Cimarron County
Location: West of Gulf of Hule, southern edge of the coast, south of Almarrón. SC
Area: 7,984 sq. mi. (20,680 sq. km.).
Population: 18,500, including 11,700 in Smokestone City. Roughly 60% human, 25% dwarven, 10% hin (stouts), and 5% tortle.
Languages: Slag.
Coinage: Oro (gp), medio (ep), dies (sp), centa (cp).
Taxes: 15% income tax, 10% sales tax in taverns, and 10% inheritance tax which includes money made gambling.
Government Type: Independent "barony" part of the Treaty of Tampicos and Signatory Council.
Industries: Mining (cinnabryl), production of smokepowder and wheellocks (and flintlocks), ale, saloons, gambling.
Important Figures: John of the Wain ("Duke").
Flora and Fauna: Standard for its warm temperate/subtropical climate, including kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, plains grasses, deer, armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and eagles. Dangerous monsters include goblin and gnoll hordes found scattered throughout the Bushwack Prairie and El Grande Carrascal. Normal animals with Legacies can also be very dangerous.
Further Reading: The Savage Coast online document, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.