by Cab DavidsonBorne by mountain tops of Tangor, above the dense jungles of the valleys, are the Four Monasteries of the Changyi. Unlike most other simian races, changyi are of the same blood as the animals swinging in the trees below. Perhaps 1 in 50 adolescent golden cheeked gibbons, upon hearing the distant songs of the changyi, become awakened to the possibilities of becoming more than they could otherwise be.
The bodies of changyi are small, rarely even reaching 2’ long, but their legs and in particular their powerful arms are far longer. They begin their mountain climbs swinging rapidly through the branches of trees, until there are no trees any longer, and then the continue their walks to be welcomed by their brethren, to begin their studies and join the spiritual quest. When born, they have golden hair, fading to dark brown through childhood. They reach maturity around the age of 7 or 8, when the males develop blonde cheeks and a tuft of fair hair on their heads, and the females become golden haied all over their bodies except for a dark head tuft. Wild golden cheeked gibbons live for perhaps up to 35 years, whereas changyi may live for over 200.
Much of the work of the changyi is in opposing the terrifying taer, and preventing their incursions into the forests below. But they also search for something else, something that may not even exist. Their oldest scriptures tell them of something they must quest for, something important, something in the West. The boldest among them travel that way, through Skothar and towards other nations of Mystara, searching to discover what it is that the changyi must ultimately seek.
Advancement and physical attributes: Characters require 10% more experience points per level of experience. They are generated with the following stat modifiers: Str: +1, Int: -3, Wis: 0, Dex: +3, Con: -1. Cha: 0
Special Abilities: Changyi are more adept in the trees than on the ground, and can both brachiate and treewalk with consummate ease. They can hang from one arm or leg, wielding items equally well with hands or feet. They may, for example, with no penalty use a bow with their feet while hanging from a tree with one arm. All changyi can climb walls equal to a thief of their own level with a 25% bonus, and can move up, down or through trees with absolute ease. They may also leap from tree to tree, being able to cross gaps of up to 30’.
Changyi can use their extremely long limbs to great effect if they choose to wrestle, gaining a +3 bonus to their wrestling rating.
Changyi are able to communicate with each other over great distances by means of song. Their howling, whopping chant sounds similar to that of other gibbons, but they may communicate with others of their species up 1 mile away.
They are superb natural acrobats, and gain the acrobatics general skill (in addition to any other skills they may know) for free.
Character Class: The calling to one of the monasteries of the changyi brings with it a single goal – that of training to become a mystic devoted to one of the four elements – earth, air, fire or water. Thus, all adventuring changyi are mystics.Hit Dice: Changyi gain hit dice in the same way human characters do.
Movement and Encumbrance: By far the most accomplished of all arboreal races, they can seeing through trees at a tremendous pace, at 180’ (60’). While they appear ungainly on the ground, they are far more mobile than it appears, having a movement rate of 120’(40’).
Changyi are terrible swimmers, being barely able to stay afloat and only travel at a movement rate of 10' in water.
Of smaller and lighter build than most other primates, with most of their mass being in the limbs, changyi can carry far less than most other characters, having half of the carrying capacity of humans and demihumans.
Languages: Changyi have their own language, made up of howls and whoops. They may also communicate with other gibbons, and most know the language of whichever human culture is closest (usually Tanogoro).
Weapons and Armour: Changyi can use any items allowable to mystics.