The Banderhobb - parents also scare their children with stories of "things that go bump in the night." The Banderhobbs are those "things"
Banderhobb Warder
by BouvAC -10
HD 20***
MV 180'(60')
# AT 1 claw + special/1 tongue + special
DMG Claw: 3d8 plus on a roll of a natural 20 the victim is grabbed and will suffer 2d8 points per round until they can get free/tonuge 2d8 plus on a roll of a natural 20 the victim is swallowed and will take 1d10 points of damage per round until free. Swallowed victims can still make melee attacks
# Appearing: 2d4
Special Attacks: Can teleport to victims that are running away
Save As: F10
Intelligence: 15
Treasure Type C
Morale: 8
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 7775