Vesubian Route Corunglain to Glantri
by RobinPlayers Help
This is a typical merchant map that players may buy in Corunglain or Trintan for only 100 gold pieces.
It is the most complete map merchants have access to.
The hefty 100 gold price is normal for maps made in dangerous areas.
All details are as seen from the Trail, (often with farseer glasses), or by brave scouts who ventured somewhat from the path.
Other details not described as clearly are assumed by logic or divination.
The map will be copied by scribes on paper and delivered in a leather tube for carriage (waterproofed tubes cost an additional 15 gold)
It is roughly 1 foot by 2.5 feet long
including tube it weighs 15 cn (tube 10cn).Some typical merchant info is added.
A stteep climb (or descent the otherway around) decreases the speed in this reggion by 5% for each 5% or part thereoff higher than 25%.
Other delays may be in raids but these may differ extremely depending upon time, guards, and the raiding force.Caravans travel mostly in wagons at speeds of 60'/20'or 90'/30' and rarely (or not) use firced march )adding 50% to the total traveling time of 8-10 hours, but exhausting most animals , riders and drivers that they need 50% extra resting time (averagely 6-8 hours depending on individual).
Remember a Turn = 10 minutes, 1 minutes = 6 rounds on D&D Mystara.On the Trail a common wagon with a average speed of 60'/20' passes 1 mile Broken Land hex. Hill hex and fords in 2 Turns and 1 minute for a total of 18 miles a day in this territory, beyond the Trail this would be 6 Turns (1 hour) for a total of 8 miles a day.
On the Trail a common wagon with a average speed of 90'/30' passes 1 mile Broken Land hex. Hill hex and fords in 1 Turn and 8 minutes, beyond the Trail this would be 4 Turns for a total of 12 miles a day.
On the Trail a common wagon with a average speed of 60'/20' passes 1 mile Mountain hex in 1 hour, beyond the Trail this would be 3 hours and 4 Turns.for a total of 2 2/3rd miles a day.
On the Trail a common wagon with a average speed of 90'/30' passes 1 mile Mountain hex in 4 Turns, beyond the Trail this would be 5 Turns and 4 minutes for a total of 9 miles a day.
For easy, use any delays as given above only for those 1 mile hexes in which the delay is effective.
This way you can easily calculate how far you can travel each day, or how long the trek normally would last
Corunglain trintan normally )60'/20') covers roughly 70.5 miles through Broken Lands, Forested Hills,Fords and a 50.5 miles Mountain, totaling a roughly 121 miles distance. For a total of about 75 travelling hours = 8 days.
Together with handicaps (smaller sections reduce speed to 30'/10' at best, steep climbs/descents.) this would become about 12 days.
Of course the Darokinian/Glabtrian mappers have made flaws. for example they are unaware of Trollhattan, and assume only a mountainlake of some sort.
Equally, venturers have seen vibrating air in the east south of the snowcapped mountain giving away high temperatures, but they do not know what is there.