This one... Seemed like a good idea at the time. Its something that I've readapted over the years, but its one that I've rarely used. Its a dragon for a specific purpose in your campaign, and one that'll rarely come up. But, well, here it is anyway...
Dragon, Purple (Charoite)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: -1 -3 -5 HD: 9+3** 14*** 19**** Move: As Red Dragon As Red Dragon As Red Dragon Attacks: As Red Dragon As Red Dragon As Red Dragon Damage: As Red Dragon As Red Dragon As Red Dragon No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F9 F28 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3, Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alighnment: Lawful (Purple), Chaotic (Charoite) XP Value: 2500 4500 9575 Spells (Clerical)
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Small 4 3 2 1 Large 5 4 3 2 1 Huge 6 5 4 3 2 1 Breath Weapon: Cloud of purple plasma (Purple), + pacify (Charoite) (dimensions as green dragon)
There are few hybrid dragons, the practices required to produce them being abhorrent to most of dragon kind. But every few generations a blue and red dragon will mate to produce a purple dragon, seemingly guided to do so by a higher force. Among the draconic kinds the purple dragon is considered holy. They are known as judges among dragons, their role being to settle arguments and disputes among dragons. Their nature as judges ordained by the draconic immortals is such that they have great spellcasting power as clerics, rather than magic users. It is impossible for any creature to lie to a purple dragon (or, rather, a purple dragon always knows if it is being lied to). Their role is to settle conflicts between the realms of dragons, finding amicable (or at least non-fatal) solutions to disagreements, and if that is not possible their role becomes one of seeing that the conflict is actually settled in honourable combat.
Purple dragons are not interested in the affairs of humans or demi-humans, but they will defend their lairs and the borders of draconic realms. They have little preference for habitat, but seem to be most common in arid mountain regions.
Few charoite dragons have ever been seen, and their habits and preferences are barely known. Those that have been sighted are described as having a dark, crystalline purple appearance, and encounters have invariably become violent.
The breath weapon of the purple dragon is a cloud of radiance energy that turns air into plasma. This creates burns and risks asphyxiating the targets, who in the normal manner must make a save vs. dragon breath or half or take full damage equivalent to the dragons hit points. Charoite dragon breath inflicts damage in the same way, but all victims failing their saving throw are also made completely passive for 2d20 days. They cannot attack, cast offensive spells, or even raise their voice in anger or aggression until the effect wears out. They are also, to the frustration of the the charoite dragon, immune to all attacks by charoite dragons until the effect ends.