A brand new NPC. A Top Ballista squadron officer who is often called on when disciplinary investigations are required.
Banhammer Thumbhook
by Karl David BrownTop Ballista Senior Pilot
Small humanoid (gnome), Lawful Good
Armour Class. 15 (Flight Jacket)
Hit Points. 32 (7d6+7)
Speed 25 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 18 (+4), CON 12 (+1), INT 14 (+2), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 12 (+1)
Skills: Aerial vehicles +8*, Insight +4, Intimidation +3, Investigation +4. Is proficient in the following: aeroplane weapons: mounted heavy crossbow, caltrop cannon, snooze gun, lightning gun, bombs. Proficient in skyhooks.
*Double proficiency bonus when piloting aerial vehicles.
Senses. Darkvision 90 ft. Passive perception 10.
Languages. Common, Dwarf, Goblin, Sylvan.
Challenge 2 (450 xp)
Artificer’s Lore: As per the PHB Rock Gnome.
Tinker: As per the Players’ Handbook Rock Gnome.
Skyborn: he has advantage on saves to avoid damage from air-based attacks and falling (but not if he deliberately jumps from a height)
You also have resistance to damage from air-based phenomena and magic, but not falling.
Weathersense: Advantage on Nature checks when above ground to determine altitude, speed, determine if weather is a natural phenomenon, and predict weather.
Pilot. Advantage on aerial vehicle rolls while piloting an aeroplane.
Fighter Pilot. Damage he inflicts with aeroplane weapons ignores resistance.
Jink. When he is piloting an aerial vehicle of any kind and the vehicle makes a Dexterity save and still receives half damage the vehicle receives no damage instead.
Winged ‘im! Once per turn a foe damaged by him with an aeroplane weapon has disadvantage on all attacks until the start of his next turn.
Into the clouds. While piloting and aeroplane he can disengage or hide as a bonus action.
Bumber chute. use a ‘handle object’ to Feather Fall at 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. At heights of less than 520 feet there simply isn’t time to activate the bumber chute.
Dagger. +6 to hit, reach 5ft, thrown range 20/60. Hit: 7 (1d4+4) piercing damage.Gear: bumber chute, flight jacket, dagger.
Challenge Calc. Def HP 32 AC15 = 1 1/8 . Off DPR 6.5 to hit +6 1 1/2 mean: . So 1 5/8. So 2.