Chaos Reconstruction spells for witches and wizards
by AozChaos Reconstruction spells for witches and wizards. A healing or mending spell with side effects. Discovered around 1022 AC.
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Chaos Reconstruction
Level: 1st level Witch or 2nd level wizard
Casting time: 1 Action
Components: V, S
Range(area): self or touch
Attack(save): must be willing
Duration: 1d6 round
Heals a being or creature even undead for 1d4 hp per round for 1d6 rounds then that being gets side effects depending on alignment:
chaotic: 1 point penalty on AC, Thaco, Saves and -5% movement
neutral: 2-point penalty on AC, Thaco, Saves and -10% movement
lawful: 4-point penalty on AC, Thaco, Saves and -20% movement
for 1 turn per round the spell lasts.
Greater Chaos Reconstruction
Level: 4th level Witch or 5th level wizard
Casting time: 1 Action
Components: V, S
Range(area): self or touch
Attack(save): must be willing
Duration: 2d6 roundHeals a being or creature even undead for 2d4 hp per round for 2d6 rounds then that being gets side effects depending on alignment:
chaotic: 2-point penalty on AC, Thaco, Saves and -30% movement
neutral: 4-point penalty on AC, Thaco, Saves and -60% movement
lawful: 8-point penalty on AC, Thaco, Saves and -90% movement
for 2 turn per round the spell lasts.Prolonged usage of chaos reconstruction can have dangerous side effects.