I mean, who doesn't love badgers? Whats not to like?
Another of the very occasional anthropomorphs from my campaign, and another from my childhood days.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Brock AC: 6 HD: 3+4 Movement Rate: 120’(40’) Attacks: 2 claws+1 bite or by weapon Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d6 or by weapon Number Appearing: 1d4 (4d4) Save As: F3 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: E Intelligence: 12 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 50 Brock are anthropomorphic badgers. They appear as big, lumbering, hairy creatures with broad shoulders and long, stripy faces coming to a glistening black nose. They are poor of sight (suffering -2 to hit with missile weapons) but have excellent hearing and scent (being surprised only on a 1 on 1d10, and able to faultlessly track by smell).
The badger folk are a considered, careful people, preferring to live in small family groups in their well constructed and furnished burrows, which are known as sets. Their sets tend to be warm, dry, and constructed near or within the woodlands in which they prefer to forage. They are completely omnivorous, but have a particular fondness for carrion, which will always be taken back to their sets to be prepared into a fine feasts. They take small game, insects, grubs, fruit, nuts, and indeed almost anything else, and are well known for their capacity to turn even the most unlikely ingredients into high gastronomy. While they do not hunt humans, demi-humans or humanoids they are certainly not above consumption thereof if they happen upon them dead, and they find the scruples of many civilised folk when faced with the prospect of such meat to be highly hypocritical (“If you’d eat a pig, why wouldn’t you eat a hobbit?” is a common phrase among them).
Brock are rarely hostile, but will defend their homes and their foraging grounds if threatened. They are friendly with most other forest folk but are quite a private folk, and rarely entertain.
Brock adventurers are not unknown, and they excel as fighters and clerics.