Inspired by the "Elvenar" Game commercial online.
Building to Rock
by RobinCreated by the Glantrian Moving Company 1009AC
5th level Transformation/Alteration spell
Range; Touch
Duration; Special
Effect; One main building of 1000 Square feet surface area + 800 square feet higher areas per level of the caster(a 20th level caster may affect a structure of 20.000Sq. Ft, and up to 16.000sq feet upper floors).
Saving Throw; Not Applicable
Preparation Time; 5 Days measuring, mental preparation, +1 day per 1000 square feet surface area AND higher areas.
Casting Time; 8 Hours +1 Turn per 1000 square feet surface area, +1 Turn per 1000 square feet higher areas of powdering the structure.
Components; Verbal, Somatic, Mental(Successful architecture skill), Material( 300cn Meteorite Dust--bought from Humanoids residing in the Great Crater for 10gp or equivalent in food or items)Limitations; Structure must be structurally sound, fully hand-made(no magic), and can consist of any(nonmagical) stone, wood, reed. Any insid furniture will be added to the mass without affecting it.
Spell will not work if the structure exceeds the caster's limitations.
Spell will not work if there is active Magic in the structure, this means a magical created structure, or one used magic regularly inside so ambient magic resides, any active spell or holding magical furniture can't be affected; This will be noticed by the caster in the preparation time. The caster must either dispel this magic or remove it from the to be affected structure.
All Gold, lead and gems inside will be expelled in the casting.
Any active elemental processes inside the structure will be stopped (burning Fire, Flowing Water or Air, etc) and will not resume automatically on reforming.
Any lifeforms(Living, dead, undead) will be expelled in the casting.
Secondary structures like Outhouses, walls/fences, shacks attached to the structure may be added to the base surface area if the caster is able to add this within his casting area limitation.
The building total itself will transform into a grey irregular facetted stone of 15 cn(1.5LBS) easily identifiable. The rock (rocks from other structures) will be stored in a wooden chest. and remain thus indefinitely if not caused to reform.Reforming; If the rock is thrown onto a (more-or less) horizontal non-magical terrain the rock will reform into the original house (including additional structures) in 1 round at the same measurements/distances, pushing aside any living material away from the to be affected area. Any differences in the terrain elevation will be filled up or scaved aside (a forest home can thus be tossed on a sloping hill and reform accordingly). The compass orientation of the whole structure AND extra structures will be equal in respect to each other as before and only equal to the original compass orientation only if the caster intended this so(the possible new orientation thus will affect the inside lighting conditions).
Even any single level basement within the limitations of the caster will be able to be added.
The structure will not show any temporal decay while in stone form, and will only do so when reformed.
Reforming will also happen if the stones are subject to a dispel magic of any form.Possible miscasting; Any failed Architectural skill in the casting/preparation time will result in failure at reforming. Every failed point results in a 5% failure. if this is over 50% the structure will collapse on reforming. These damages can be repaired by normal manual labor at normal costs (DM; to keep it easy each% of damage structure is equal to 1% of the structures building costs).
Side effect; As the terrain and structure is now residual ambient magical, no other structures affected by this magic will reform in the area affected, and the structure can't be retargeted for this spell.
Casting costs ;
Paid to caster beforehand; 2000GP, +120GP if Compass orientation is added, + 200GP per additional level over base level AND first floor, +500 for basement level.+75GP chest , +20gp in food and lodging preparation and casting time.
Paid to merchant on delivery; transportation costs(roughly 5GP/100 miles) by merchant . This merchant will also deliver expelled goods from casting if requested on a price determined then.