Demihuman races in basic D&D
by Joe MasonI was thinking of running X4/X5 (which I've owned since I was a kid, but never actually got around to playing for some reason), and trying to decide whether to convert it to 3E or run it with the original rules. The first is much less work, but I think my players (brought up on AD&D) might choke on the idea of demi-humans as classes. While I was pondering this, I had a flash of insight:
The basic Dwarf and Halfling correspond most closely to Fighters. The basic Elf (especially at high levels) corresponds more closely to a Fighter with bonus spell slots due to being an Elf than to a Magic-User with extra fighting abilities.
So, if you assume that the XP and ability tables in the books are for a Fighter, it should be possible to subtract out all the Fighter abilities and get a Demi-Human template you add to Fighter to get the Demi-Human as listed.
Lemme just do levels 1-3, for an example (assume we only have the Basic Set).
At these levels, the differences between a Fighter and a Dwarf are as follows:
1. The Dwarf requires a 13 Con.
2. The Dwarf cannot use Large melee weapons or longbows.
3. The Dwarf has infravision.
4. The Dwarf gets extra languages.
5. The Dwarf gets special detection abilities.
6. The Dwarf has much better saving throws.
7. The Dwarf takes an extra 200 XP to reach Level 2, and an extra 400 XP to reach Level 3.
So, call that list the "Dwarf Template". A Dwarven Fighter made with this template will look exactly like a regular Dwarf (at least at levels 1-3!) Now we can make a Dwarven Thief, as follows (differences from the basic Thief in italics):
Prime Requisite: Dexterity. Other Requirements: Constitution 9 or better.
Experience Bonus: 5% for Dexterity 13-15, 10% for Dexterity 16-18.
Hit Dice: 1d4 per level
Armour: Leather armour only; Shield not permitted
Weapons: Any missile weapon except the longbow. Any one-handed melee weapon of size small or medium.
Special Abilities: Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, Backstab; infravision; extra languages (dwarf, gnome, goblin, kobold); 1 in 3 chance to detect stonework traps, sliding walls, sloping corridors, new constructionSaves as Dwarf (Poison/Death Ray: 8, Magic Wands: 9, Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 10, Dragon Breath: 13, Rod/Staff/Spell: 12)
Level XP 1 0 2 1,400 3 2,800 So, at low levels, the Dwarf works fairly well. What about Elf? Compared to a human Fighter, a standard Elf looks like this:
1. Mixed PR, Str and Int (+5% XP with Str 13+, Int 13-15; +10% XP with Str 13+, Int 16-18). Requires Int 9+/
2. d6 Hit Dice instead of d8 (average 1 less HP per level)
3. Infravision
4. Extra languages
5. 1 in 3 chance to detect secret and hidden doors
6. Immunity to ghoul paralysis
7. Spells
8. Somewhat better saving throws
9. 2,000 more XP to reach level 2; 4,000 more to reach level 3
The only thing that's a real problem here is the PR. It probably wouldn't be too bad to just ignore that difference, so that an Elven Fighter would have a PR of only Str (but still need 9+ Int). Or we could make this rule: the PR's for an Elf are Int and the PR for the class. The XP bonus is based mainly on Int.
Note that for most of their career, both the Dwarf and Elf have saving throws substantially better than non-Demihumans, so replacing the class's Saving Throw table with the race's is a clear advantage. The one exception is that at level 1-3, the Elf often ties other classes, and is 1 pt worse than a Cleric in Save vs. Poison (but is 1 pt ahead of some of the other Cleric saving throws, so it's mostly an even trade - until level 4, when the Elf shoots ahead).
This makes the Elven Thief look like this:
Prime Requisite: Dexterity and Intelligence. Other Requirements: Intelligence 9 or better.
Experience Bonus: 5% for Dexterity 13+ and Intelligence 13-15. 10% for Dexterity 13+ and Intelligence 16-18
Hit Dice: 1d4-1 per level (minimum 1 hp)
Armour: Leather armour only; Shield not permitted
Weapons: Any missile weapon. Any one-handed melee weapon.
Special Abilities: Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, Backstab; infravision; extra languages (elf, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc); 1 in 3 chance to detect secret and hidden door; immunity to ghoul paralysis; magic spellsSaves as Elf (Poison/Death Ray: 12, Magic Wands: 13, Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 13, Dragon Breath: 15, Rod/Staff/Spell: 15)
Spells/Level Level XP 1 2 1 0 1 - 2 3,200 2 - 3 6,400 2 1 An Elven Magic-User would have only Intelligence as the PR, so it works out just like a standard Magic-User. They would get twice as many spells (half for being a Magic-User, and half for being an Elf) and take a ridiculous amount of XP to level up (9,000 for level 3). Elven Clerics would get both types of spells.
So far this is working out pretty well. Unfortunately, it all falls apart when we hit the Halfling, and at higher levels it starts to get wacky. More next post.
1. Low-level Demi-Human Templates
2. The Halfling Template
3. Templates at High Levels (with Attack Ranks)
4. Templates at High Levels (without Attack Ranks)
5. Gazetteer Classes (the Dwarf-Cleric, Elven Wizard, etc)
Compared to a Fighter, the Halfling looks like this:
1. PR Strength and Dexterity (+5% XP for Str or Dex of 13+; +10% XP for Str and Dex of 13+)
2. Require Dex 9+ and Con 9+
3. HD 1d6 instead of 1d8 (average 1 less hp per level)
4. Can use only small melee weapons, short bows and light crossbows (interesting: as written in the Cyclopedia, Halflings can't use slings. Well, common sense)
5. Combat bonuses: -2 AC vs. creatures larger than man-size; +1 to attack with missile weapons; +1 initiative; 90% chance to hide motionless in woodlands; 33% chance to hide motionless in dimly lit building interiors
6. Better saving throws
Two problems here. First, we have yet another experience bonus pattern, which isn't as easy to integrate as with the Elf. (What happens to these complicated patterns when we start trying to use classes that already have multiple PR's, anyway?) Second, at low levels the Halfling advances just like the Fighter. So taking this template would give you attack and AC bonuses, hiding abilities and better saving throws at the cost of 1 hp per level, with no additional penalties. For a Cleric or Rake (using my house rule of 1d6 hp per level, as posted last thread) that's pretty tempting.
Hmm, maybe not. When I first wrote this up, I gave the Halfling template a small extra XP cost (+100 XP at level 2, +200 XP at level 3), but maybe that's not necessary. I had forgotten about the extreme weapon restrictions: a Halfling Cleric can only use the Blackjack, Torch, Holy Water, Burning Oil, Thrown Rock and Sling. (Note, BTW, that a Halfling with a blackjack is semi-crippled because they can't reach the head of large creatures, which is their favoured enemy). None of those beat 1d4 damage, so the Halfling Cleric really is kind of crippled when it comes to combat, and the Halfling Thief (who can use the Halfling standard Short Sword) can't really afford the -1hp per die if they intend to get into combat. So the only two really good combinations this opens up are a Halfling Thief who uses short bows and studiously avoids combat, and a Halfling Rake (using the 1d6 HD house rule) with a short sword. Both of those seem pretty appropriate for Halflings anyway, so maybe an XP penalty isn't warranted.
So, assuming no penalty, how do we deal with the PR situation? We could say the Dex comes from the Halfling template and the Str comes from the Fighter class (like we did with the Elf). That way a Halfling Cleric would get +5% XP if either Wis or Dex was 13+, and +10% XP for both. As an exception, classes with Dex as a PR (like Thief) would need to use the standard Thief advancement (since "Dex 13+ and/or Dex 13+" makes no sense). This is a bit of a problem for min/maxing, though - giving Magic-Users Intelligence as a PR is a game balance issue, to prevent them offsetting their low combat abilities by dumping all their high scores into Dex and Con. A Halfling Magic-User could get a +10% XP with a 13 Dex, 13 Int and 18 Con (for 1d4+2 hp per level and -3 AC vs large creatures - this pretty much beats any human mage for survivability at low levels) or could get a +5% XP without any Int bonus at all! (Crafting magic items would suffer, but that's about it as far as I can see.)
So I think the best thing to do is just make the Halfling follow the Elf Experience Bonus scheme - +5% if you have a Dex 13+ and a class PR of 13-15, +10% if you have a Dex 13+ and a class PR of 16-18. This makes the Halfling Fighter slightly inferior to the standard Halfling, but it's not too bad.
One more note on the Halfling Thief: the Hide in Shadows skill and the Halfling hide abilities overlap quite a bit. My favoured way to handle this is to ask the player whether they're using their instinct or training to hide, so they get either the Halfling roll or the Thief roll. (Although it's pretty obvious what the answer would be: indoors, use the Halfling ability of 33% until level 7, when Hide in Shadows reaches 35%. Outdoors, use the Halfling ability of 90% until the Thief equals it at level 31. Yowza.) More generous DM's might roll the Halfling ability first and if that fails roll again using the Thief score. This only applies when remaining motionless, of course - when moving, you have to fall back on the Thief ability.
So here's the Halfling Thief at low levels:
Prime Requisite: Dexterity. Other Requirements: Dexterity 9 or better, Constitution 9 or better. (Of course, for a Thief the Dex requirement isn't a huge deal.)
Experience Bonus: 5% for Dexterity 13-15. 10% for Dexterity 16-18.
Hit Dice: 1d4-1 per level (minimum 1 hp per level)
Armour: Leather armour only; shield not permitted; must be made specially for halflings
Weapons: Any one-handed Small melee weapon. Any Small missile weapon, plus the short bow and light crossbow
Special Abilities: Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, Backstab; Combat Bonuses (-2 AC vs. monsters larger than man-size, +1 to attack roll with missile weapons, +1 to Individual Initiative); 90% chance to hide motionless in woodlands; 33% chance to hide motionless in dimly-lit building interiorsSaving Throws: as Halfling (Poison/Death Ray: 8, Magic Wands: 9, Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 10, Dragon Breath 13, Rod/Staff/Spell 12)
Level XP 1 0 2 1,200 3 2,400 1. Low-level Demi-Human Templates
2. The Halfling Template
3. Templates at High Levels (with Attack Ranks)
4. Templates at High Levels (without Attack Ranks)
5. Gazetteer Classes (the Dwarf-Cleric, Elven Wizard, etc)
Once you reach high levels, the demi-human races start to diverge from the Fighter class. The first, obvious point is level limits and attack ranks. Let's ignore Attack Ranks for now and try a Dwarf capped at Level 12.
After Level 9, a Fighter gets +2 hp per level and a Dwarf gets +3. So the Dwarf Template should include an extra +1 hp per level after level 9. The Dwarf and Fighter classes have differing information on creating strongholds, but it's not too important: this is world-dependant and really shouldn't be part of the core rules anyway. Just say that a Dwarf can create demihuman strongholds if they are still part of Dwarven society, and human Fighter type strongholds if they have been fully accepted by humans. Ditto for the benefits listed for "travelling characters" (extra henchmen, etc).
At 9th Level, a human Fighter can become a Paladin or Avenger (which requires being accepted by a church that has such concepts, and by the church's Immortal patron) or a Knight (which involves taking on a role in human society). It's up to the individual DM whether to allow this of a demi-human or not - it would definitely require giving up ties to demi-human society and being fully accepted by humans (unless the DM wishes to create a demi-human clan that follows these concepts).
Also at 9th Level, a Fighter gains the high-level Combat Options, which the Dwarf doesn't gain until 12th Level. I don't think it's worth making any special rules to smooth over this difference. Looking closely at the Combat Options, however, we see that the Dwarf can't Disarm a giant-sized opponent; it seems like this restriction should extend to the Thief's backstab ability and the Mystic's gentle touch.
At this point, the Dwarf Template looks like this:
Dwarf Template
Requirements: By class, plus Constitution 9 or better
Prime Requisite: By class
Max Level: 12
Hit Dice: By class, +1 hp per level starting at Level 10
Armour: By class, but must be dwarf-sized
Weapons: By class, but no Large melee weapons or longbows
Special Abilities: By class (cannot perform Disarm, Backstab, Gentle Touch, or similar on giant-sized opponents), plus: infravision; extra languages (dwarf, gnome, goblin, kobold); 1 in 3 chance to detect traps, sliding walls, sloping corridors, new constructionXP Adjustment
Level Adjustment 1 + 0 2 + 200 3 + 400 4 + 800 5 + 1,000 6 + 3,000 7 + 6,000 8 + 20,000 9 + 30,000 10 + 40,000 11 + 50,000 12 + 60,000 Saving Throws
Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 Poison/Death Ray 8 6 4 2 Magic Wands 9 7 5 3 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 8 6 4 Dragon Breath 13 10 7 4 Rod/Staff/Spell 12 9 6 3 A Dwarven Fighter made with these rules will be identical to a standard Dwarf, but will get the Fighter Combat Options at Level 9 instead of Level 12.
Now let's look at Attack Ranks. I've never liked Attack Ranks anyway, so I'll just convert them to levels (so a Dwarf with Level 12 Attack Rank M would turn into a Level 22 Dwarf). Since there are no further Saving Throw increases, this would have 4 effects:
1. 30 more hit points (+3 per level from 13-22)
2. slightly worse attacks (since Attack Ranks advance quicker than levels - Attack Rank M is actually equal to Fighter Level 25-27)
3. better scores for any extra rules that use levels (such as item creation formulas and the War Machine)
4. if General Skills and Weapon Mastery are used, more skill and weapon choices
I'm fine with all of the above effects.
The Dwarf gets additional abilities at certain Attack Ranks (now Levels): at Attack Rank C (level 12), Fighter Combat Options and two attacks per round. At Attack Rank G (level 16), half damage from any spell or spell-like effect. At Attack Rank K (level 20), they gain three attacks per round. We've already decided to treat the Fighter Combat Options like a human Fighter, meaning they would be gained at level 9 (3 levels earlier), 2 attacks per round at level 12 (same), and 3 at level 24 (now impossible). So the Dwarven Fighter would get shafted on one attack per round compared to a regular Dwarf, but the 30 extra hp seems like a good compensation.
One last thing: the Dwarf can now exceed Level 16, which beats the Mystic. Of course, there are no stats for a Mystic after Level 16, so the class should still be capped. (Unless the Variant Rules are used, but more on that later.)
Dwarf Template
Requirements: By class, plus Constitution 9 or better
Prime Requisites: By class
Max Level: 12
Hit Dice: By class, +1 hp per level starting at Level 10
Armour: By class, but must be dwarf-sized
Weapons: By class, but no Large melee weapons or longbows
Special Abilities: By class (cannot perform Disarm, Backstab, Gentle Touch, or similar on giant-sized opponents), plus: infravision; extra languages (dwarf, gnome, goblin, kobold); 1 in 3 chance to detect traps, sliding walls, sloping corridors, new construction; better saving throws; at level 16, automatically takes half damage from spells and spell-like abilitiesXP Adjustment
Level Adjustment 1 + 0 2 + 200 3 + 400 4 + 800 5 + 1,000 6 + 3,000 7 + 6,000 8 + 20,000 9 + 30,000 10 + 40,000 11 + 50,000 12 + 60,000 13 + 80,000 14 +160,000 15 +240,000 16 +320,000 17 +400,000 18 +480,000 19 +560,000 20 +640,000 21 +720,000 22 +800,000 Saving Throws
Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-22 Poison/Death Ray 8 6 4 2 Magic Wands 9 7 5 3 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 8 6 4 Dragon Breath 13 10 7 4 Rod/Staff/Spell 12 9 6 3 Elves work pretty much the same, noting that their racial spells stop at Level 10. After level 9 they get only +1 hp compared to the Fighter's +2, so their standard -1 hp per level for having a smaller hit die should continue at higher levels.
Elf Template
Requirements: By class, plus Intelligence 9 or better
Prime Requisite: By class, plus Intelligence. +5% bonus XP for class PR 13+ and Int 13-15; +10% bonus XP for class PR 13+ and Int 16-18.
Max Level: 20 or by class, whichever is lower
Hit Dice: By class, -1 hp (min 1 per level)
Armour: By class
Weapons: By class
Special Abilities: By class, plus: infravision; extra languages (elf, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc); 1 in 3 chance to detect secret and hidden doors; immunity to ghoul paralysis; bonus magic spells; better saving throws; at level 14, automatically takes half damage from dragon breath
XP Adjustment Bonus spells Level Adjustment 1 2 3 4 5 1 + 0 +1 - - - - 2 + 2,000 +2 - - - - 3 + 4,000 +2 +1 - - - 4 + 8,000 +2 +2 - - - 5 + 16,000 +2 +2 +1 - - 6 + 32,000 +2 +2 +2 - - 7 + 56,000 +3 +2 +2 +1 - 8 + 130,000 +3 +3 +2 +2 - 9 + 160,000 +3 +3 +3 +2 +1 10 + 240,000 +3 +3 +3 +3 +2 11 + 370,000 12 + 500,000 13 + 630,000 14 + 760,000 15 + 890,000 16 +1,020,000 17 +1,150,000 18 +1,280,000 19 +1,410,000 20 +1,540,000 Elves are inherently magical, so even non-Magic Users will gain bonus spells, and will know 2 spells at Level 1.
Elves use the following saving throws instead of those specified for their class:
Saving Throws Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-20 Poison/Death Ray 12 8 4 2 Magic Wands 13 10 7 4 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13 10 7 4 Dragon Breath 15 11 7 3 Rod/Staff/Spell 15 11 7 3 The Halfling is a little weird. As written, they take the same XP as a Fighter but suddenly jump at Level 9. (This is because each Attack Rank is really more than a level's worth of attack advancement; I've chosen to ignore this because it's simpler, and additional hit points somewhat balances it out.) To smooth this out, I've decided to add a small XP penalty (basically half the Dwarf's) at low levels. There's still a notable jump at level 10, but this is because the Halfling's starting to get the kick-ass half damage abilities.
High-level Halfling Fighters still get kind of screwed, though - they're inferior to a standard Fighter due to their limited weapon choice and inability to use a Lance attack, but they're also inferior to a standard Halfling because they'll never reach high enough level to get a third attack. I think this is worth adding a special rule to fix: Halfling Fighters get their extra attacks at level 11 and 18, as the Halfling XP table indicates, to compensate for losing Lance Attack. (Elves also lose their 3rd attack, but they get massive spell abilities, so I don't think they deserve it.)
Notably, Halfling is the only race that gets a full extra Hit Die at Level 9. Since there's no given hp progression for the Halfling class at Level 10 and beyond, I've chosen to go with the basic class progression (so unlike the Elf, their -1 hp per level doesn't continue past level 9.)
Halfling Template
Requirements: By class, plus Dexterity 9 or better and Constitution 9 or better
Prime Requisites: By class, plus Dexterity. +5% bonus XP for class PR 13+ and Dex 13-15; +10% bonus XP for class PR 13+ and Dex 16-18.
Max Level: 18 or by class, whichever is lower
Hit Dice: By class, -1 hp (min 1 per level) until level 9
Armour: By class, but must be halfling-sized
Weapons: By class, but only Small weapons, short bows and light crossbows are allowed
Special Abilities: By class (cannot perform Disarm, Backstab, Gentle Touch or similar on giant-sized opponents, and cannot use Lance Attack), plus: combat bonuses (-2 AC vs. larger than man-size, +1 attack with missile weapons, +1 Initiative); 90% chance to hide motionless in woodlands; 33% chance to hide motionless in dim interiors; better saving throws; at level 9, automatically takes half damage from spells; at level 15, automatically takes half damage from dragon breathXP Adjustment
Level Adjustment 1 + 0 2 + 100 3 + 200 4 + 400 5 + 1,000 6 + 2,000 7 + 4,000 8 + 20,000 9 + 60,000 10 + 240,000 11 + 420,000 12 + 600,000 13 + 780,000 14 + 960,000 15 +1,140,000 16 +1,320,000 17 +1,500,000 18 +1,680,000 Halfling Fighters are too small to use the Lance Attack, but due to their speed they gain 2 attacks at level 11 and 3 at level 18 (instead of levels 12 and 20 as for human Fighters).
Halflings use the following saving throws instead of those specified for their class:
Level 1-3 4-6 7-18 Poison/Death Ray 8 5 2 Magic Wands 9 6 3 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 7 4 Dragon Breath 13 9 5 Rod/Staff/Spell 12 8 4 A Halfling Fighter created with these rules will take slightly more XP at lower levels than a standard Halfling, but their max hit points will be slightly higher (7 per level instead of 6, though the average will not change). They will have slightly worse attack rolls at high levels, but will have between 19 and 33 more hit points at level 18. They will get the Fighter Combat Options 2 levels earlier (9 instead of 11). If Weapon Mastery is used they will also get from 2 to 5 more weapon choices.
Last, lets create some Thieves:
Dwarven Thief
Prime Requisite: Dexterity. +5% bonus XP for Dexterity 13-15, +10% bonus XP for Dexterity 16+. Other Requirements: Constitution 9 or better.
Max Level: 22
Hit Dice: 1d4 per level, +1 hp per level starting at Level 10
Armour: Leather armour only, but must be dwarf-sized. Cannot use a shield.
Weapons: Any Small or Medium one-handed melee weapon. Any missile weapon except longbow
Special Abilities: Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, Backstab (not usable on giant-sized opponents); infravision; extra languages (dwarf, gnome, goblin, kobold); 1 in 3 chance to detect traps, sliding walls, sloping corridors, new construction; at level 4, 80% chance to read any normal language; at level 10, ability to cast magic-user spells from scrolls (10% chance of backfire); at level 16, automatically takes half damage from spells and spell-like abilities
Level Experience Needed 1 0 2 1,400 3 2,800 4* 5,600 5 10,600 6 23,000 7 46,000 8 100,000 9 190,000 10** 320,000 11 450,000 12 580,000 13 720,000 14 920,000 15 1,120,000 16+ 1,320,000 17 1,520,000 18 1,720,000 19 1,920,000 20 2,120,000 21 2,320,000 22 2,520,000 * gains 80% chance to read any nonmagical writing
** gains ability to cast magic-user spells from scrolls with 10% chance of backfire
+ automatically takes half damage from spells and spell-like effects
Saving Throws Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-22 Poison/Death Ray 8 6 4 2 Magic Wands 9 7 5 3 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 8 6 4 Dragon Breath 13 10 7 4 Rod/Staff/Spell 12 9 6 3 Elven Thief
Prime Requisite: Dexterity and Intelligence. +5% bonus XP for Dex 13+ and Int 13-15; +10% bonus XP for Dex 13+ and Int 16-18. Other Requirements: Intelligence of 9 or higher.
Max Level: 20
Hit Dice: 1d4-1 (min 1) per level up to level 9, +1 hp per level thereafter
Armour: Leather armour only. Cannot use a shield.
Weapons: Any one-handed melee weapon or missile weapon.
Special Abilities: Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, Backstab; infravision; extra languages (elf, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc); 1 in 3 chance to detect secret and hidden doors; immunity to ghoul paralysis; bonus magic spells; better saving throws; at level 4, 80% chance to read any normal language; at level 14, automatically takes half damage from dragon breath
Spells Level Experience 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 - - - - 2 3,200 2 - - - - 3 6,400 2 1 - - - 4* 12,800 2 2 - - - 5 25,600 2 2 1 - - 6 52,000 2 2 2 - - 7 96,000 3 2 2 1 - 8 210,000 3 3 2 2 - 9 320,000 3 3 3 2 1 10 520,000 3 3 3 3 2 11 770,000 12 1,020,000 13 1,270,000 14** 1,520,000 15 1,770,000 16 2,020,000 17 2,270,000 18 2,520,000 19 2,770,000 20 3,020,000 * gains 80% chance to read any nonmagical writing
** automatically takes half damage from dragon breathSaving Throws
Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-20 Poison/Death Ray 12 8 4 2 Magic Wands 13 10 7 4 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13 10 7 4 Dragon Breath 15 11 7 3 Rod/Staff/Spell 15 11 7 3 Halfling Thief
Prime Requisites: Dexterity. +5% bonus XP for Dex 13-15; +10% bonus XP for Dex 16-18. Other Requirements: Dexterity 9 or better and Constitution 9 or better
Max Level: 18
Hit Dice: 1d4-1 (min 1) hp per level until level 9; +2 hp per level thereafter
Armour: Leather armour only. Cannot use a shield.
Weapons: Any Small, one-handed melee weapon. Any Small missile weapon, plus short bow and light crossbow.
Special Abilities: Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, Backstab (not usable on giant-sized opponents); combat bonuses (-2 AC vs. larger than man-size, +1 attack with missile weapons, +1 Initiative); 90% chance to hide motionless in woodlands; 33% chance to hide motionless in dim interiors; at level 4, 80% chance to read any normal language; at level 9, automatically takes half damage from spells; at level 10, ability to cast magic-user spells from scrolls (10% chance of backfire); at level 15, automatically takes half damage from dragon breath
Level Experience 1 0 2 1,300 3 2,600 4* 5,200 5 10,600 6 22,000 7 44,000 8 100,000 9+ 220,000 10** 520,000 11 820,000 12 1,120,000 13 1,420,000 14 1,720,000 15++ 2,020,000 16 2,320,000 17 2,620,000 18 2,920,000 * gains 80% chance to read any normal language
+ automatically takes half damage from spells
** gains ability to cast magic-user spells from scrolls (10% chance of backfire)
++ automatically takes half damage from dragon breath
Level 1-3 4-6 7-18 Poison/Death Ray 8 5 2 Magic Wands 9 6 3 Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 7 4 Dragon Breath 13 9 5 Rod/Staff/Spell 12 8 4 1. Low-level Demi-Human Templates
2. The Halfling Template
3. Templates at High Levels (with Attack Ranks)
4. Templates at High Levels (without Attack Ranks)
5. Gazetteer Classes (the Dwarf-Cleric, Elven Wizard, etc)