Weapon Mastery - Billy Club
by Cab DavidsonThe classic policemans truncheon, a short wooden club weighted with lead to make a harder hitting weapon. Short, rarely more than 18" to 22" long, often with a leather or string loop at the handle end (giving a -2 penalty to disarm). A weapon that can inflict lethal damage but is better used to beat subjects into submission.
Weapon Level Range Damage Defence Special Billy Club Basic -/-/- 1d4 - Subdual+3, Delay p=H Skilled -/-/- 1d6+1 H-1AC/1 Subdual +4, Delay, Stun Cost:7gp. Enc:50cn Expert -/15/25 1d6+3 H-2AC/2 Subdual +5, Delay(save-1) Stun 1 hand, shield allowed Master -/15/25 P:1d6+5, S:1d4+5 H-3AC/3 Subdual +6, Delay (save-1), Stun (save-1) Small weapon, Grand Master 10/25/40 P: 1d6+6, S: 1d4+6 H-4AC/4 Subdual +7, Delay (Save-2), Stun (Save-2) New Special Effect
Subdual: If the weapon us used for subdual damage, in non-lethal combat as described in chapter 19 of the Rules Cyclopedia, extra non-lethal damage (in addition to the three quarters of damage being non-lethal damage as per the standard rules) is inflicted as stated in the weapons special effects description.New Magic Items
Outil de la flic: A magical bully club with the arms of any of the Princes of Glantri painted on it. While it can be used to strike foes typically immune to normal weapons, its main potency comes in a spell storing ability it has. The wielder can, upon command, cast sleep, light, knock, or charm person, each of which must then be recharged by a magic user recasting the spell into the club. There is, in addition, a small silver whistle embedded in the handle, which if blown will alert official Gendarmes within 360' to the fact that the wielder requires assistance.Losing an outil de la flic (or Policemans Tool) is seen as a great dishonour, not only to the Gendarmerie but to the princely house linked to that branch, and great efforts are always taken to ensure the recovery of a lost or stolen outil.
Matraque de la Vérité: This unique item forces any creature beaten to submission using it to answer up to 3 questions honestly and as fully as they are capable. It will not force a victim quested or geased not to divulge information, nor can those immune to mental attacks be questioned. But all other creatures who understand the questioner, including those who are charmed, will answer honestly.