by Galdor image by Seethyr's daughter
AC: 6
HD: 2
Move: 60' (20')
Attacks: 1 bite/ 4 weapon
Damage: Poison/by weapon
No. Appearing: 2-6 (1-3)
Save as: Fighter: 2
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: K
Alignment: Lawful or Chaotic
Xp value: 45
The Centipedeiod is a humanoid made by a member of the Alphatian royalty. If lawful the Centipedeiod will become the loyal bodyguard of any lady magic-user of ages 4-8. If Chaotic the Centipedeiod can become a Shaman up to level 9 or a Wicca up to level 3. Intelligence can be clearly deduced if you look at how big the antennas are.