Chevalle (Kingdom of)
Location: Continent of Brun, forests on the west side of the Endworld Line. WB
Area: 29,300 sq. mi. (75,885 sq. km.).
Population: Approximately 10,100 forest folk (centaurs, pixies, dryads, etc.).
Languages: Fairy, Centaur, others.
Coinage: Barter; money from the Heartlands may be used.
Taxes: No normal taxation per se; druids and forest creatures tend the forest and perform similar tasks in service to nature and the centaur king, who also serves as official protector of the forest.
Government type: Loose clan federation, ruled by a clan council led by the centaur clan king.
Industries: Woodcutting, hunting.
Important Figures: Dessai (Centaur King).
Flora and Fauna: Apart form the intelligent sylvan creatures, wolves, bears, foxes, many species of bird (among which are eagles, hawks and owls), and other forest-dwelling creatures are easily encountered in the forests of Chevalle.
Further Reading: Previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.