Conceptual Prime
by Cab DavidsonCab Davidson wrote:
We know from Dragon that Limbo resides kind of proximally the Prime, as a place perhaps between Entropy and reality.And we know from the 2nd ed AD&D book Chronomancer that Temporal Prime exists alongside the Prime, its the conceptual space by which time magic works. Another reality.
So there are two spheres with their own reality underscore.
Might the assorted Spirit Realms be further exemplifications of this, linked to thought or matter? Are there underpinning realities based on the other three spheres?
As Limbo links entropy to the prime, and temporal prime resides beneath reality and creates the tempo of existence, so Conceptual Prime is the underlying layer of thought.
It is not possible to describe conceptual prime in simple terms because it does not have one appearance or set of physical rules. The assorted dreamlands and spirit realms of Mystara are situatede therein, and it is believed that both their bounds and their constraints are dictated by the belief structures of those who visit them. Indeed it is this collectivist creation that defines much of the substance of Conceptual Prime, in which it is believed thousands of such realities may combined and overlap.
True residents of Conceptual Prime are beings of pure thought, but few visitors encounter them in any terms that can be understood. A few planar creatures are known to be able to enter and traverse Conceptual Prime, including the mysterious Riddlers, but attempts to elucidate more of the nature of Conceptual Prime from them have thus far been frustrating.
Visits to Conceptual Prime are infinitely varied, depending on the nature of the realm visited therein. Guardians of Conceptual Prime, great beings devoted to the furtherment of pure thought granted exalted status by Hierarchs of Time, tend to be concerned largely with protecting individual realms, but some who have an interest in the wider protection and furtherment of thought have an overview of the entire plane.