This one based on the story of bluecaps from the North East of England, from Tyneside up to around the Borders. Its probably based on small pockets of gas burning off, giving the impression that the blue flame is falling on to the carts of coal. It was said that this was due to a spirit called the Bluecap. There's actually a rich tradition of creatures from the traditions of that part of the UK to make it in to D&D in various forms - barghests, brownies, redcaps, and various others familiar in D&D are richly represented in folklore of the region. And some others, like the bluecaps, never quite made it into D&D, which is a shame.
More traditional critters from the North East to come. The local traditional take on dragons is, well, different. But tomorrow I think something a bit grander than this. I think Monday is going to be Dragon Day.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Bluecap AC: 4 HD: ½** Movment (Flying): 180' (60') Attacks: 1 dagger or special Damage: 1d4 or special No. Appearing: 5d8 (0) Save As: E1 Morale: 8 Treasure Type: R+S Intelligence: 11 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 7 As the pixies and sprites are to woods, and the nixie to lakes, so is the bluecap to caves and mines. They are 2’ tall bat winged humanoids with elfin features appearing to be either shrouded in or entirely made up of blue flame. The bluecap is not aggressive, often taking delight in the work of miners, showing a great interest in the craft of extracting coal and ores from the ground. Indeed when the miners return home from a days work the bluecaps will often take over, and continue working through the night. But they will expect to be paid for this work, and will as a group only accept the same pay as that of a miner – no more, and no less. Anything else is considered greatly insulting. Their pay must be left in a quiet corner of the mine.
If threatened or if they feel exploited then bluecaps can be dangerous. They can become invisible at will, and when attacking from invisible they always gain surprise. Their most feared attack is a capacity to set anything visible ablaze – in addition to normal attacks each bluecap can make any foe within 60’ not immune to fire damage take one point of burning damage per round, and they can work cooperatively to target specific foes. A save vs. spells halves this damage (so a victim may take 1 point of damage every 2 rounds if targeted by 1 bluecap, or 5 points per round if targeted by 10, etc.).
Like most fey races, bluecaps are not typically aggressive. But they are a more serious minded folk than most other fey, and tend not to be quite as easily distracted from a goal.