Chi Powers
by Angelo BertolliThis is an addition to any character class (it can be "learned")
*Chi (Ki) Powers* (Pronounced "Chee" Powers)
First of all, this system may seem a little complex at first, but try to read it and see where it's going. If it's too much, simplify to suit your needs, but try to keep game balance (either through the rules, or through who obtains chi powers).
Chi powers is an ability added for OD&D, providing much of the same kinds of ideas that psionics/sorcerors do. As psionics in D&D3, chi powers are considered to be equivalent of magic and are subject to similar restrictions (dispelled by dispel magic, cancelled by anti-magic, blocked by anti-magic shell, etc).
The maximum number of chi powers a character can have is equal to one fourth their level (rounded down) + INT bonus. It is possible for a character to not be able to learn any chi powers! In fact, until level 4 only people with above average intelligence will be able to learn chi powers.
Each chi power has various levels which can be obtained by a character. A character can use a chi power at the strongest level he/she has obtained or may use any of the lower levels.
Chi powers often need no verbal or somatic components (unless otherwise stated), but are still a form of magic in a less traditional sense.
Any character is allowed to learn these powers if they are taught by a Chi Master (someone who has obtained level 10 or higher in one or more powers), but how it enters the game is entirely up to the DM.
Each chi power is useable once per day.
*Notes About Chi Power Descriptions*
Complexity: refers to how easy it is for one to gain a chi Level. Each time the ability is used, roll percentile against this number (adding Intelligence and Wisdom bonuses) and if the number is higher than the complexity, they have successfully gained a level. The DM should determine that frivolous use of the power only to gain a level automatically fails.
Description: the general function of the Chi Power, and various details which apply to all levels.
*Each Chi Power different levels of skill, and details that go with each...*
Level: each level adds something to the power's functionality or strength, or both. When learning a new ability, the user starts with level 1 in that power. Each use of a power (at highest possible level) may increase the level for that power (see "Complexity" above). The maximum Chi Level attainable is equal to half the character's level + WIS bonus.
_Chi Blast_
Complexity: 20
Description: A basic attack power, doing increased damage as level increases. The range is 60' at the highest level the character can use, and increases by 120' for each lower level used.
1 - 1 (dmg)
2 - 1d3
3 - 1d4
4 - 1d6
5 - 1d8
6 - 2d6
7 - 2d8
8 - 2d10
9 - 4d6
10 - 4d8
11 - 4d10
12 - 8d8
_Chi Heal_
Complexity: 20
Description: One of the simpler chi powers, chi heal heals one creature by touch. The amount healed varies by level.
1 - 1
2 - 1d3
3 - 1d4
4 - 1d6
5 - 1d8
6 - 2d6
7 - 2d8
8 - 2d10
9 - 4d6
10 - 4d8
11 - 4d10
12 - 8d8
_Chi Elements_
Complexity: 50
Description: This is an elemental attack power, allowing the user to summon aid from the elements; these may include fire, earth, air, water, or any elements from his environment such as ice, lava, smoke, lightning, etc. These can be used to attack anything within 80'. An appropriate save (vs spells) will reduce any damage by half, but should be rolled vs each element and bonuses considered. The user chooses which element(s) to summon when casting. This spell requires the user to move his/her arms.
1 - 1d4 dmg from one element
2 - 1d6 dmg from one element
3 - 1d8 dmg from one element
4 - 1d6 dmg each from two elements
5 - 1d8 dmg each from two elements
6 - 1d10 dmg each from two elements
7 - 1d8 dmg each from three elements
8 - 1d10 dmg each from three elements
9 - 1d12 dmg each from three elements
10 - 1d10 dmg each from four elements
11 - 1d12 dmg each from four elements
12 - 1d20 dmg each from four elements