Between Adventures (BECMI/MYSTARA)
by RobinOk, you have slain the Dragon, repelled the Undead, battled the Humanoids, made peace in a war, saved the (merchant/princess/significant other), eased down a thieves guild, tackled a mage/Lich/Demon Lord, or whatver ludicrous and dangerous. You sit now together to decide what to do next.
You need training for your class abilities, as well as for your skills, Magic items need to be studied, new magical spells need to be studied to be able to memorize and cast later. You need to relax, do somee repairs on your weapons, tools, armor, etc, heal from any wounds/diseases/curses, get in touch with your family and loved ones, redeem your fame in the region, gt some real work (your proffession) done, and who knows what will come to you in the mean time.
Training for a higher levelcosts 1500 gp x current level of the Player Character (PC) per week (payable by Money?Trade/or a personal Deed(DM!!) or a Voucher. Training takes at least 1 week per new level, and requires a successful Prime Requisit check end of a week training week (F=ST, T=DX, MU=IN, CL/DR=WI, etc) else that week class training is lost. Keep in mind all character Class/level bound effects as per RC (THAC0, HD, /Hp, Saves, Spell Casting, Turning, are applied only AFTER Class training is completed. Keep in mind without classs training you lose all XP gained over half the next level; thus if you are 8th level, gained XP to get 9th level all XP over half required to get to 10th level is lost, until you achieved succesful class-training.
A voucher of the local ruler/council for done deeds (an adventure) can be given to each character to reward for class training which is equal to the task+combat xp (not treasure xp) of the last local adventure(s) divided by the amount of surviving characters (PC & NPC). To get this from the council or ruler this takes 1d8 Days per adventure to be counted together. That voucher can only be redeemed in the area of that ruler or council. Class training can be done only by trainers of same class of no more than 2 levels lower( add 1 week / level lower and a +1 on the PR check.)
This requires the notation of all XP gained, except treasure XP. Personal XP as granted by the DM is not included as well. Keep in mind that even that NPC normally get only half a group share of xp(out of game balance), yet in this system the voucher treats all characters equally
An example of this voucher is here. One is granted to each PC and NPCOf course the DM fills in the PC names, ruleer/council names and other details required in the voucher based on the area...the Gazetteer rulebooks are a great help here or by personal information from your campaign
Skill training; As per RC/Gaz rules or see compilation here;
Extra days are extra costs at 1/7th of normal week cost
A formidable task to bring this aspect of reality (in the magical world of Mystara) for any DM.
5th edition has two books regarding this matter, which makes it even more complex.
To make this easier Like BECMI is, I have created a simple Excel File based on the character's Alignment in BECMI style (as well as adding later editions D&D Evil-Good axis)Here the explanation how this works.
You roll for each 3 month period (or 1 or 2 months less) ALL characters are unable to adventure together (this means if a character requires more time to Train or other, than the other PC's, then ALL PC's roll that value in 3 month periods of time --only the last period can be 1 or 2 month(always round up)
1) Choose the PC's Alignment
2_ Roll the given Dice value given there
2a) Add The Good/Neutral?Evil axis values
2b) Add 1 per month less than 3 period length(i.e. this is 1 or 2)
3=The number you get is the amount of D12 you have to Roll
4 Each D12 rolled gives a category where something will happen
5 Record the Categories and roll for each category rolled the give dice once of that Category to find out the Happnings of that category rolled(this will happen with the Character in that period), and major effects will then be visible within the column of the Character's alignment (Orange is Negative Effect, Yellow is Neutral Effect, Green is positive effect). The DM can now more easily imply details (if required) and share these with the character's player.(or not if this is still unknown to the character).A) Long-term happenings like imprisonment, or disease stay until passed. The effects strength are given here and the details of law are based on the Gazeteer laws of the country, or diseases as for example here.
These are examples of long term effects, and theey normally have effect only on that period.
B) Happenings may seem to contradict, yet they rarely do; Many work together. A negative happening
When effects are not contradicting long term effects of an earlier 3 month period rolled(work related effects for example wll not be needed to roll when sick, or imprisoned), they will happen as long as the DM finds these suitable and character building.
If long term effects have passed the character may decide to continue training if needed, and thereby lengthen the period required for the other PC's.
A mean DM can thus affect the whole group and seriously pass time for all of them if this happens.
A good DM will allow the other PC's to interact with the affected PC and find ways to resolve the problem if required. (a suucesful healing skill will reveal how long the PC will need to recover, A Succesful Law Skill will reveal How long the sentence will last). This can be also a nice inbetween miniadventure where characters must aid their companion without ruining their fame and fortune and make matters worse----yet that is up to the players and the nasdtiness of the DM
For those what are the average monthly costs a PC will have;
Common expenses are by Class, Level, roll each 3 month period seperately
Only rise into higher class if generating four 3 months periods enough to equal the higher class. Noble classes are granted only by the Local Ruling Class, and requires Charisma, politics and lots of decorum. Another way is to marry yourself into a higher class. then you automatically gain that class, (inccluding all income, costs, and social duties of that class)
This is up to the DM to allow this to happen. It is one ogf the reasons persons stay in their class or raise only 1 or two steps if possible.
Dropping a class, is done due political intrige/state affairs, and crime.
Another reason is living more than 3 moths in debt which will automatically lower your social class by one step each 3 month period, raiing again will then be twice as difficult. Your social fame within that class will be haved!!
Rich Noble (6+1d4)x1000sp/month +100sp/month/level
Typical Noble (4+1d6)x100sp/month +100sp/month/level
Poor Noble (4+1d6)x200sp/month +100sp/month/level
Rich Freemen(4+1d6)x200sp/month +100sp/month/level
Typical Freemen (4+1d6)x10sp/month +100sp/month/level
Poor Freemen (4+1d6)x4.5sp/month +100sp/month/level
Restricted Classes exist only in som countries and each country doing so will have its own rules(see Gazetteer of that country)
(if you are in here, you have to buy yourself out legally. This is mostly the total income of a year minus the expenses, but can be up to 5 year, this depends on your owner or landlord. Some will never let you free and try to prevent you from adventuring, take your money (as it is theirs). If still wandering away, you are often liable of theft(ie you yourself) and arrested or indentured.
Servant/Thrall/Vagabond (4+1d6)x200sp/month +100sp/month/level
Slave/ Scavenger (3d4)spEnjoy and have fun