This one needs no explanation. These first appeared in my game as trained hunting animals, which of course has historic precedence. Unlikely to be a major threat to PC's but great for adding some flavour to an encounter with nobles in the right kind of regions.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Cheetah AC: 5 HD: 3+1 Move: 240’(80’) Attack: 2 claws+ 1 bite Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d8 No. Appearing: 0 (1d4) Save As: F2 Morale: 7 Treasure Type: U Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 50 A sleek, sand coloured cat with large, darker spots with open centres. Built purely for speed, a cheetah can for one round increase its speed to 360’(120’), but within 2 turns must rest for 1 turn after any period of 5 or more rounds running or combat. Cheetahs are usually solitary, but family groups of a mother with multiple young adults are common.