Bridge of Force
by ParzivalTaken from the classic ‘90s TV cartoon Thundarr the Barbarian:
Bridge of Force (2nd level Magic spell)
Range: 60’ + 10’ per level of caster
Duration: Up to 1 turn per level of caster
Effect: Creates a 15’ wide bridge of force up to 15’ long per level of casterThe caster causes a glowing, visible bridge of magical force to appear, spanning any distance up to 15’ per his or her experience level. (So a 3rd level magic-user can create a bridge up to 45’ in length.)
The bridge can span any gap or terrain the caster desires— including hazardous substances such as lava, acid, etc.. The bridge does not contact the surface unless the caster wishes, but the bridge must reach from one solid surface on one end to another on the other end, just as a normal bridge would. The bridge can be produced at any angle up to 15° above or below horizontal, potentially allowing the span to reach from one level to a higher or lower one.
The bridge appears as a glowing path suspended in the air, and is visible to anyone in line of sight of it. It will illuminate an area within 15’ of the bridge in all directions.
The bridge will support up to 50,000 cn weight (5,000 pounds, or 2.5 tons) of weight along its entire span, increasing by 50,000 cn for each level of the caster. If this amount is exceeded at a single time, the bridge will dissipate instantly. Otherwise it remains in place, and can be crossed on foot or astride a mount without difficulty. Note that when spanning a hazardous substance, the bridge only prevents contact with that substance, not any area of effects of that substance (such as extreme heat, poisonous fumes, etc.).
The bridge cannot be made slick or icy, even by magic; it is always a stable surface and easy to cross.
The bridge lasts 1 turn per level of caster, and remains in place even if the caster leaves. However, the caster may dispel the bridge at any point— even while beings are crossing it!
If the bridge disappears with either creatures or objects on top of if, these will immediately fall towards any surface below, unless prevented by some physical or magical effort.