Coffer of Bloody Wealth
by AozAn item made by a group of Glantrian students by mistake.
Image from factinate.com
Summons an Ostegos demon once per month to refill the chest with treasure from its victims. The Death Demon is impowered version from the AC9 Dungeons and Dragons Creature Catalogue. As the demon refills the treasure chest the loot may at times be covered in blood.The owner of the chest is protected from the demon. Friends and family are Not protected from this creature.
The Coffer Ostegos demon
Armour Class: 2
Save As: Fighter: 7 (+2 to saves)
Hit Dice: 7+ 14
Thaco: 11
Morale: 10
Move: 108' (36')
flying 216' (72')
Intelligence: 10
Attacks: 2 claws/l bite
Damage: 3-6/3-6/4-10 plus special
Alignment: ChaoticAppears as 12 foot-tall, hairless humanoids with grey scaly skin. Ivory fangs protrude from their mouths and their fingers are tipped with adamantine talons. Their eyes glow like smoldering coals and two huge hat-like wings grow out of their back.
Any creature struck by its claws must make a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis (-2 save) or he/she paralyzed for 4-10 turns. Any creature bitten by a death demon must make a Saving Throw vs. Poison at -4 or die.
Death demons have infravision, 72' range, and the abilities to teleport without error and cause darkness 10' radius, and non-detection.