3.5E Character Traits for Mystara
by Angry-GibbonA while back I started trying to work out some Background Feats to give characters more cultural flavour. However the idea of using up a Feat never proved popular with the players in the group so I've been working on an alternative: Traits. For anyone not familiar with the 3e traits mechanic, they were introduced as an optional rule in "Unearthed Arcana" and are basically a personality or background aspect that gives a small bonus or benefit and a corresponding drawback.
Here's my first few. If anyone can think of any more please contribute them as I'm struggling for more ideas!
True Believer
You are a devout follower of the Eternal Truth of Al-Kalim and can recite many passages from the holy Nahmeh. However your tendency to use religious phrases in your speech and your uncompromising principles can be off putting to those around you.
Benefit: +1 to Knowledge (Religion) and you may use Knowledge (Religion) even if you are untrained.
Drawback: -2 on Diplomacy checks when dealing anyone without this trait.
Roleplaying ideas: Characters with this trait may start all conversations with a religious phrase or may call people from other cultures "infidels".Honest Trader
(Darokin , Minrothad)
You always try to get the best value for money you can and believe in honest transactions.
Benefit: Eye for a bargain: +1 to Appraise
Drawback: Honesty: -1 to Bluff
Roleplaying ideas: Always on the lookout for a bargain characters with this trait will always try to haggle, perhaps even when not appropriate.Thyatian Cunning
Your manner tends to foster a certain amount of paranoia, especially when you are in positions of power. You also used to a culture of bribery and corruption, and might look to this as a first resort.
Benefit: Experience of telling half-truths gives +1 bonus to Bluff
Drawback: Your mistrustful nature gives a -1 to Diplomacy checks.
Note: These benefits and drawbacks can stack with those from the Dishonest trait.
Roleplaying ideas: Characters with this trait might just appear shifty or might be compulsive liars.Community Spirited
(Five Shires)
You have a heightened sense of community and work hard to protect those around you but are easily duped by those feigning friendship.
Benefit: +2 bonus on all uses of the "aid another" action
Drawback: -1 to Sense Motive checks.
Roleplaying: Community Spirited characters might be overly friendly and keen to speak to everyone or paragons of local traditions , suspicious of outsiders.Superstitious
Raised in a culture of folk tales of charms, curses, omens and portents you sometimes have surprising insights into supernatural lore.
Benefit: You may make Knowledge Arcana, Religion, Local and Nature checks even if you have no ranks in them.
Drawback: -2 to saving throws against fear effects.
Roleplaying: Superstitious characters might be extra wary of all magic or might insist on carrying good luck charms and regularly consulting fortune-tellers.Renaissance
Raised in a highly civilised culture you have a wide breadth of knowledge but are unaccustomed to life in the wilderness.
Benefit: You may make Knowledge Architecture and Engineering, Religion, History and Nobility checks even if you have no ranks in them.
Drawback: -1 to Survival and Handle Animal checks.
Roleplaying: Characters with this trait might be keen to share their superior knowledge whenever possible or moan when forced to leave the comforts of civilisation.Born to Adventure
Generations of your family have adventured - giving you a knowledge and confidence when facing the dangers of dungeons.
Benefit: +1 to Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and you may use Knowledge (Dungeoneering) even if you are untrained.
Drawback: -1 on Spot and Listen checks due to your over-confidence.
Roleplaying ideas: Characters with this trait may delight in telling stories about how they or their relatives encountered a similar monster or trap. Other characters may enjoy the danger and excitement of delving into a dungeon and take unnecessary risks in search of glory and wealth.Deck Hand
Years of experience on the decks of boats have given you sure footing when at sea.
Benefit: +1 to Tumble, Balance, Climb and Move Silently checks whilst on a boat.
Drawback: -1 on Tumble, Balance, Climb and Move Silently checks at all other times.
Roleplaying ideas: Characters with this trait may be uncomfortable when on dry land or may use a lot of marine terms in speech.