Brock (Badger folk) PCs
by Cab DavidsonBrock are badger folk. They are around 7’ to 8’ tall, with black and white striped faces coming to a black nose at the tip, small eyes, and thick grey fur covering their bodies. They have powerful, muscled arms and legs, with claws at the tips of each, and sharp teeth lining long mouths. They are lovers of good food and conversation, being entirely and broadly omnivorous and willing to eat nearly anything. They make their homes in woodlands and pastures, digging warm, comfortable burrows in which they live in small family groups, often with friendly relations with demi-humans and humanoid clans (although their great enthusiasm for scavenging the dead of other races can create conflict).
Attributes: When generated, brock adjust their attribute scores accordingly: Strength +2, Intelligence -1, Wisdom +2, Dexterity -2, Constitution +1, Charisma -2.
Class and Experience: Brock may pursue any class, but require 20% more experience points at each level. Brock make excellent fighters and thieves, but there are few brock magic users or clerics. Brock druids are known but rare.
Hit Dice: Hodmedods use the next higher dice at each experience level, e.g. a fighter rolls 1d10 hp (and adds constitution bonus) per level, whereas a cleric rolls 1d8 hp.
Languages: Brock speak their own language of grunts and growls, and they also speak halfling, gnome and bugbear.
Combat, Armour and Weapons: Brock can (class permitting) use a shield they can wear armour. They are able to use any weapon permitted by their class, but their poor eyesight means that all thrown weapons and missile fire attacks are made with a -2 penalty to the roll. Human armour almost fits a brock, and can usually be modified for the brock to get into it. Brock have a natural armour class of 6, which may be further modified with dexterity, magic items, etc. A brock choosing to attack using their natural weapons may claw twice each round for 1d4 damage per attack, and bite for 1d6 damage.
Senses and Smell: Brock have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, and can only be surprised on a 1 on a 1d6. They also have infravision, but due to their poor eyesight only to a distance of 30’.