More BECMI/Mystara Combat Manouvers
by Paul DupuisSo some background:
1) In Mystara, there are quite a few martial orders or schools. For example, the "Sisterhood of the Sword", in Thyatis, from the Dawn of the Emperors boxed set, to name just one.
2) I saw a meme in another D&D groups, that was a version of the common image of a person sitting at a table making some statement with a "Change my mind" sign on the table. In this case the statement was "There should be as many combat optiosn for fighters as spellcasters have spells" (or something like that).
3) I have wanted to provide "fighters" in my BECMI/Mystara games with more options to use. I have seen the many martial orders or schools as a way to introduce additonal manouvers or combat options (or even new weapons and associated weapon masteries) to fighters in my games. When I saw the meme, my reactions was "Heck Yea!" (or something like that).
So, that has lead me to want to increase the fighter combat manouvers available in my games. Now to provide some background specifically about combat manouvers before my crowdsourcing questions:
The Rules Cyclopedia (pp 103-105) list all the manouvers that can be performed in a combat round. These are summarized in a table on p104:
Combat Maneuver When Performed Who Can Perform
Throw Missile phase All characters
Fire Missile phase All characters
Cast Spell Magic phase All characters
Use Magical Item Magic phase All characters
Attack Hand-to-hand phase All characters
Fighting Withdrawal Hand-to-hand phase All characters
Retreat Hand-to-hand phase All characters
Lance Attack Hand-to-hand phase Fighters, dwarves, elves
Set Spear vs. Charge Hand-to-hand phase Fighters, demihumans, mystics
Multiple Attacks Hand-to-hand phase Special*
Smash Hand-to-hand phase Special*
Parry Hand-to-hand phase Special*
Disarm Hand-to-hand phase Special*
* Characters with the Fighter Combat Options can use them, subject to any limitations listed with the character class description."The Mystaran Armoury" contains additional Fighter Combat Options (pp41-43) as follows. It allows selection of the Fighter Combat Options at various levels for thr Fighter (and its subclasses) as follows:
"All the following abilities are only available to the Fighter and its subclasses that enjoy the same options, and he can choose one at each of the following levels: 3rd, 6th, 9th, 16th, 20th, 28th, and 32nd. With the exception of Multiple Attacks that are automatically acquired at 12th, 24th, and 36th level."
The options are:
MULTIPLE ATTACKS (12TH, 24TH, 36TH) (In the Rules Cyclopedia)
TACTICAL DEFENCE ('Parry' In the Rules Cyclopedia)
DISARM (In the Rules Cyclopedia)
SMASH (9TH) (In the Rules Cyclopedia)
MARKSMANOf all these manouvers, I am interested in the Fighter Combat Options and expanding them to offer Fighter (and subclasses) more options in my BECMI/Mystara game. I use the BECMIA/RC set and the Mystara Amoury set already. I am interested in additional ones. I realize that there is a high similarity between a number of these combat manouvers and "feats" in later D&D editions. I could look at such fighter "feats" for inspiration, but don't want to. Specifically, I am interested in responses from any one who HAS created NEW BECMI/Mystara combat options for their games and what they are (if you care to share)?
I have added the follow to my game list:
MIMIC - Allows a fighter to replicate 1 combat option they have witnessed - against them or another - once in a single combat (so, once for how ever many rounds the combat they are in lasts). Even if the option would not normally be available to them due to level restrictions. So, if a 8th level fighter saw someone do Multiple Attacks and do 2 attack per round, while that person can do 2 attacks every round, the 11th level fighter with the MIMIC manouver could do 2 attacks once during the combat. Or if, in a later fight, that 8th level fighter saw someone do a SMASH attack, they could replicate the SMASH manouver once during that combat.
SLIDE - Allows a fighter with a successful DEX check (-4 for each additional, i.e. more than 1 melee opponent) to slide under an opponent (to either side or even, if sizes allow, between legs, etc.) and strike from the rear. This rear attack +2 to hit (as the figher strikes while regaining their feet, +4 if they strike while still prone, but that leaves them prone the next round vs standing) and does +1 damage for every point they roll to hit over the target number.