3.5 Cleric Special Abilities Update
by phoneixmclMinor powers are granted to clerics that worship the Immortals of Mystara. In "Wrath of the Immortals" these powers are given in detail. The following is an updated version of these special abilities for use in 3.5.
Al-Kalim- May use 1st and 2nd level druid spells as an extension of their repertoire.
Alphaks- May use Sneak Attack of a Rouge level equivalent to the clerics.
Alphatia- +2 to Will saves.
Asterius- Cleric may use Move Silently as a class skill.
Atruaghin- Always succeeds on Sense Motive checks.
Atzanteotl- Cleric may cast a non-reversible cause light wounds spell 3x a day as a special ability.
Benekander- Cleric can see as if they had Dark Vision like a dwarf.
Calitha Starbow- Can cast water breathing 1x a day as a special ability.
Diamond- Receives a +2 to Turning Check.
Diulanna- Receives the Feat Endurance.
Djaea- May use 1st and 2nd level druid spells as an extension of their repertoire.
Eiryndul- Cleric can find secret doors like the elf racial trait.
Faunus- Can cast Speak with Animals with an unlimited limit as a special ability.
Frey and Freyja- Clerics gain the Martial Weapon feat automatically.
The Great One- Can cast Fly as a special ability once per day.
Halav- +2 on attack rolls against humanoids.
Hel- Cleric loses the ability to turn the undead. Instead the cleric may cast Control Undead as a special ability as many times as they would normally turn the undead for the clerics level.
Ilsundal- Has the class feature of a rouge's Uncanny Dodge as a special ability.
Ixion- Can cast Produce Flame as a special ability 2x a day. +1 Turning Check.
Ka- Cleric can see as if they had Dark Vision like a dwarf.
Kagyar- +2 to Will saves. At 8th Level the cleric loses the bonus and gains the rouges class feature of Improved Evasion as a special ability.
Karaash- Cleric gains the Exotic Weapon feat automatically.
Khoronus- Cleric receives a +5 to Initiative.
Korotiku- Cleric may use Hide as a class skill.
Koryis- Can cast Protection From Evil as a special ability once per day.
Loki- Cleric may use Search and Disable Device as a class skill.
Masauwu- Receives the feat Negotiator.
Mealiden Starwatcher- May use Martial Ranged Weapons as if cleric had Martial Weapon feat. Cleric gains the feat Point Blank Shot automatically.
Noumena- Cleric can find secret doors like the elf racial trait.
Nyx- Cleric may cast a non-reversible darkness spell 1x a day per level (Max 3x) as a special ability.
Odin- Gain a +2 to hit when Charging or Readying with a Piercing weapon.
Opal- Cleric may cast a Continual Flame spell 1x a day as a special ability.
Orcus- Cleric receives a +2 to AC when fighting Demihumans.
Ordana- Cleric may use Hide and Move Silently as class skills.
Pearl- Clerics can see as if they had Dark Vision like a dwarf.
Petra- Cleric has a +1 to Strength Ability. Cleric gains the Feat Leadership automatically.
Pflarr- Cleric may use Listen as a class skill.
Protius- Cleric may use Swim as a class skill. Cleric can hold breath indefinitely underwater.
Rad- Cleric has +1 bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence ability scores.
Rafiel- +1 to Will saves. Cleric may use Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering as a class skill.
Rathanos- Cleric may cast one Resist Energy (Fire only) and one Produce Flame each day as a special ability.
Razud- Cleric gains +1 to initiative. Cleric has +1 to Wisdom ability score.
Talitha- Cleric may use Sleight of Hand as a class skill.
Tarastia- Cleric may use any type of Axe as if they had the Martial or Exotic Weapons Feat. Cleric may use Sense Motive as a class skill.
Terra- Can cast Speak with Animals with an unlimited limit as a special ability.
Thanatos- Cleric may use a Scythe as if they had the Martial Weapons Feat.
Thor- Cleric uses a d10 for Hit Die. Cleric has +1 to Strength ability score.
Valerias- Cleric can cast each of the following 1x day as a special ability: Locate Object, Remove Fear, and Ventriloquism.
Vanya- Cleric gains the Martial Weapon feat automatically.
Zirchev- Cleric may use Survival as a class skill. Cleric gains the Quick Draw feat automatically.