The third of my extraplanar humanoids. I kind of don't like it when extraplanar denizens are just the same as on the prime, but re-skinned. There's something oddly disappointing about going to strange and exotic locations in a campaign and finding out that its populated by elves that just look at bit different. Hence a range of humanoid races I've been adding here as part of this series.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Clausius* AC: 7 HD: 1* Move: 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 weapon Damage: By weapon Number Appearing: 2d4(6d4) Save As: Thief 1 Morale: 12 Treasure Type: Nil (special) Intelligence: 10 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 11 The clausius are short (around 4’) hairless, scaled humanoids, with perfectly round eyes and circular sharp toothed mouths, lacking both visible noses and ears. They are bright yellow in colour, primarily, with black, orange and red bands on their body, as if a poisonous snake or insect. They inhabit various planes of existence where entropy is dominant, where they thrive in the most hostile, dangerous environments where other intelligent species are unable to cope.
They are remarkably resilient, being immune to heat, cold and acid damage, energy drains, lightning, and they can fall any distance without being hurt. They need no breath, they cannot be drowned or asphyxiated. They are also immune to normal weapons, and can only be struck by silver or magic weapons.
Clausius are agents of chaos rather than evil, and they bring disorder and mayhem everywhere they go. They don’t seek to fight or to kill, but they will turn up at a camp and dismantle things, pull the leaves off trees, throw armour around, pull the legs of spiders, soil food, spill the contents of bags, start fires, etc. Their preferred, indeed required state of existence is one of absolute and complete disorder – they derive sustenance from this act rather than from eating.
Other than their unusually resistant nature and idiosyncratic nutritional needs, the single thing that distinguishes the clausius is that to kill one necessitates damaging it massively. Although a single hit dice monster, if they are killed without reducing them to -15hp by the end of the round, in the next round they rise again, but now there are two of them. In fact each time one is ‘killed’ without thus being completely destroyed, two more will rise up.
They are rarely tolerated on any planes other than those of entropy, but where they have settled on planes with positive sphere bias they can rapidly reach plague like population levels.