Central Davania Humanoids
by Alex BensonThe Humanoid Clans south of the Aryptian Wastelands differ from the brutish throngs found elsewhere on Mystara. Legend tells of a movement that swept through the Humanoid Clans, promoting the idea that might must also be used with thought. The humanoids only had to look at the scattered human tribes and how they prospered in spite of being weaker than most humanoids. The clans that adopted the premise seemed to excel. They began thinkign out things, developing their cultures.
The source of this influence originates with a handful of Immortals that have taken an interest in the region. Off the top of my head, they include Talitha, Ka, Terra, and Halav. I'd also include the usualy entropics. I kind of wanted to avoid the usual humanoid immortals because I wanted to deviate from the "hulk smash" humanoids of Brun. As is, humanoids have potential to be smart enough to develop. For example, a Gnoll is listed as low (5-7) whereas the Flinds are average (8-10). Goblins are low/average (5-10). Orcs are average (8-9). Hobgoblins and Kobolds are average (8-10).
Plans were to have many clans of varying sizes. The idea was that the clans would have to use political workings as much as anythign to form power blocks to compete with the larger clans. As such, the area is left open for the addition of many more clans. For example, I had the idea to add soem riverfaring clan, probably goblins, that sailed up and down the regional waterways in floating homes. Plus, I was cncerned about becoming repetative with the clans and making "token" clans for every humanoid type.
High Clan of Tsall
The Tsall Clan is one of kobolds and numbers around 11,000 individuals spread among three heavily fortified villages: Zvaga, Mornin, and Urgdt. Each village sits atop a mountain side and commands the surrounding area. Terraced farms and herds of goats are tended to within sight of these defensive sights. The kobolds also operate several mines, pulling both iron ore and coal from the earth. Sometimes they find the odd vein of precious metals or the occasional gem.The Tsall kobolds had been a virtual slave race in the domain of Kyss since AC 520, performing their heavy labor and filling the ranks of their armies when needed. However, in AC 780, the kobolds saw an opportunity for freedom while the Kyss were busy with the Tover and Rus Gnolls and a few years later with the Okish Orcs. The Kyss Clan has not forgotten their flight and has at times launched invasions with the intent on regaining their former servants and claiming the fruits of their labors. However the Kyss had waited far too long and allowed the kobolds to cement themselves in the new home. The three invasions have all favored the kobolds, with the Kyss forces being worn down and forced back to their own lands.
Warlord Tosk, who oversees the Clan from his stronghold in Mornin, leads the Tsall. Tosk is a highly intelligent kobold, both in administration and military matters. Tosk has ruled the Tsall well for ten years. When not embroiled in official matters, he has an affinity for crafting fine armors for his kobold officers. Receiving a set is considered a high honor.
The Tsall are quite civilized, having developed their own written language and being accomplished craftsmen of metals, leathers, and wood. All of these are talents they acquired while under Kyss rule and their appointments in essentially running the domain and supplying its armies. Militarily, the Tsall prefer to engage invaders in a series of large scale ambushes to wear them down as they approach the fortified villages. From there they are content to engage the invaders at the walls and wait them out if need be. This is a luxury that they can afford as they maintain large stockpiles of food and each village has its own source of drinking water.
The Tsall are isolationists, when it's conveneient, allowing few visitors within their domain. They have little contact with their neighbors, especially the Kyss Clan. Highly defensive, they are a bit paranoid when it comes to visitors into their lands. The kobolds will observe intruders for any sign of aggression and act at the slightest provocation. The exception to this are the Pegdhart Gnomes who use the Tsall lands as a waypoint in their trek around the Divergan Lands. The Tsall have even developed an ample coal production to sell to the traveling gnomes. The kobolds have come to see trade a smore lucrative than raiding.
(Note; location includes the former lands of the farmer orcs now living in Diverga, as well as soem of the lands of the Okish Orcs.)
Clan Of Kyss
The Kyss are a rather large Clan, numbering some 16,000 gnolls and 2,000 Flinds. The Flinds serve as the ruling class and are venerated by the common Gnolls. The Kyss settle around the fortified towns of Kyurto, Motok, Litost, Arbo, and Rolta. The Kyss have a reputation as a warlike, conquering Clan. And in truth, they have a long history of dominating their neighbors through force and cunning. Kyss vassals include the Tover-Rus, the Okish, and the Mitah Clans. In the past 300 years, they have lost about half of their vassal clans, mostly due to their own forces beign bogged down in wafare.The Kyss rule through the Flinds. They represent the authority of the Kyss both domestically and over their vassals. Ruling them is a council of Warlords. These six Flinds are tasked with securing the clans' interests and boders. For example, Warlord Takon Re is a membe rof the Council, yet he rules the Kyss interests with the Tover-Rus Clan. Overseeing the Council is Grand Master Abadi. The Grand Masters are appointed by the Council from their own ranks. As a trade-off, the new Grand Master must foego his properties, which are reverted to the Council and his replacement Warlord. Usually, that replacement is his heir so a portion of those holdings remain within the family..
The Kyss maintain a sizable army. Most of the army is deployed to watch vassal territories. Soldier "retire" to a reserve status and serve as colonists to conquered regions, to start farmesteads, families, etc. It's considered a right of service to be rewarded with land after retirement. Colonists form reservist and garrison forces. The idea is assimilation of gnoll and Flinds and essentially enslavement of other subserviant humanoid clans.
The Kyss follow the Immortal Kyasan (alternative identity of ????) and the theory Kho Sho-du . They feel that gnolls are destined to rule the Davanian Continent and that they should be the guiding force of those gnolls. Kyasan taught them the need for discipline over the more traditional humanoid tactics and mindset.
Clan Tover-Rus
The Tover-Rus are gnolls, numbering around 8,200 gnolls and 500 Flinds. These gnolls were once a seperate clan. About half the gnolls are actually Kyss Gnolls. All of the Flinds are of Kyss origins and serve as administrators, officers, merchants, and religious leaders. The rest of the gnolls are a mixxture of gnolls from the Tover and Rus Clans. These gnolls have been relagated to farming, herding, and acting as labor for the merchants. The occupation of the Tover-Rus is part of the Kyss movement to reclaim lost vassals and to reassert their authority in the region.The Tover and Rus gnolls were conquered by the Kyss in AC780. Before that, they had been closely allied to their Kyss cousins. In AC772, the Kyss and the Tover had a major disagreement over a border between their lands. The border dispute was part of a larger struggle between the Tover and Rus clans to gain more respect from the Kyss. Thinking that combined they could stand up to the imposing Kyss, the Tover and Rus waged war with the Kyss. However, the Kyss prevailed and over two-thirds of the Tover and Rus were killed in the fighting or purged immediately afterward.
The Tover-Rus are a clan in name only. They are not allowed their own leadership and owe fealty to the Kyss. In their own lands, they are second class citizens. Females are often taken and married off to Kyss gnolls. Any hint of dissention is viciously stamped out. The Tover-Rus population is dying out. Tover-Rus is adminstered by Warlord Takon Re.
Okish Clan
The Okish are orcs, numbering about 5,300. The Okish had been a traditional rival to the Kyss since AC210. Over the years the gnolls had launched several assaults on to the orcs. However, each invasion stalled at the walls of the orcs' fortified defesnes. The orcs were content with utilizing a defensive strategy against the more numerous gnolls and instead focusing their raids with on the neighboring Tsall, Ogkin, and Roljin Clans. The Okish held sway over the domesticated Kzarrasta Orcs.In AC???, the clan took a major hit as the peaceful Kzarrasta Clan split from them to migrate to live in Divergan lands as farmers. The Okish faced starvation. They sent forces to the Diverans to retake the farmer orcs. This force was destroyed. The orcs struggled but continued to fedn off attacks from the Kyss.
In AC772, the Kyss were at war with the Tover and Rus Clans and several of their vassal clans had decided to break away. The orcs saw an opportunity and invaded the Kyss. However, they waited until AC780. By the time their forces cross in to Kyss lands, the Kyss armies were returning vicorious from the Tover-Rus. This battle hardened gnoll army met the orcs and defeated them in a series of battles. The gnolls then invaded the orc lands. With their forces severely weakened, the orcs were conquered.
The Kyss decimated the orcs polulation, slaying each adult male for three subsequent generations. The Kyss were going to eradicate the orcs, but instead decided to keep some of them and convert them in to famers and herders. The majority of their fortresses were destroyed by orc slave labor. The once proud Okish are broken and lack any sense of pride. Any signs of insubordination and defiance are cruelly and publically punished by flaying or even eviceration. On several occassions, the offending orc's family are also executed or the males castrated and females sold in to slavery.
The orcs are administered by Warlord Adana Kel, one of the few female Warlords. She holds power in the former orce stronghold of Damacol. She commands an occupation force of 1,000 gnolls and 200 Flinds. In addition, the region boasts a Kyss colonist population of 2,600 gnolls and Flinds, many of which can be called upon to bolster the gnoll forces or assume occupation roles when needed.
Mitah Clan
The Mitah Clan is composed of orcs, numberign 14,200. The Mitah are relatives of the Okish. The Mitah were too far away to send help to their cousins. Okish refugees have made their way to Mitah lands since they were conquered. There is a sizable Okish minority, about 500, including some of decendants of the Okish leadership. Many of the Okish have intermarried with the Mitah.The Mitah follow the edicts of Malo-To, which emphasizes duty to the clan and the expected conduct of the orc warrior. The edicts lay out the basis of the Mitah society. Accordign to legend, the Malo-To was written by the orc Warlord Odik Hak-tu in AC260. The text proved popular and developed in to a religion after Odik Hak-tu ascended to Immortality (alternative identity of ????). (note; the Malo-To is a play on Bushido and Chivalry).
The Mitah are ruled by a body of regional Warlords, each owing fealty to the Clan's leader. The clan leader traditionally rules from the Ogta Holding, from the formidable Artu Keep. Clan leadership and Warlord titles are hereditary, though it isn't uncommon for a Lord to name a second son, a nephew , or even a favored Motok as their heir. The latter is usually named only if married to one of the Warlord's daughters. Even Clan Leaderds have been known to name a Warlord as their heir as opposed to one of their children. Warlords are responsible for maintainign an army and securing their holdings. Their farmers are responsible for maintaining a surplus or food for times of war or famine to be shipped to other parts of the Clan.
The current Clan Leader is High Lord Gisam Kra. He was the third son of the former Clan Leader. His great grandfather was a Motok and ascended to Warlord. His mate, Ona-shir, is of Okish heritage. Her family came here in AC820. Their marriage was aranged and is seen as bringing the two clans closer together. Gisam has named his eldest son Gisak Kram as his heir. Gisam is a supporter of the idea of the Mitah liberating the Okish. However, he is realistic enough to know that such a war is costly and not guaranteed. He needs allies and secritites for their own borders.
Part of the Warlords' forces are the professional warriors, the Motok (basically knights/samerai). The Motok are swon to their lord, and therefore the clan leadership,. Motok base their lives solidly on the Malo-To. They are the elite of the warrior class. They are chosen from the population at a young age and recieve trainign as a squire to a Motok. As an adult, they may be elevated to Motok status. They can remain with their former Warlord or move on to a Warlord in greater need.
Motoks may not hold land, though they aid their Warlord in administering their holding. As they serve, a Motok may be allowed to marry by their Warlord, oftentimes an arranged marriage with the daughter of an older Motok or a third or fourth born daughter of a Warlord. Most Warlords have ties to Motok service. A married Motok is often "assigned" a farmstead to adminster on behalf of their Warlord, bypassing the land ownership restriction.
Lun'Terma Clan
This clan of Lillend number about 5,000. They are scattered across a range of territory south of the Divergan lands. Much of their range crosses the lands of several humanoid clans. The Lillend have no real leadership. They travel in small bands, or prides. Each pride is led by a male. He has 3-5 adult females and usually 2-5 young of varying age. Lillend are nomadic and travel constantly. They don't recognize borders. Lillend often gather in small groups at gatherings. Here they celebrate, interact, catch up on news, and send new adult females to new or existing prides.Lillend are very fond of music and are often known to be quite merry at might in the moonlight. They have a strong hatred for civilization and revere nature. Lillend can be quite hostile and can be quite powerful foes. They are skilled with bows and can grasp opponents with their tails, lifting them into the air and dropping them from heights.
The Lillend have come into conflict with most of the peoples in the region. They lack the numbers and organization to pose a huge threat to any of them. They are seen as being a dangerous annoyance to outlying settlements, trappers, hunters, loggers, etc. They even come to blows with forest dwelling elves.
Lillend do not eat and apparently have little to no impact on the environment. They venerate the Moon and the Immortal Asterius rewards them by grating them all a Create Food spell once per day. The spell manifests iteself in their stomaches so they never eat apparently. Asterius favors the Lillend but he also favors other regional peoples. He sees the Lillend as a tool to use if needed.
(note, still need to place the Lillend and flesh them out as a culture. Lillend are detailed in MC3. There's also a seperate write up on them in the Davania materials. Mayeb add some holy sites, possibly for these gatherings. Add big gatherings to mark solstice or similar. Changed clan name from Uterma to Lun'Terma)
Ogkin Clan
The Ogkin is composed of 4.200 orcs. In AC???, the peaceful orcs of the Kzarrasta Clan swore off violence and raiding. However, there were members of that clan that did not want to sink to a life of farming. These orcs split from that clan and settled in this area and declared themselves the Ogkin Clan. They petitioned both the Mitah and Okish Clans for aid. Their calls were answered by a handful of volunteers that traveled to them and helped them settle in a series of isolated mountain valleys.The Ogkin have established strongholds at Mopi, Codni, and Latpik. They've adopted many of the practices of the Mitah. They have three Warlords, acting as a rulign council. They have no dedicatedcan leader. Mostly the strongholds act as semi-autonomous city-states. They are a highly militeristic society, with everyone that is able being considered a member of the defense forces. Warlord Torj Mik rules Mopi. Warlord Abid Gir rules Codni. Warlord Anu Lif rules Laptik.
The Ogkin are tend to be more religious, following the Immortal ??? (undecided identity). They follow a doctrine of security and self-preservation over raiding and open warfare. They try to maintain contact with the Mitah and sympatahize greatly with the Okish. At present, they feel that teh Okish are too downtrodden to be considered orcs any more.
Kzarrasta Clan
These orcs turned from the path of warfare and adopted a donesticate, peaceful lifestyle. Most survived by allying themselves with a more warlike party, using their trade and agricultrual skills as payment for protection. The Kzarrasta would abandon the humanoids in favor of the Divergan lands. There, they have spread through several Havens where they tend to their farms and flocks in relative peace.The Kzarrasta are very earth oriented, follwoing the Immortal Terra. They are devout pacifists and will only act to defend themselves if threatened with death. Even then, their defense is timid and often clumsy. In combat terms, the only thing they have workign for them is their strength. Whiel this attitude is odd to the Divergans and the E'etaar (winged elves), the orcs have proven loyal and peaceful members of their communities for multiple generations.
The orcs are settled in several of the Divergan Havens. Each group is viewed as a seperate tribe, led by a tribal leader. These tirbal leaders are named by the orcs and report directly to the Divergan leadership within the Haven.
(Note; these orcs are based on the Odanti orcs from the ADnD Monstrous Compendium III. I use them similarly to the real world Amish, but they venerate Terra.. More about the Odanti based orcs can be found in the Divergan materials. I included it here because it was referenced in some entries.)
E'etar Clan
This clan is composed of winged and "normal" elves. The winged elves are the ruling class and viewed as divine by themselves and the normal elves. The elves reside in a region including a sacred valley to Terra. The E'etar are led by a group of vampiric Ay'tar winged elves. Teh elves warred for years witht he Divergans. Finally the two sides came to a peace. The elves became part of the Divergans, their own Haven and benefits from a large degree of autonomy.(note, the winged elves can be found in the Complete Book of Elves. More information on them in terms of this setting can be found in the Havens of Divergan description. )
Roljin Clans
The Roljin is composed of goblins, numbering about 11,800. They are spread out among the mountains in small stockade forts. Their largest fort is Daysa, which serves as their capital. The goblins were once split in to six small clans.. Through conflict with their neighbors, they suffered. The clans came together and combined their forces to form the Roljin Clan.The Roljin lack much of the sophistication of the other humanoid clans of the region. They are organized by tribal banners sworn to the clan leadership. The clan is led by whichever tribe leader can secure enough favor to be named their leader. Leadership does not mean the biggest, strongest, or most skilled warrior. The goblins discovered long ago that there was more to rule than beign a great warrior.
The clan is led by Lord Tarxis, a renown warrior and raiding party leader in his youth.. Now, he is fat and lazy from years of easy life at the court. He has led the clan fairly well, though he leans heavily on his advisors. He's rather be busy with his wives, concubines, and feasting. That said, he iss till quite popular due to his funloving nature.
The Roljin maintain a sizable military force. Their pride are their wolf cavalry units. Most units are light infantry with archers. They boats a fair share of goblin heroes. The Roljin like to raid, not just for plunder nut to also keep their neighbors on edge and to scout out their defenses. Tarxis also believes that these raids are vital for real world training for the clan's warriors. Daring and successful raids are heralded by Tarxis.
Norta Clan
The Norta is a small orc clan, numbering about 2,800. The Norta were once located further north but were pushed out of their ands by neighboring clans under pressure from Divergans. The orcs fled south and discovered a passage in to a hidden valley. The orcs claimed the place as their new home, namign it Norta Valley. They have since founded the stronghold of Atorn Fort at the valley's entrance and the towns of Coabray and Tolboz.The Norta see the valley as their sanctuary and as a provider for all their needs. They see little need to leave on raids or wage warfare. They are generally left alone and have been able to live mostly in peace. The valley provides ample famrland, room for small herds of goats, and plenty of wood. Mines sunk in to the ground have produced ores to be refined for tools, weapons, and armor.
That said, the orcs do maintain a warrior class. Those showing signs (or interest) in the fighting arts are taken and begun training. Most will serve as men-at-arms under the leadership of a hero-type orc, either a warrior or cleric. These warriros live in Atorn Fort and swear an oath to protect the clan and valley. In all, there may be 100 to 120 members of the warrior class active at any time.
The clan is ruled by a clan leader. Clan leadership is usually hereditary though it is not uncommon for the leaders to name a non-family member as their heir. The current leader is Takosh Maar. He was named heir by his uncle Tokush Maar. Tokush stepped down and retired to the family farm. Takosh has ruled for the past ten years. Previously, he was a blacksmith and can still be found workign a forge in Tolboz, though mainly for his own amusement than out of need. Otherwise, his brothers run the blacksmith business. Tolboz has taken a mate, Koza, and they have a young daughter named Kusha after her great uncle.
The Norta venerate the Immortal Terra. To them, she appears as a green hued mist. They believe that she led them to the valley and gifted it to them. They maitain a shrien to her in the valley's center. Also, there are small temple to Terra located in both towns and the frt. The clergy is led by Laar Nan, a female orc.
(note; an alternative idea for their origins is that they were a spin-off of the Kzarasta Orcs of Diverga. whereas the Kzarrasta band of orcs moved there, the Norta band headed south.)
Ouvu Clan
The Ouvu clan is composed of Hobgoblins, numbering about 18,500. The Ouvu are highly militerized with a strict military based society. Their domain borders are ringed with a series of fortified defenses. The interior sees the fortified towns of Klotik, Eldiv, and Muodik. The Ouvu maintain a strict sate of readiness and consider themselve to be on the verge of being attacked. Their homeland is becoming more crowded and it is beleived that they will have to march on their neighbors to secure more lands.The hobgoblins are divided in to tribes. Each tribal leader swears fealty to the clan's leader. The clan leader is named by the tribal leaders from their own ranks. The current Ouvu leader is Warlord Orbadis. He's an aging hobgoblin that is considered more of an administrator than a military commander. He has been petitioning the tribal leaders to support his
The hobgoblins observe mandatory service, starting with each male hobgoblin at a young age. They train until adulthood, when they are accepted in to the standing army. They must serve a minimum of ten years and are then relagated to reservist stataus. This allows them to take a mate and settle in to a life as a farmer, herder, or tradesman. Most female Ouvu are destined to be married off to retriring warriors, to tend house and bear the next generation of Ouvu. Soem show promise as warriors and are allowed to train. Others are recruited in to the clergy.
The Ouvu vererate the Immortal Odishi, a female hobgoblin that was instrumental in guiding the social reforms of the clan. Odishi is an alternative identity of the Immortal Talitha. To her, the Ouvu are part of her plan to gain and hold influence in Davania. The Ouvu are biut one of the humanoid clans that she has managed to gain influence over.
Bovig Clan
The Bovig-Brau are a clan of minotaurs, numbering about 2,300. They live in and beneath a mountain valley they call Zarafok. They have constructed timber palisade forts they call Ezrada, Myuka, and Tadris. These guard the entrances to the underground tunnels and chambers. These chambers serve as living quarters, storage, and cells for captured slaves.The Bovi-Brau once lived in much smaller groups scattered across the Icepeak Mountains. These small groups were gathered together by minotaur follrs of the Immortal Elzerie. Elzerie is the alternative identity of the Immortal Talitha. As with the Ouvu, she saw in the minotaurs a way to further her influence in Davania. She has reorganized them and gave them the valley as a place to settle.
The minotaurs are led by members of the Elzerie clergy. They get their direct orders from Talitha and carry them out as a group. The minotairs have proven to be very difficult to develop and control. Talitha has had to take matters in to her own hands with displays of power from Elzerie. Elzerie allows the minotaurs to raid surrounding areas. Captives are enslaved to work small fields of crops, tend to small herds of goats, and perform needed labor. And it's not uncommon for them to be eaten.
Ladist Clan
This clan is composed of bugbears, numbering about 4,200. The Ladist are located close to the Bovig-Brau minotaurs and are constantly raided by them. They have built two fortified towns, surrounded by farm fields and herding pastures. The bugbears are often raided by the minotaurs.The bugbears are led by Mayshow, a cleric of the Immortal Torgana. Torgana is an alternative identity of Talitha. She had them settle and create farms and herd with the idea of building them up in to a more sophisticated people for better use later. Her minotaurs needed food and a target for raids. She decided that the bugbears would fill that role. She intervenes to limit the damage and retain her influence on them.
Slarf Clan
The Slarf is a small orc clan, numbering about 2,300. The Slarf were once under the influence of Talitha, using the guise of an orcish Immortal named Tasatray. The Slarf would be turned against Torgana by the Immortal Ka. In response, Talitha sent her minotaurs against them. Both sides suffered great losses but the Slarf survivors managed and settle in a mountain valley they call Rodev.The Slarf have survived and have made some recoveries from their war with the minotaurs. They have blended farming practices while maintaining a strong defense. The venerate the Immortal Ka and his patronage has benefited them. The Slarf have typically followed the guidanc eof the clergy. Recently, Ka informed them to choose a clan leader to lead them. They chose a blind orc named Ruhman.
Rixxer Clan & Karxik Clan
The Rixxer and Karxik Clans are both composed of goblins and number about 2,900 and 4,600 respectively. Both clans have a long-standing history of close relations. Back in AC 320, the two clans were the same, named the Ordika Clan. There was a shift in humanoid society and the goblins were being influenced to settle downand create a more sustainable culture. However, there were elements that disagreed. The two sides, each led by one of a pair of goblins brothers, decided to part ways and live their own way. However, they still maintain close alliances and friendships. And, Karxik settlements are actually within the Rixxer territory.The Rixxer adopted a more nomadic culture where they travel using Worgs and wolves. They travel the in tribal bands across a wide stretch of mountain wilderness. They are loosely organized with each band self-ruling on a daily basis. In times of war, the bands combine and name war leaders to lead them. They know the lands intimately and are masters at hunting and gathering. They are skilled trackers and are known to travel into neighboring to trade.
The Karxik reside in a series ofsmall fortified settlemts scattered throughout the area. Each settlement is self-ruled but owes fealty to the largest settlemnt of Ordik. The leader there, Odigo, serves as the recognized leader of the Karxik. Odigo's authority only comes in to play on clan-wide matters or war. The Karxik are skilled farmers, herders, and crafters. Their primary trade partner are the nomadic Rixxer bands.
To note, the Rixxer claim a large teritorial range. They pride themselves on controlling their lands and knowing what happens within. The constantly moving Rixxer bands often come across raiders. Word spreads to nearby Rixxer and Karnik goblins and a defesne is prepared. The goblins prefer ambush attacks and using their rapid speed to their advantage.
Just off the top of my head, a few changes from the old Divergan drafts...
History was streamlined. Divergans given several reverses in their history. Divergans lost a lot of that "can do know wrong" and "mighty supermen" statuses they had taken on. Pisha are gone. The role of the bunker after the GRoF was minimized. Ay'Taar Elves history and social system expanded...I really liked how they worked out. Divergan culture, language, etc. were all expanded upon. The domesticated orcs were renamed "the Kzara". The Divergan clergy was redesigned. The Havens were redrawn. Of note, the wastelands within the havens were he wastelands within the Divergan lands were given their own borders and renamed the Direlands. It's a wild, sparsely populated land. I've also added some dissent within the Divergan ranks.As far as their neighbors...
The insects based race up in the Adakkian Wastes...think Starship Troopers. The Pegdhart Gnomes...who I will some day decide on a spelling...have established a new home in the wastes...think gnome Fremen from Dune. The P-Gnomes are generally nomadic and they want a homeland of their own, away from the Snartans. I don't think I've mentioned these...human tribes....female dominated amazonian styled culture where the males are very feminine to the point that they all look female. The Nyleve Realm...elven confederacy that fell apart under humanoid assaults and civil war. The former member clans have scattered with a few still in the region. The sophisticated humanoids was caused by the Ay'Taar Elves as an attempt to use them as servants. They turned o the elves. Humanoids are divided into power blocks. Some are mutually beneficial, others are by conquest. There's an underlying history of king-maker and nation-building among the noids but they ultimately fail to have a lasting unity. Speaking of that, you also have break-off noid clans. Like the Kzara Orcs...not all of the clan wanted to be farmers so they broke away.Anyway, there's a few details to spark things on a bit.
There's so much room in the Icepeaks, if anyone wants to come up with some humanoid clans I'd be happy to include them and give credit to their authors. I figure entries along the format of the PWA atlas entries.
I should be starting back writing some this week. I think I'm going to start with some of the Divergan neighbors. Right now I am thinking about the female dominated cultures, a vampiric culture, the gnomes, and the Nyleve Realm. The feminine culture has been touche don a bit. The vampire one appears on the surface to be a placid human culture. The humans are in fact a massive larder for the real power...vampires. The Nyleve Realm is a post-GRoF elven culture founded by the winged elves of Ay'Taar. Basically, several elven bands sought refuge in their sacred valley and were protected by Ordana. Eventually, the winged elves tick off the others enough to where they revolt. Ordana's unwavering support of her chosen winged elves is explained why there developed a rift with the elves with Ordana and they moved more towards the newer elven Immortals like Calitha Starbrow and Illsundal.
By the way, the human cultures are explained as being based on Blackmoor colonies in and around the elven lands. After the GRoF, these colonies were decimated, with the survivors assuming a more primitive tribal culture. I was possibly even thinking about Jennite settlers arriving from Skothar and later human tribes scattered by the Milenians.