Cold Blade (5.5 Rogue Soulknife subclass re-skin)
by Marc SaindonI've said a few times, I'm not a fan of psionics in a Viking setting, but I also need to cultivate the advice "Yes, but..." rather than say "No" to possibilities like the Soulknife. (you can still say 'no' to requests that are just too far-fetched).
Now rather than being psychic, the Cold Blade is a character tainted by Jotun magic, either through heredity (like a Sorcerer) as a "Frost-Born" or through exposure to the energies of the otherworldly Jotunheim/Frostfell as a "Frost-Burnt". It's considered a bad omen among Norse society, so while it's not unheard of, characters with these skills learn to be discrete with them, which gives strong tendencies towards the Rogue class.
Frost Giant ancestry is probably the best explanation. For the "mechanics", Giant or Jotunn is a class of beings rather than a size, and the greater Frost Giants (D&D stat blocks aside) can probably shapeshift into a suitable for to crossbreed with humans and demihumans (the giantess Skadi marries Njord and later Ullr).
The Soulknife's more illusory powers are tied to the tale of Utgard-Loki, who for example disguised the Serpent of Midgard as a cat with magic. Again, these would be frowned upon in norse society, so the Cold Blade would need discretion, trustworthy companions, or no surviving witness.
Psionic Energy is renamed 'Hugr' (mind), a bit I'm stealing from AC Valhalla. Some powers fueled by 'Hugr' remain psychic in nature (Psychic Veil, Psychic Whispers, etc.) and are associated with the tale of Utgard-Loki as justification. They could be renamed (Psychic Veil becomes 'Shadow of Winter's Night') to keep the theme.
Other powers replace their Psychic damage type with the Cold type (Psychic Blades), and "vanish" by either shattering after damage as ice weapons, or melting away. Activating powers usually makes the room temperature lower a bit (no mechanics, is merely for display) and might trigger omens like puddles freezing nearby, foggy breath, and a few snowflakes falling from nowhere, so Cold Blades tend to work more discretely in cool evenings or winter days. Kinetic effects, like Psi-Bolstered Knack or Homing Strikes, might have strong gusts of cold wind correcting the course of an attack.
Cold Blades survive on the edges of society, not necessarily evil but pragmatic in survival. Since they are associated with the antagonistic Frost Giants, they would be marginalized if their nature uncovered. They possibly play a role similar to Tieflings in FR.
Útgarða-LokiImage from: https://www.deviantart.com/jensartzone/art/Frost-Rogue-Wielding-two-Icy-Daggers-X-Mas-1138221232