Medieval bestiaries are strange, strange things. What can I say.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Bonnacon AC: 7 HD: 4* Move: 150’ (50’) Attacks: 1 kick or 1 incendiary wet fart Damage: 1d4 or 6d6 Number Appearing: 0 (2d12) Save As: Fighter 2 Morale: 7 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 100 A bovine creature resembling a cow or bull, with inward curving horns that are useless in defence but which can be used to jostle other bonnacon, and a mane rather like that of a horse, the bonnacon would be an unremarkable herd animal but for a surprising rear attack.
A bonnacon is able to shart a 15’ long, 10’ wide at the end stream of wet, semi-gaseous excreta, which ignites on contact with the ground, skin, or anything else. Any creature caught in the area takes 6d6 fire damage but may make a saving throw vs. dragon breath to half this. A bonnacon can only use this attack form once per turn, at most. Typically this attack is used by retreating bonnacon. The creatures being essentially not aggressive they usually run fron combat rather than fight, leaving all behind them ablaze.