Blood Moth
by Cab DavidsonJust playing around with this idea. Based (incredibly loosely) on the species Calyptra eustrigata, a moth that actually sucks blood.
Blood Moth Stat AC: 6 HD: 2** Movement: 180' (60') Attacks: 1 proboscis Damage: 1d4+special No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d4) Save As: F1 Morale: 8 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 0 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 28 A large white moth, being anything up to 12” long with a furry body and wings, and being a ghostly grey/white colour, the blood moth is found both underground and in darker, older woodlands. Females of the species are harmless, feeding on rotting fruit and occasionally sucking sap from plants and fungi, but males (immediately distinguishable by feather like antennae) can present significant risk.
They do not attack prey that is awake, preferring to land within around 20’ of any sleeping, warm blooded target, after which they silently sneak towards their prey to drain blood. They surprise sleeping victims on a roll of 1-5 on 1d6, sinking their proboscis into a vein. This initial attack inflicts 1d4 damage and they will continue sucking the blood of their victim, inflicting 1 point of damage per round until they have either absorbed 10hp of damage (at which point they have had their fill) or the victim dies. It is wise to always have a wakeful lookout in areas where the blood moth is found.
A well fed blood moth changes from a greyish white colour to a dark, red-scarlet colour. Females of the species favour the darkest red (hence the best hunters) as mates.