The following idea is to boost the interest in playing a Cleric PC, and giving them a bit of a “divine boost”, particularly at low levels. I haven’t playtested this at all. These function as limited cantrips. I welcome any thoughts.
Clerical "blessings"
by ParzivalStarting at first level, a Cleric may gain one innate divine blessing which he may use. This is not a spell, though it functions magically. The abilities are determined by the Cleric’s alignment. Only one ability may be chosen, but at 3rd level, 6th level, and 9th levels another ability may be chosen. A Cleric may only choose blessings according to his current alignment. If a cleric ever changes alignment for any reason, he immediately loses all clerical blessings, and may only again gain a blessing from his new alignment list at the next level at which he might normally gain a blessing.
Lawful Clerics (Devotees of Halav, Petra, entities of Order, Matter, Earth, Thought):
Minor healing— three times per day the Cleric may make a Wisdom check to heal 1d3 HP of damage to any living thing, including himself. (1d6/2, rounding up). This ability is a minor ritual that cannot be performed in combat, requiring 12 rounds (two minutes) to complete. Failing the check simply means the attempt does not succeed, and may not be made again for the same individual that day. This ability has no affect on undead or beings which are not living things.
Defend— three times per day the Cleric may improve his Armor Class or the Armor Class of any individual within 30’ by one point for 10 consecutive rounds. After 10 rounds, the effect ceases.
Detect Wrong— three times per day the Cleric may attempt to sense if anything in his immediate environment— within a spherical radius of 60’— is deceiving or otherwise hidden or dangerous. The location, direction and nature of the “wrongness” is unknown; it is just a general sensation. It will indeed by triggered by traps, invisible creatures or objects, disguised creatures, illusions, or even individuals or groups with hidden intentions or engaging in deception. However, the ability cannot be definitive in any way. It is quite literally just a case of “Yes, you sense that something is definitely wrong around you.” Note that the “wrong” must be an actual threat or an actual deception. Merely being in a generally dangerous location (as a dungeon or a known monster’s lair (but not near the monster)) is not sufficient to feel “wrong.”
Encourage— Three times per day the Cleric may exhort another intelligent Lawful being equal to the cleric’s level or lower to an act of courage or strength. Regardless of the type of action (including attacks, Morale tests, or Strength, Wisdom, or Dexterity checks, ), the recipient gains a one point bonus to the attempt. (+1 to attack, a 1 point increase in Ability score in that instance, etc.).(A Lawful Fighter who becomes a Paladin at 9th level may choose to acquire two of the above abilities, and gain one new ability at 12th and 15th level.)
Neutral Clerics (Devotees of Petra, Zirchev, entities of Thought, Time, Energy, Water, Air):
Soullight— The cleric may generate a bright blue light with a radius of 30’, which lasts for 1 turn per level of the cleric. The light must emanate from the cleric’s hand or an object held or worn by the cleric. It may not be cast on any other person or thing, and if emanating from a held object will cease immediately if the object is released or removed from the cleric’s person. This ability is available three times per day. The soullight will not cancel a darkness spell, but it will grant visibility to a radius of 5’ within the area of the darkness spell. In this situation, once the soullight effect is ended, the darkness will return if its duration is still in effect. A darkness spell cast on an already existing soullight effect will cancel the latter.
Resist— The cleric may cast this on any creature, including himself, who has failed a saving throw against any negative effect. The target may then gain a second saving throw. This effect may be done only three times per day, and never on the same target more than once per day. The prayer must be cast within 1 minute (6 rounds) of the original failed attempt. After that time, it can do nothing.
Restore minor life— Three times per day the cleric may give any wounded natural creature, including other PCs or himself, 1 hit point of healing. There is no ability check required. This ability has no affect on undead or beings which are not naturally living things.
Soothe— The cleric may attempt to calm a being affected by fear (both magical or otherwise), or who is engaged in an act of concentration (Intelligence skill check, etc.). On a successful Wisdom check, the cleric either grants the affected creature an immediate saving throw or a one point bonus to the ability check.
(Note that if a Cleric opts to become a Druid at 9th level, he retains these abilities.)Chaotic Clerics (Zirchev, Cult of Halav, entities of Energy, Entropy, Death, or Fire):
Chaotic Strike— Three times per day the cleric may cause his attack to do maximum damage. The strike must be declared before the attack is rolled. If the attack misses, the strike is wasted and another Chaotic Strike cannot be used against the same target.
Whims of Chaos: Three times per day the cleric may cause a target to re-roll any die result, regardless of purpose. The same target may be chosen each time, however any specific result may only be re-rolled once. (Thus, if the target is forced to re-roll an attack, the second result cannot be changed by this ability.)
Veil of Deception— Three times per day the cleric may cause any one lie told by the cleric or an ally to be believed by the target. The target gains a saving throw against spells, with the Wisdom modifier applying (if any). If the target fails this roll, the DM should determine the target’s actions based on this belief. Note that this ability must be immediate upon the communication of the lie, and in the cleric’s presence.
Succeeding on the saving throw means the target is fully aware that the communication was indeed a lie, and that the cleric is complicit in it.
Fiery Brand— The cleric may heal 1d4 wounds on a creature, including himself. However, any human or demihuman who receives such healing must make a save vs. spells or receive a significant scar, reducing its Charisma by 1 until treated with a cure light wounds spell or better. This ability may be used to restore hit points to undead and other creatures normally susceptible to damage from healing magic.(A Chaotic Fighter who becomes an Avenger at 9th level gains one of these abilities, and may gain a new ability at 12th, 15th and 18th level.)
As to balance, my house rules already give minor boosts to other classes:
Fighters and Dwarves gain a Sweep rule that gives them extra attacks on adjacent foes after a killing blow on one (caps to a number equal to the PC’s level). They also have a Shield Bash ability.
Elves, Halflings and Thieves can use Dex bonus for attack instead of Strength, but only with “light” weapons (or in the case of elves, traditional elf weapons).
Magic-users get cantrips (essentially unlimited use) and gain extra spells based on Int bonus.
So far the only thing I gave Clerics was extra spells based on Wis bonus. I felt that was a little weak, and this dawned on me as an interesting concept. It’s loosely based on 5e’s Cleric Domain rules, but a little less complicated or powerful.Good point on Resist and Soothe being much the same. Hmmm… However, Soothe doesn’t have the immediacy requirement that Resist does— presumably the Fear effect could have started at any time. Will give that some more thought.
Yeah, I should restrict Fiery Brand in the same manner as Minor Healing. I see it as a “dark ritual” of sorts.
I like the Wis bonus idea, but it should allow for Clerics of relatively low or average Wisdom— I’m still using the “roll 3d6, that’s what you get” stat mechanic, around which Classic is built.