be organized into 4 4-division corps. Carnelia has command of the Glantrian 3rd Army Corp which includes both of her divisions, her original division the 2nd Infantry Division and 10th Infantry Division, and the two divisions under Prince Jherek. The 2nd Division is currently stationed at Ft. Monteleone. The 10th Division's 1st and 4th Banners are stationed in New Alvar. The 2nd, 3rd Banners are stationed in Tristan. Every 3 months the divisions rotate assignments.
Carnelia's 2nd and 10th Divisions (AC 1014):
Division Commander - 2nd and 10th Divisions: Prince Dona Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias (EW20)
Brigadiers - 2nd Div: Don Diego de Belcadiz (E9), 10th Div: Miguelito de Belcadiz (E8)
Head Mage - 2nd Div: Rafael Montoya (M19), 10th Div: Don Fernando de Casanegra (EW11)
Knights- 2nd Div: Don Cristobal Narciso Mendoza Leornardo (EL10 Attack Rank G), 10th Div: Ferrera human (F24)Fighting troops: 860
Total (including officers, aids and logistics banner): 950Headquarters: Fort Monteleone
Peacetime Deployment - watching and protecting the SE borders of Glantri from the Khan of Ethengar, and humanoids of the Broken LandsCarnelia's divisions are about 50% mounted. Soldiers of sergeant status or higher and the scout unit have magical items (about 5%). About 60% of the troops are Belcadiz elves and about 25% are humans from Belcadiz ancestory with the remainder being from various ethnicities. Officers are all Belcadizan - humans and elves. Carnelia will prefer leading her troops herself as she is a warrior heroine among her people.
The following applies to both the 2nd and 10th Divisions.
1st Banner (Els Orelluts): 60 elite (E3) scouts armed with bows and rapiers, and 60 human scouts (T4) with bows and short swords, ; plus 2 sergeants (E5), 2 sergeants (T5) 60 2 Lieutenants (E6,T6) and a captain (E8).
All are mounting on standard riding horses for maximum mobility.
The 1st banner is scouting banner of a Belcadiz division.2nd Banner (Los Boquerones): 240 heavy Foot (F3) with long swords, daggers, shields and chain mail; 8 sergeants (F5); 2 Lieutenants (F7) 1 captain (F9)
The 2nd Banner is drawn primarily from human fighters from the principality of Belcadiz and from residents of Glantri City.3rd Banner (Los Periquitos): 240 Elf fighters (E2) with rapiers, shield, can chain; 8 sergeants (E4), 2 Lieutenants (E6), 1 Captain (E8)
The 3rd banner is tactically aligned, and trained for hand to hand combat. The Banner is often deployed along with the 2nd Banner in close-in combat.4th Banner (Los Chicharreros); 240 Elf mage (E3) with rapiers, daggers and leather; 8 sergeants (E5), 2 Lieutenants (E7), 1 Captain (E9), all mounted on riding horses.
The 4th Banner is the magical arm of the Belcadiz division, though still skilled like all Belcadiz with the rapier. The banner is deployed as the divisions reserve or shock troops in combat but can be used when the need arises to be deployed into hand to hand combat.History:
The Flamenco elves of the moved into this area of Glantri in BC 150 and are the longest residing inhabitants of Glantri. They are called the Belcadiz elves in recognition of the greatest and long ruling of all the families of Flamenco elves The Flamenco Elves were in Glantri for over 400 years before the coming of the Flaems and the eventual contact with them as they moved south brought conflict and lasted off and on for hundreds of years. Early in the 8th century a clan of Forest elves arrived from Alfheim, having separated from the Erewan Cla, and settled near the Belcadazian lands after acknowledging Belcadiz authority. They were known as the Erewan Elves. Distrust of humans kept the both groups of elves, under the leadership of the Belcadiz, independent and neutral of the early wars between the Flaems and the arriving waves of Thyatin settlers. However the elves finally were persuaded to join the war against the Flaem and were a vital element in the battle of Braastar and agreed to join the new Republic of the Highlands. When Halzunthram took the new Council captive and declared the Highlands an Alphatian protectorate the Highlands were again embroiled in war. The Belcadiz once again removed themselves from the ‘human’ conflict and declared their independence.The independence of the elves, as well as the human war for control of the Highlands continued for decades until an increasingly desperate Halzunthram introduced Dwarven units into the battle when finally brought the elves into the war against Halzunthram. The war continued still for decades until finally ending with Halzunthrams capture in AC 829. Still having great distrust of humans the elves refuse to join the new Republic of the Highlands (soon renamed Republic of Glantri) and instead reassert their independence. In AC 858 both leaders of the elvish factions were informed of the still secret plan to make Glantri a magocracy and were offered an elvish Principality if they joined Glantri. Don Fernando de Belcadiz accepted and the elvish Principality of Belcadiz was established. The head of the Erewan elves was made a noble. After some 30 years the Erewan elves finally escaped from under the domination of the Belcadiz and established their own Principality thus splitting the one Elvish Principality into two separate ones.
The town of New Alvar is linked to Nyra and to Fort Monteleone, both by a good trail as rated by Glantrian AAA. In addition many lesser quality trails are within the principality linking villages, Alhambra, and New Alvar. These trails have been rated fair by GAAA.Economics:
Belcadiz is a temperate realm of rolling hills and dry, though not arid, soil. Conventional agriculture is thus difficult in this principality, but the elves have made the most of it, cultivating grapes, olives, and fruits. Belcadiz also encompasses a several large stands of forest running to the Vesubia river valley; while the forest is protected by royal decree, the princess and her forebears have been known to sell small tracts of the tall oaks for lumber in tight economic times. The southern Colossus Mounts, which border the principality, have made those troubled times more rare in the past century, since the elves discovered (and maintained mines for) gold and silver there. Belcadiz imports grains, stone, wood, gems, textiles, perfume, and exports fine metalwork, precious metals, weapons, wine, olive oil, cured meats, lace, pottery, fruits.Belcadiz Monthly Financial Ledger (figures from AC1000)
Main resources: 1 mineral (gold, metalwork), 1 vegetable (wine & fruits)
4 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 224; tax 11.2 dc
13 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 3640; tax 364 dc
4 hexes: heavy forest; rural; pop. 2240; tax 224 dc
1 hex: clear; rural; pop. 1120; tax 112 dc
1 hex: clear; suburban; pop. 1120; tax 336 dc
New Alvar: large town; pop. 5100; tax 2040 dcTotal population: 5100 large towns, 1120 suburban, 7000 rural, 224 borderland
Tax Income: 3,087.2 dc
Resource Income: 12,438.8 dc
Standard Income: 15,113 dc
Council Tax: 6,127.8 dc
Net Cash: 9,398.2 dc
Overhead (60%): 5,639 dc
Available Cash: 3759.2 dcWith 186,312 XP/year, in 10 years Carnelia de Belcadiz could gain 1,863,120 XP, rising from E10 to EW17!
Alternate: 37053.6 XP/year, in 10 years Princess Carnelia would rise to EW11, and soon reach EW12.
Cultural Curiosities:
Still nursing a hangover from his excursion into Aalban, Micky the Mage returns to us with the latest in his culinary adventures for The Piazza Food Network. This time we find him in the hot and spicy land of the Belcadiz.
Hi all! Micky here! The cuisine of the Belcadiz has been voted favorite ethnic cuisine in Glantri the last 7 years in a row in Tower and Garden Magazine so strap on your tastebuds as we head into New Alvar and meet renowned Belcadiz chef John Dos Passos to discuss Belcadizian cuisine.Mick: Hi John! Tell us about yourself. You are obviously not an elf are you hahaha
John: No Mick! That I am not. I am what many call a Belcadizian human for lack of a better word. My Grandfather is a Belcadiz elf and my grandmother human thus while remaining human I inherited my grandfather’s good looks, and could pass for an elf if not for the ears.
Mick: I see, so tell us about Belcadizian cuisine!
John: well the most important thing to know about Belcadizian cuisine is since we have long inhabated this region and were for long stretches of time both independent and isolated we make extensive use of home grown, rather than imported ingredients so our cuisine makes extensive use of fruits, olive oil, nuts, cured meats, olives, figs, beans, and tomatoes just to name a few!
Mick: umm UMMM! So what would be your favorite dish if you had to choose only one!?
John: Oh that is easy Mick! It would have to be Cocido Montañés. As you know winters in Glantri can be long and brutal and this is favorite of mine to help warm you up on a cold day. Cocido Montañés is made with dried large white beans (soaked overnight before use) and berza (collard greens). I like to add cosilla (pork ribs) to give it some real substance.
Mick: Good Rad almighty that looks great! Well thanks for your time John I am running out of space and time here but I have one last question ..ahhh… it is possible to get reservations tonight for dinner. I just teleported into New Alvar today?
John: Hah. No problem man. Anything for the Big Mick!ARTS AND LITERATURE
The Flamenco is a genuine Belcadiz art. It exists in three forms: Cante, the song; Baile, the dance; and Guitarra, guitar playing. The Dom (who have always been welcome in Alhambra lands) are very often named as its fathers, and while this is not entirely true, it is certain that the Dom played an important part in flamenco's creation. But the popular songs and dances of elven culture have also influenced Flamenco considerably.The first written reference to Flamenco appears in AC 474. Its cradle was most probably the place where, between 485 and 560, the first Flamenco-schools were created: Nuevo Alvar and the Dom-influence village of Triana. In this epoch Flamenco dance started to establish itself firmly as a staple of fashionable dance halls and festivals. Early Flamenco seems to have been purely vocal, accompanied only by rhythmical clapping of hands, or toque de palmas. It was left to dedicated composers to introduce guitarra to the style. During its Golden Age (AC 650-720) Flamenco was developed in the capital's numerous music cafés (cafés cantantes) to its definitive form.
While Flamenco remains popular in Belcadiz to this day, most elves feel that the art's "heyday" has passed. Co-opted by foreign musicians, Flamenco has taken on a new, worldly, influence that traditionalists abhor. But the art, being such a part of Belcadiz life, will not die, but will instead likely enjoy a resurgence of popularity among elves desiring to "reclaim" it, after its popularity among humans has faded.
The Belcadiz palace Alhambra truly represents on a grand scale all the exotic yet beautiful aspects of Belcadizian architecture. Alhambra makes extensive use of horse-shoe arches, palm decorations, and complex arrays of vertical prisms resembling stalactites in a gay combination of interior and exterior spaces, of gardening and architecture that all aimed to please the senses. The aesthetic result of seeing Alhambra for the first time is full of complexity and is mystifying for the beholder: The multiplicity of decoration, the skillful use of light and shadow and the incorporation of water into the architecture are some of the keys features of the style. Epigraphy was also used on the walls of the different rooms, with allusive poems to the beauty of the spaces.
The best way to get to know the inhabitants of Belcadiz is through their festivities. If there is something in the Belcadiz character that makes it stand out, it is their particular feeling for a feast and their way of celebrating it. There is hardly a free day during the year, and particularly much to choose from before and after harvest time. Each village has its own feast, whilst other cover the whole of the principality. A list of the most important festivals of the year:Monster Hunt The days leading up to the Glantri City Monster's Fair (Vatermont 14-18) are filled with hunts in the Belcadiz woods and hills for exotic creatures and raucous feasting afterwards.
Carnival The carnival takes place around the Vernal Equinox, as it precedes the planting season. There are some celebrations in most towns and cities, if not a procession then an evenings entertainment in the municipal hall and the election of the "Carnival Queen." The Carnival at Fedorias is one of the most dazzling and elaborate of those celebrated in Belcadiz. Other outstanding Carnival celebrations are those at Rota, Vega, Medina, and Nuevo Alvar.
Semana de la Senora - also known (for wider, non-religious, Glantrian consumption, as Spring Fair) is the most outstanding celebration, with beautiful processions and images of venerated Immortals that are taken through the streets amid popular devotion. The different fraternities responsible for these processions in each town represent the social and professional sectors. The most outstanding holy week processions are in Nuevo Alvar, though the spectacle is worth seeing in any town or village.
Xeres Horse Fair In Yarthmont, the town of Xeres holds its Horse Fair, where the best horses of the whole area are on show; Glantrian nobles from every principality are seen at the fair, bargaining for the finest elven steeds.
The Patio Contest (5th to 15th Yarthmont). A competition to find the best florally decorated private court yard in Nuevo Alvar.
The Rocío Pilgrimage. Towards the beginning of Klarmont, El Rocio pilgrimage each year assembles nearly one thousand people in a small hamlet where, since 280, an image of La Senora del Rocio (Lady of the Dew, believed to be an aspect of either Valerias or Calitha) has been venerated. Pilgrims on foot, on horseback or in carts and from all over Belcadiz transform the scenery of the area into a landscape full of colour and animation.Summer Ferias Every town and village in Belcadiz has its own feria, or fair. A traveller with much stamina could spend the summer following them. The 'day fair' takes place it the streets of the town itself. Tables and chairs are set up and the bars serve food and drink in the street, music plays from every corner. People of all ages sing and dance. Guests are always welcome. The night fair is usually in the recinto ferial just outside the town, with much the same activities, lasting late into the night.
Feria de Toros (Felmont 14). The Belcadiz release bulls into the streets of Nuevo Alvar and prove their bravery by running with them. Elves abroad in Glantri City spend the day partying and hunting down monsters in the city's canals.
Grape Harvest. At the end of Fyrmont and beginning of Ambyrmont, when the grape harvest starts, there are feasts in all the wine-producing areas. The best known are those of Montilla and Xeres.11th Eirmont is when pigs are traditionally slaughtered in rural towns. The feasts organized for the occasion are eminently gastronomic affairs.
Winter Solstice Eve is the quietest evening of the year in Belcadiz (aside from, in recent years, the eve of the Day of Dread). Even most of the bars are closed. It is an evening reserved for a family dinner and gift-giving among relatives and friends to commemorate the past year.
Verdiales Music Festival in Nuevo Alvar, on 26 Kaldmont. Musicians from local villages wearing a distinctive dress and unusual flowery headgear compete in a traditional music contest. (This festival, until AC 1010, was held on the evening of 27-28 Kaldmont, as a year-end celebration.)
Bullfighting. Year after year, art, festivity, ritual and technique meet, from Flaurmont to Sviftmont during the bullfighting season. The most important ones take place in spring, coinciding with the larger fairs. Bullfighting is certainly one of the best known Belcadiz popular customs. Bullfighting has a long history in Belcadiz culture, as bulls played an important part in the religious ceremonies of "Los Viajeros". The origins of the Plaza (bullring) probably are not the Oltec ball court/amphitheatres, but rather the Destrezan temples where those ceremonies of otherworldly origin were held. While the religious significance of the bull goes back to Los Viajeros, it was the later Eastern influences that converted it into a spectacle. During the fifth and sixth centuries it was customary for the aristocracy to torear on horse's back. This was called suerte de cañas. In 8th century this tradition was more or less abandoned and the poorer population invented the bullfight by foot. Romero de Belcadiz was a key-figure in laying the rules for that new sport.
Notable sites:
New Alvar
The town of New Alvar is the capital of the Principality of Belcadiz. New Alvar is considered to be a shopping mecca for Glantrians. The town’s lively central market is a collage of colors, people, languages and superior products. Belcadiz has a long tradition of making high quality leather goods, clothing, embroidery and lace, jewellery (especially gold and silver), blown glass and wonderful, unique pottery. Other items to look for include antiques, the famous porcelains, and musical instruments. Notably Belcadiz guitarras are world famous, yet inexpensive here in New Alvar. Also in New Alvar is the famed Las Ventas; the social centre of the whole Principality. The world famous bullfighting ring has hosted Emperors, Chancellors, Kings and Queens. It is an architectural marvel and is something every Glantrian should see at least once in their lives.
The pride of Vega is the famed Vegan Rapier. The area is renowned for it's weapon making, but the Vegan is what makes the village famous. The Vegan is the epitome of Belcadizan workmanship, attention to detail, and quality. Ownership of a Vegan rapier is a sign of upper social standing, available to anyone who can afford the price (starting at 200 ducats for an unadorned base model, and with no upper limit but for the imagination and tastes of the buyer). The town's leading citizen, Cesar Álvarez, and head of the union of Rapier smiths in Vega sponsors the annual Carnival celebration in Vega and it is one of the most wild in infamous in all of Belcadiz.Xeres
In Yarthmont, the village of Xeres, holds its Horse Fair, where the best horses of the whole area are on show; Glantrian nobles from every principality are seen at the fair, bargaining for the finest elven steeds.Rota
This village, renowned for it's Carnival celebration is located north of New Alvar in the in Colossus foothills. It is a major destination for the gold and silver coming out of the mines in the Colossus. Several large smelting operations are based here which turn the raw gold and silver into ingots and then sent to New Alvar.Medina
Medina is located in the prime olive growing area in the Principality. Most olives are pressed by workers into Oil, while others are destined for the plates of Glantrian diners.Montila
Montila is in the midst of the grape producing area of the Principality. At the end of Fyrmont and beginning of Ambyrmont, when the grape harvest starts, there are feasts in all the wine-producing areas. The one in Montila is one of the best known.Coat of Arms:
Useful links:
Principalities of Belcadiz by Jennifer Guerra
History of House Alhambra by Harri Mäki
The Economy of Belcadiz by Aleksei Andrievski
Elven Magic in Glantri, and The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014 by Michael Berry